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      "You sure this is it Tony?" Steve looks over the ridge of which they were hiding behind. Supposedly the base was right below them. Clint looks around through his infrared goggles. Tony had developed them a few months earlier when there was a snow blizzard in New York. Not to be helpful, but just out of pure boredom. They proved to be very useful though.

      "It looks like an Ice covered tundra." Natasha hits Clint's head. "That's what a tundra is dumbass." Tony has FRIDAY run through all his vision filters on his suit, but a blip on his screen catches his attention.

Get ready.
They do a guard change in 10 seconds.

      "They say we've got 10 seconds." Everyone nods and gets into position. 10 seconds pass and the wall that seemed to be completely natural opens up to reveal an industrial interior. A single man walks out and right as he is about to switch with the current guard the Avengers attack. Natasha and Clint take them both out with ease and the Avengers walk into the base. They are surrounded by guns. Each of them gets ready. Tony raises a repulsor.

      "Let's rumble."

      Tony finishes downloading the files from the base's database then blows it up with a repulsor beam. "Let's get out of here." The Avengers all run out of the base and Natasha presses a button. The base behind them explodes. Steve gives her a look and she smirks. "What?"

      The team follows Tony to his lab, all determined to see what was in the files he collected. Tony waits as the last bit of the data loads into his computer, but as he flips through the files he frowns. "What is it?" Tony shakes his head. "They're all decrypted. It'll take months to decode them all."

Not with me on your team.

      Natasha raises an eyebrow at the screen. "That your hacker?" Tony nods. "Little Weasel is more like it."

So rude.

      "Do you think they can help us decode the files?" Tony continues to flip through the backed out files.

Help? Captain, I do hope you are not underestimating me.

      "Yeah well he is. Some of these will be impossible to read. They were blacked out on paper they loaded into the system." The team watches as a single file titled 'Супер Солдатская сыворотка' is pulled to the front. Everyone looks to Natasha. "It says Super Soldier Serum." Steve puffs his chest. Maybe this has information on Bucky.

      The file is covered through several color spectrums and little details are defined out until they form words. The words are then scrambled through a translator and laid back over the file in English.

You were saying?

      Tony laughs. "Not bad. I'm kind of impressed." Steve steps forward. "Can they hear us?" Tony nods. Pretty sure." Steve nods and steps closer to the computer. "HOW. LONG. WILL. IT--" Steve is cut off by more words on the screen.

I am a human behind my screen Captain.
Not a robot. You don't need to talk to me in robot.

      Tony snickers and Steve glares at him. "How long will it take you to go through the other files?" The files on Tony's screen seemingly flip through themselves.

Give me a week.

      Tony shakes his head. "A week? You may be good, but not that good."

With enough motivation and pizza I can do anything.

      Tony laughs. "Alright. We'll let you do your thing." The team leaves the room. "Don't they sound a bit young?" Clint glances at Natasha. Kids were his weak spot. He doesn't want a kid working on things this dangerous. "I doubt it. Probably someone with a good sense of humor."

      Steve sits down at the table on the communal floor. "I know they already gave us information on HYDRA, but are we sure we can trust--" Steve looks to Tony for a name. "Mute." He supplies. Steve raises an eyebrow. "No name?" Tony shakes his head. "Hackers don't usually give their names. Just a code name." Steve nods in understanding. "Are we sure we can trust this 'Mute'?" Tony shrugs and pours a glass of whiskey. "No, but they're our only hope into those files."

"Who's up for pizza?"

      Spencer really didn't want to get involved with her father. In fact, she's avoided it her whole life. If there was ever a hack that involved him, she'd work her way around him, but this time she had no choice.

      The files she needed were in his network so there was no work around. One of the many reasons Spencer loves to hack is that there is no need to confront her victim. She can be herself without the pathetic anxiety she gets whenever around people. Or have to deal with the fact that she is deaf and most people aren't. It's what she envies most about people.

      That they can hear.

      She's tried making her own hearing aids. She'd done extensive research on how they work and how they are made. Nothing seemed to work. Her tech was pristine, but her hearing just wasn't having it. Spencer once became so desperate and tried to do brain surgery on herself.

      Incredibly stupid, she knows.

      A panic attack stopped her from doing it. Her damn hands wouldn't hold still. It made her realize there was no hope for her to hear.

      It did help her discover new ways to communicate. She developed a state of the art audio to text program. Someone would be speaking and their words would appear on her screen. There were a few bugs that involved pronunciation, but the only solution to it was using vocal recognition. Spencer couldn't do this because she didn't have anyone to test it on seeing as she couldn't talk herself.

      Maybe she could've used herself as a guinea pig had one of her - numerous - foster homes considered taking her to speech therapy.

      But that didn't happen then and Spencer has too much anxiety to do it now.

      Spencer's stomach growls and she looks around for any left over food she has. Lifting up a pizza box lid she cringes. There was a soft, green layer of mold covering the last slice.

      Great. Now I have to go outside. Spencer huffs and pulls her hoodie over her head. The downside of living in an abandoned building is that you don't exactly have an address to have food delivered food.

EDITED 9/29/20

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