I'm Going to San Fransokyo institute of Technology

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Honey Lemon's POV♨

"Aiko, come down here!" My mom shouted.

"I'll be there. Give me 1 minute." I replied while snoring a bit.

"Come on. It's important." She replied back.

"Okay, okay." I said while going down the stairs.

"Good morning. What's the big rush all about?" I asked

"It's not a big rush. It is just that your father and I have a surprise for you." Mom said.

"What's the surprise?" I asked again.

"Your father and I entered you in your dream school." Mom replied.

"In San Fransokyo Institute of Technology?" I asked.

Mom nodded.

After that, I jumped because of happiness. Then, I hugged my mom and dad.

"Thank you." I said.


After taking a shower, I opened my laptop and log-in to Facebook. This is what I typed.

SFIT showcase next week. I'm so excited. ヽ(´▽`)/

After typing that, I went to a small room in our house. It's  my mini laboratory. I just asked for it last Christmas.

That's where I'll  spend my whole day today.

"I hope I get the acceptance letter." I muttered.


Today is the day. I hope I'll get the acceptance letter. I went onstage and I saw the head of this school.

Even if my invention is not about Robotics, I still show it.

"Um hi, my name's Aiko Miyazaki but please call me Honey Lemon. I'm  here to show you my invention that is not involving Robotics but it is in Chemistry." I said as I introduce my invention.

"This is metal and if I put this Hydrogen mixed with Nitrogen, it will freeze right? (A/N: this is not true.) And when I hit this metal ball that is covered with our experiment, it'll shattered into pieces." I said as I  hit it with a hammer.

The metalic ball shattered into pieces.

I went down the stage and I was surprised that an unknown boy went to me. To be honest, he is a bit cute.

"Hi, I'm Tadashi Hamada and this are my friends: Wasabi, Fred and Leiko. We are very amazed by your invention." He said.

"Thanks. Wait, Leiko, you study here?" I asked my best friend.

"Yeah." She said.

"When did you arrive from Korea? It's been a while." I asked curiously.

"Um, a year ago." She replied.

Then the head went to me and gave me the acceptance letter.

"I'm looking forward to see you in class." He said.

I smiled.

"Hey, wanna go to the café? "  Tadashi asked.

"Let me asked my parents first." I said as I went away.

When I came back, I replied a "yes" to his previous question.

Then we all headed to the Café.

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