Chapter 4

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(Note: I will change the V-Pups attacks cuz I don't know their attack name on original series)
In the city, Taepung with his V-Pups are getting to fight the Lion Anders and smaller Anders
"Here I go!!!!" - Zeus come up with a kick and then defeat some of the small Anders.
"Take this!!" - Ares with his sling called Wildfire Sling attack them(the small Anders).
"Take this out!!" - Athena uses her Light Meteor Sword slashing the Anders with the help of Zeus. After a while, the small Anders has been defeated, now just only remain thể Lion Anders and Andersen.
"Oh well! You guys strong! But not so fast! Lion Anders, attack them!" - Andersen command his Lion Anders to attack Taepung and his V-Pups.
"Guys! Ready to roll!" - Taepung said with his V-Pups.
"We got it!!" - The V-Pups said and then they attacking the Lion Anders but seem like the Lion Anders its way too strong so its make the whole team a little difficult.
"Hey Taepung, give us a hand!" - Zeus said.
"Okay! But..." - Taepung has a little hesitate.
"But what? Give us the power by your Extension Cards!! And then you can help us with your sword art!!" - Athena said.
"Oh...okay!!" - Taepung said and then he activate his Olymulyist Watch and then uses the Wonder V Cards.
"Wonder V Cards, ready go! Wonder Summon! Come forth, I summon you from the Wonder Network!! Lion Warrior, Brave Dragon, Victorious Bird!!!"
And later, the V-Pups got the power up from Wonder V Cards.
"All rights then, let's get it!" - Ares said.
"But how about Taepung? He also learning sword art from his father so..." - Zeus said.
"You mean that I not just your master and I can fight like a real swordsman, right?" - Taepung said.
"Um...Yeah! You can!" - Athena said.
"Well...I never fight with an Anders before and I just lelf them for you guys cuz I still not have any stuff to help me fight!" - Taepung said.
"But now you can! You found out your grandfather's sword called Seiken, isn't it?" - Zeus said.
"Well then, how about the Wonder V Cards? Where are they come from?" - Ares wonders
"The Wonder V Cards? Well...they are evolved from the Wonder Ride Books and I got it cuz my father has accidentally throw it to me and when it's through my hands, its become the Wonder V Cards!" - Taepung said.
"Oh! But guys! Come back to fight!" - Athena said.
"Oh yes! The battle! We forgot!" - Zeus said.
"Oh hey! You guys keep talking that forget about us? Lion Anders, attack!!" - Andersen command his Anders and its starts running to the V-Pups.
"Not so fast! Mercury Lion Whirl!" - Zeus called out a lion made from water and its attack the Anders.
"Taepung! It's your turn!" - Zeus said.
"Grandfather! Please give me a power to defeat this Anders!" - Taepung grips his grandfather's Seiken and then he come out with a water slash.
"W-wait! What the heck just happen? This boy can be fight? I just think that he can only command the V-Pups to fight!" - Andersen said and after Taepung's slash, the Anders got thrown away.
"W-what the? It's...water?" - Taepung surprise cuz the power of the Seiken are water although his father and his grandfather has told him about the Seikens and Wonder Ride Books when he was a child. And now he 13, he has become a teenager and have enough awareness of what he does.
(Note#2: In original Tobot V3 series, Taepung is about 10 years old but in this AU, Taepung is 13 years old and he is a teenager but he still short cuz his height is about 147 cm, in this story only. I can believe that he same height with me🤭🤭)
To be continue

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