P̸͎̚ḁ̸͐r̶͕̈́t̴̼͆ ̴̰̀5̴̮̀

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Tony is just on the verge of a break through when his screen changes. "Really, Weasel? I was onto something!"

You are the least of my worries right now.
I need help.
Right now
Get Cap, someone who has medical training, and Barton.

Tony raises an eyebrow, but calls Bruce and Steve down to his lab. Clint drops down through the vent. "What's this about Tony?" Tony shrugs and points to the screen. They both read it. "What's going on?"

I have Barnes

Steve's heart skips a beat. Clint raises an eyebrow. "Okay, but why am I here?"

Barnes is fine but I got shot.
And I have no medical training and a hospital is out of the question
I hate that this is happening but I guess the face to face I've been avoiding is going to happen

Tony raises an eyebrow and crosses his arms. "How do we know you really have Barnes?" Steve nods.

I'm bleeding out here and you're concerned about proof?
You guys are fucking crazy
He says something about Steve and fonduing?

Steve smiles brightly. "They're telling the truth." Tony gives him a look. "Alright fine, we'll help you. Tell us where you are and we'll bring you to the tower."

No tower. You come to me and we hide out until things cool down.
Please don't make this difficult.
I'm too young to die.

Tony snorts. No one young could have this level of experience. "Fine. Where will we meet?"

I'm just outside DC
Go to the rest stop that looks like something out of a Creepy Pasta.
Trust me. You'll see it.

Tony sighs. "Alright. Steve go tell the others, but keep it on the down low." Tony looks at Bruce. "Grab a first aid kit." Tony glances at Clint. "And you... Go start the car."

Tony drives around the dark rest stop. "They weren't kidding. This place is creepy." He parks and they step out. A white van off to the side honks. They walk over to it and the sliding door opens and Barnes motions for them to hurry in. He and Steve hug. "Alright, where is the little Weasel?" Spencer groans in the back seat. Tony and Clint's eyes widen. "No way." Bruce rushes to her side and starts treating the bullet wound.

"You guys know her?" Clint chuckles. "Yeah. Last month we got pizza and she was there." Clint gives Tony a look. "Well now we know why she needed me." Steve raises an eyebrow. "She's deaf." Tony, Clint, and Bucky all say at the same time.

"She okay?" Bruce sets up a blood bag though an IV and hangs it from the hook on the roof of the car and sighs. "It was a through and through. She lost a good amount of blood though." Clint crouches next to her.

"Who knew someone so tiny could be such a good hacker." Spencer huffs and fights off the anxiety. "Thanks for coming." Clint chuckles and ruffles her hair. They were all clouded with questions, but there was a bigger task at hand. "We need to leave." She starts to sit up, but Clint tries to push her back down. "I can guide you, just get me to the front seat." Clint sighs. "She says we need to leave. That if we get her to the front seat she'll tell us where to go." There is some argument, but eventually Spencer is led to the passenger seat and Tony takes the driver's seat.

Spencer was especially pale. Not only because she lost a lot of blood, but because she was sitting next to her father, and he didn't even know it.

"Where are we headed?" Spencer reads Tony's lips and signs, "New York." Clint relays the message and Tony pulls away from the rest stop, muttering about losing his car.

"So, kid, what's your name?" Spencer glances at Clint behind her. She really doesn't want to answer, but if this arrangement was going to work then she'll have to tell them about herself.
"Spencer." Clint smirks. "Spencer. Cool name." Spencer groans as Tony hits a bump. "Sorry, sorry."

"How old are you?" Spencer closes her eyes and tries to calm her anxiety down. If this goes on any longer, she'll have a full on attack, so she shakes her head. Clint notices her hitched breathing and realizes it isn't from pain, but from panic, so he stops asking questions. The ride remains silent besides Steve and Bucky talking and Clint relaying directions to Tony.

Tony eventually pulls to a stop outside an abandoned factory. It had vines growing out of windows and graffiti everywhere. "This is the place?" Spencer nods. Bucky jumps out of the car and rushes around to Spencer's door. He lifts her out. She begins to feel like she is going to vomit. She doesn't like being touched. "I'm on the top floor." Clint relays the message and they take to a routy flight of stairs. Chunks of stairs were missing. Tony couldn't help but cringe. He couldn't believe this is where someone lived.

Bucky lies Spencer on the small bed pushed into the corner, while everyone looks around. There wasn't much. Nothing personal. Obviously though. You can't have very much when on the run. "I still can't believe it's her that hacked me." Tony narrows his eyes at Spencer. "She's so tiny." Spencer sits up. "I need all your phones. I don't want them finding us." Clint gives her his phone and Bruce and Tony follow in suit. Steve didn't have a phone so he didn't have to worry.

Spencer goes through each of their phones, and Tony raises an eyebrow at how she got through their passwords. She takes down all location services and deletes any apps that use location like Snapchat. (Yes, Tony has snapchat. He's not a savage) She runs the phones through her network quickly and sweeps through for any bugs, then hands their phones back.

Barnes walks up to Spencer. "Can you read my lips?" Spencer nods and scoots away a bit. "Thank you for bringing me back." She eyes him and shrugs. It was no big deal. Spencer lays down in the bed and turns away. There was too much going on for her not to sleep right now. Anxiety is exhausting.

Tony smirks at the small workbench. There were wires and circuit boards. He looked around the room and realized a lot of the small gadgets were homemade. "Got any way of figuring out who she is?" Tony purses his lips. "She shut down our phones. If I do a search on her now, they'll find us." Clint looks at the workbench. There were a few hearing aids opened. "What about her hearing aids? Don't those have a serial number you can track?" Tony nods. "Yes, but," He picks up a hearing aid. It looked like it had been modified. "From the looks of things, I'd say she makes her own."

Barnes looks at Spencer sadly. It was his fault she was shot. "How did she even find me?" Tony snorts. "Hell if I know. This kid is beyond me."

Bruce picks up a gadget that looks like it straps to the wrist. There is a small screen on it and a keypad on the bottom. Another one is off to the side, but was much smaller. As Bruce picks it up, it takes his pulse through the scanner on the bottom. It looks similar to a fitbit he used to wear to track his heartbeat so the other guy wouldn't come out. It vibrates a bit and he smiles. She made it so it would vibrate if the bpm got too high. Smart.

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