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"What can I get you?" Spencer stares blankly at the cashier. She taps her ear, but the cashier doesn't seem to notice. "I said, what do you want?" Spencer's breathing starts to pick up. She searches her pockets for her notecards, only to find none. Right. She forgot to get more.

What Spencer doesn't notice is two men enter the pizza place, both taking in the situation. "Look, kid if you're not going to say what you want, then move along." Spencer desperately points to her ears and shakes her head. "I'm deaf dumbass, I can't." Spencer furiously signs. Off to her side one of the men laughs and walks up to her.

"Need some help kid?" Spencer gawks at the man in front of her. Hawkeye. Spencer nods. "I just want a medium cheese." Hawkeye nods and orders Spencer's food, adding it to his bill. Spencer blushes as she tries to sign 'no' to him, but it was already too late.

"Relax. It's all good. Besides, it's him paying." Spencer's eyes follow the direction Hawkeye was pointing and almost passes out. She's already had a bad interaction and someone pays for her, but now he's here? Is this day just trying to make Spencer have a heart attack?

"Want to sit with us while we wait for the food?" Spencer doesn't have the ability to answer so Hawkeyes just takes her silence as a yes and guides her to a table. Tony and Clint converse and Spencer stares at the table, wide eyed and hyperventilating.

Something taps her leg and makes her look up. "You okay kid?" Spencer stares at Tony but looks down at the table and stays like that until the several pizza boxes are placed on the table. Spencer slides out of her seat, takes her pizza and hot tails out of the pizza place.

"We didn't even get her name." Clint pouts. Tony stares at the door of the pizza place. "What's with the face?" Tony shakes his head. That kid's eyes. There was something about them. Something so familiar. "Nothing. Let's get these back to the tower."

One Week Later

Spencer was exhausted. She hadn't slept since she signed herself up with decoding each file. But she didn't stop there. She felt the need to sort each file by what they were about and how important it was. There were actually a good amount of files on Солдат, or the Winter Soldier and Spencer decided to set those aside to deal with a more hands on approach. After she slept of course.

"Any new on those files?" Tony shakes his head as he tries to track down as much information as he can on the Mute. "Nothing. Maybe a week wasn't long enough."

I finished yesterday morning.
I even had time to sort the files

Tony scoffs. "You little perv. Don't you know eavesdropping is rude. Not to mention illegal?" Steve walks back over.

I'm pretty sure dropping a city of the sky is illegal too
And making a murderous robot.
And telling a terrorist organization where you live?
Now that's just downright stupid.

Steve chuckles and Tony grumbles. "Whatever. Can you send me the files?" Several files appear on Tony's screen and Steve begins to look for anything on Bucky.

I'm keeping a few.
I want to look into them more.
I think Cap will be happy

Steve's eyes widened. "Bucky?" Tony starts looking through the files and Steve pulls up a work bench chair.

I've been trying to find him for some time
For a dead guy, he sure knows how to hide.

"Do you have anything on him? Anything?" Steve was getting nervous. It's been almost a year since he saw Bucky. Since he saved Steve's life.

I do, but I'm keeping the files with me.
You never know who is listening
I'll keep you in the loop

The screen turns to the Mute calling card and Steve sighs. "I'm sure they'll find him Steve." Steve nods and solemnly leaves the room. This whole situation was confusing. Steve had no idea if he could trust the Mute, but they were his only option at finding Bucky.

"Did they give Stark the files?" Natasha asks as Steve sits on the couch. "Yeah, he's looking through them right now." Natasha stares at Steve for a moment. His face was stern and taught with worry. His face when he thought about Bucky. "Spit it out sour puss." Steve rolls his eyes. "The Mute," Steve pauses. "They're looking into Bucky." Natasha sits up. "Oh?" Steve nods. "I'm not sure if it's a good thing or a bad thing." Natasha looks at Steve. Her eyes calculating his features.

"Well what are you going to do if they find him?" Steve gapes for a moment. "I don't know."

Spencer slept for a day and a half, but somehow she was still tired. She blamed the anxiety. She blamed everything on the anxiety.

Once she woke up, she got right to work. HYDRA had a number of sightings of the Winter Soldier. Some were in Germany, but the more recent ones were in DC. Spencer pinpointed his sightings and triangulated them and found that a museum was right in the center. The Natural History museum to be exact. She thought about the attractions and which one would attract an ex-psycho killer and found that the World War II exhibit was a big hit.

And it had cameras.

Spencer had no idea how long she spent combing through months of security footage. The only way of tracking the time was that she'd gone through two, twelve packs of Coca Cola.

Eventually she started seeing a rather inconspicuous 6'2" character with dark clothes and a baseball cap start visiting the exhibit. She finally got an angle with his face and smiled. It was him alright. He looked like a tired-lost puppy. Cute yet sad at the same time.

Spencer starts tracking him as he leaves the museum. Following him to whatever building he'd be hiding out in. At one point Spencer skips a few months of activity to a more current time and does the same. His movements were getting a bit harder to track. He had gotten smart. Realized there were cameras everywhere and started taking back ways. Spencer finally picked his routine or moving hideouts. It was similar to her own. The more populated the area became, the more the need to move arised.

Spencer decided to map out any potential hideouts if he were to hide using her own logic. She felt pleased with her results and decided to contact the Avengers.

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