P̶̛ͅa̵̧̱͂r̷̰͘ť̷͕ ̶̺̈́1̵̣͒̈́8̸̗̬̔

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         Tony grumbles as Natasha literally drags him to the communal room. "Why can't I stay there? They're just friends." Nastasha gives him a look of disbelief. "You know Stark, for a genius you are extremely clueless." Tony gives Natasha a look of confusion. "What are you talking about?" Natasha scoffs and shakes her head as Steve and Bucky enter the room.

            "Where's Spencer?" Bucky asks, frowning. Natasha opens the fridge and purses her lips looking for some juice. "She's visiting her...." She takes her head out of the fridge and smirks at the two winter soldiers. "Fonduing friend." Steve smiles a bit and laughs. Bucky smirks, but wonders who it is.

            Tony looks at them. "Am I missing something?" The three of them look at the billionaire. "You're kidding right?" Bucky asks with an eyebrow raised. He shakes his head and gives them looks. Bucky snorts and takes a seat at the island counter. "Even Steve knew what she meant. You not knowing is just sad."Steve looks offended and gives Bucky a small punch. He chuckles and pushes Steve back.

         Tony groans. "Fine if you guys don't tell me then FRIDAY will." Natasha leans against the counter with her gatorade in hand. "Go ahead, but you might not like what you see." SHe sips her drink and the holo screen in front of Tony pops up with security footage from the room Spencer and Peter are in.

         They watch as Spencer and Peter stare into eachother eyes for a moment, then the next thing they know their lips crash into each other. Tony's jaw drops and he watches in shock. Natasha smiles into her drink and the two super soldiers smile at the scene. "What the fuck?!"


         Spencer jerks back and stares at Peter in shock. She just... they just... they kissed. And it felt so good. Her hand goes to her lips, then her eyes fill with tears. She was wrong. She couldn't do this. She wasn't ready, and she didn't know if she'd ever be.

         She jumps to her feet and runs out of the room, not even noticing the sparks of electricity dancing at her fingertips


         Tony, Natasha, Steve and Bucky watch in shock and confusion as Spencer runs out of the room. Tony stares at the screen for a moment before standing and leaving the room. Steve looks at Natasha. "What was that about?" The assassin purses her lips. She has no clue.


         Peter stares at where Spencer was just a second ago. His hand goes to his lips and he smiles. She kissed him.


         Spencer starts having trouble breathing as she runs to her room. She doesn't know why she ran away. Something inside her just... snapped. And she needed to get away. Away from the world. Her problems. Peter.

         God, she hated this. She wanted... no, needed him so bad, but something was keeping her away. Was it just her? Was she just so screwed up that no matter how good things got, she just ruins it? Was she cursed?

         Spencer shuts her bedroom door and she goes to put her hands in her hair, but she sees something that makes her freeze. Electricity was sparking off her hands. She panics and runs to her bed, shoving a pillow over hands, but then she realizes this is electricity, not fire. You can't snuff it out.

         She pulls her hands out and she shakes her head. Spencer bites her lips and tries to close her hands in hopes the electricity will fade away. When she opens them, the purple and blue sparks are still present. She groans and shakes her hands, desperately trying to get it off, but the faster she shakes, the most electricity appears.

         Right, she thought, friction makes things worse.

         Come one Spencer. You're smarter than this. She thinks to herself. What can act as an electric insulator? Her head snaps up and she looks around her room. Her things weren't fully unpacked, an act of laziness from Spencer. She eyes her suitcase, then her eyes find the few boxes scattered around the room.


         She runs over to one and rips it open and smiles at what's inside. Styrofoam. It's the best she'll get. Spencer sticks her hands into the white puffs of annoyance and keeps her hands still. After a few minutes she slowly pulls her hands and sighs with a smile. It was gone. She could still feel a buzzing under her skin, but there was nothing sparking off her skin anymore.

         Spencer is unaware of her door opening behind her. Tony steps into the room and looks at Spencer. His eyebrows crease as he watches her stare at her hands. He opens his mouth to get her attention, then remembers she can't hear at the moment. He steps behind her and taps her shoulder. Spencer jumps and a jolt of electricity hits Tony. He pulls his hand back and looks confused.


         Spencer stares at Tony for a moment and takes in his reaction. She'd shocked him. She jumps to her feet and they both just stare. Tony holds his hand to his chest that had been shocked. Spencer shoves her hands in her pocket as she feels crackling at her fingertips. She doesn't want him to see it. Not until she figures out what it is.

         The rising heat in Spencer's chest makes a sharp buzzing feeling in her chest. She feels a snap and crackle, then a pop comes from the arc reactor on her chest. She doubles over in pain and Tony's eyes widen. She grabs her before her head hits the floor, and tries to ignore the amount of electric shocks he was receiving. Like he'd just stuck his whole body in a tank of electric eels.

         "Spencer! Spence! Are you alright? What's wrong?" Spencer groans and pants in pain. She pulls down her shirt just enough to see the arc reactor on her chest. It was fried, like a battery had been overflowing with power and... exploded. Tony's eyes widen at the electricity crackling around the device and how it starts to smoke. He didn't even know it was possible for an arc reactor to be given too much power.

          He pulls it off her chest and tosses it away. It sputters a bit before the light in the center dies out and stills. Spencer stares at it in shock. 

What the hell was that?





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