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Spencer stirs in her sleep. They all glance at her. She was having a nightmare. The Avengers knew how to identify one, after all they had some of their own. "How long do you think we'll be staying here?" Steve shakes his head. "Just until the search for Buck goes down." Clint's eye twitches. "How do we know that they aren't after her now too?" Tony makes a face, hoping for Clint to elaborate. "HYDRA knew the Mute was looking for Barnes, and they saw Spencer there. They have to know who she is now right?" Clint was right. They'd have to protect her.

Spencer wakes with a start. It was pitch black in the building and she sat up. Her eyes adjust to the dark and sees Tony, Steve and Bruce passed out on the old couch that Spencer had found in the building. Bucky was sleeping with her back against the wall and Clint was over by one of the broken windows. She supposes he was on watch and fell asleep.

She gets tired of looking around and decides to head up to the roof. Her leg was hurting, but Bruce had supplied her with a bit of morphine. Spencer uses the wall as a crutch and hops over to the edge of the roof. The stars fill her sight and she lays on her back. The Milky Way extends its astral strip across the sky. Off to the right Spencer spots a comet slowly passing by. She'd read about it. Comet NEOWISE. It wouldn't visit earth for another 6,800 years.

Astronomy was another one of Spencer's minor interests. It's what she would look into when she wanted a break from technology. It made her problems seem smaller than they were.

Something taps Spencer's shoulder and she jumps a bit. She wasn't expecting anyone, let alone the guy she got shot for. He tried to say something to her, but it was too dark to read his lips. She sits up and pulls her notecards out, along with her phone which she turns the flashlight on. 'What's up?' Bucky reads it and takes the pen from Spencer. 'I was wondering if you can help me remember my past' Spencer raises an eyebrow. 'They said you found me' Spencer nods and sighs. 'Get my laptop. It's in my backpack.' Barnes nods and runs off.

Spencer spends the rest of the night on the roof, diving into records from the Howling Commandos and the 107th Infantry. There weren't very many records on Bucky's life before being drafted, minus a few hospital visits and monthly check ups. A Lot of things were only in physical archives which would mean Spencer would have to actually go there to get them.

There were a few photos, and she even breached SHIELD's records for anything they had on classified files.

Spencer was just thankful Bucky didn't linger. After getting the signal that she wanted to be alone, he left her alone. Spencer was just hoping that once this whole situation blew over they'd leave her be. She would find a new place to hide out and never have to worry about life's problems again.

After doing research for Bucky Spencer decides to head back down. Everyone was awake, but she had no intention of acknowledging that. She had to buy them some time. She carefully sits on her bed. "What's she doing?" Tony shrugs and walks over to see her screen. She was taking the security footage of her and Barnes leaving DC and editing the car out. Spencer leaps to another security camera. Tony smirks as he reads 'Canada Border' above the screen. She takes the edited out car and slides it into the security footage, putting in their license plate and a specific timestamp. "She's making it seem like she and Barnes went to Canada. It'll buy us enough time to get to the tower without being followed."

Spencer closes her laptop lid and starts tossing her things into her bag. Her gatorades were a must. After clearing her workbench she turns around and looks at Clint. "We have to leave now." Clint nods. Steve carries Spencer down to the car and she takes the back seat. She cringes at the blood. Clint looks at her. "So how old are you?" Spencer bites her lip and glances at Tony. "17." Clint freezes in his seat. He thought she was about 23, but she's a kid? Not even out of high school? "What? How old is she?" Spencer rubs her leg and turns toward the window.

"She's 17." Everyone else in the car freezes. "You mean I got hacked by a kid?" Tony scoffs and promises himself to make his system impossible to get into. "Tony, you need to figure out who this kid is. We can't let HYDRA get their hands on her." Tony grips the steering wheel tighter. "It won't be easy. If she's smart- Which she is, then she'll have covered her tracks." He nods. "But I'll find her."

Spencer hops onto the small medical table. "He is just going to do a small physical. Make sure nothing else hit you." She nods at Clint. Bruce looks over his patch up job on Spencer's leg. He nods a bit and wraps it up with gauze. She raises an eyebrow. "I thought Banner was a Nuclear Physicist." Clint relays the message to Bruce, who gives Spencer a look. "You know who I am?" Spencer nods. "I read your paper on Gamma Radiation one night." Clint tells Bruce who looks impressed. Not very many people understood her research, let alone a kid.

Spencer follows Bruce's instructions to breath and he nods hearing her lungs. Tony walks into the room, and Spencer averts her eyes from him. Tony was not stupid. He could tell she was avoiding him. "I'm going to need to take a blood sample." Clint translates and Spencer's eyes go wide. She fiercely shakes her head and covers the inside of her elbows. The three Avengers share a look. Clint creases his eyebrows. "It's alright kid. I know needles are scary but--" Spencer shakes her head. "It's not the needle I'm worried about. You aren't taking my blood." Clint raises an eyebrow.

"She doesn't want us to take her blood." Tony raises an eyebrow and looks at Spencer who was staring at the floor. "Why not?" Clint shakes his head. "She didn't say." Spencer knew what they would find if they did take her blood. She knew that they would run it through a database to try and find her parents. She is going to do everything in her power to prevent that from happening.

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