Chapter 5

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"It's...water?" - Taepung surprise that the Seiken's power.
"Oh my god! Awesome, Taepung!" - Zeus said.
"What the heck?" - Andersen also doesn't know what is happening but he see his Anders are lying on the road by the affect of Taepung's slash.
"Oh I didn't think that that sword's power are water! I just think its blue so its must be wind or something!" - Athena said.
"Yeah! This Seiken's name is Suisenken Nagare and this thế Seiken of water element!" - Taepung said.
"Oh! That's strong! But it's won't be long! Lion Anders, stand up and attack them!" - Andersen command his Anders and the Anders stand up an rush to attack Taepung.
"Taepung! Watch out!" - The V-Pups said with Taepung but he block the Anders attack by his Seiken.
"Geez! You such a brat! Go to die!" - And then Taepung energize Suisenken Nagare with water power and then counterattack the Anders made its got thrown away again.
"Wow! It's awesome! It's stronger than Athena's sword!" - Ares said.
"Hey Ares! What did you just said?" - Athena asks.
"No! Nothing!" - Ares said.
"Geez! Lion Anders, keep attacking them!" - Andersen said and then its whip its tail to release a slash but Taepung has blocked it but seem this attack is way to strong so he cannot hold it anymore.
"Guys! Help me! I think I can't hold it anymore!" - Taepung said with his V-Pups when trying to block the Anders attack but because its to strong and his Seiken that he is using from his grandfather was to old so after a while, it's has broken into pieces and that attack got swift pass Taepung and make him injured.
"Haha! See? I said! Although you are strong but if you too weak, it's like nothing!" Andersen said.
The V-Pups now totally helpless with this and Taepung knelt down and looks his Seiken now has been broke into pieces helplessly.
"No! It's can't be!" - Taepung said in helpless.
"No way! How could this happen?" - In that time, Tori looking at the screen with an surprise sight.
"I remember that my father's Suisenken Nagare are not easily to be break even when it got damaged! If my father see that, he will kill me and Taepung!!" - Tori said.
Back to the city...
"Oh god! Not that shit again!" - Ares said.
"Guys! Can you help me fight with its instead of me? Now my grandparent's Seiken is broken now, I am useless now!" - Taepung said.
"No! You not useless, you fool! You are ours friend!" - Athena said
"Athena right! You not useless! You has help us many times so you are not useless at all!!" - Zeus said.
"Guys... Thank you!! Thank you so much, V-Pups!!" - Taepung said.
"Oh! Talking before goes dying? If you wanna die, I'll help you! Lion Anders!" - Andersen said and Lion Anders attack the team but the V-Pups has blocked it by Athena's Light Shield and then the V-Pups attack the Anders. In that time...
"If I just sit here, The V-Pups will be defeated but now Suisenken Nagare is broken! What should I do? Dad! Grandpa! Help me! What should I do now??" - Taepung said and covering his head in helpless.
"Taepung!" - Suddenly, a familiar voice said in Taepung's Olymulyist Watch.
"Dad?" - Taepung surprise.
"Don't give up! You can do it! Remember what I have teached you before?" - Tori said.
"No matter how broken is the sword is, keep standing up and never give up because that is a chivalry of a swordsman?" - Taepung said.
"Yes! That's is! That's my son! Now keep fighting!!" - Tori said.
"Right! Thanks, dad!" - Taepung said.
"Taepung!" - Another male voice but sound older said in Taepung's Olymulyist Watch.
"Grandpa? Is that you?" - Taepung said
"Just keep fighting! I don't care if the Suisenken Nagare is broken! The things that's I and your grandmother care is that you can become a strong swordsman and save the world just like how I, your grandmother, your dad and auntie did! Now stand up and fight, my grandson! I believe that you can do it!" - Rintarou - Taepung's AU grandfather said with his grandson.
"I got it, grandpa!" - Taepung said and then he pick up Suisenken Nagare's hilt called Nagare Holder. And that time, the V-Pups are going to be defeated.
"Haha! Now I will send you to the heaven! Lion Anders, finish them!" - Andersen said.
"Wait!" - Taepung said.
"Oh hey! You again? You still enough to fight although your sword has been broken?" - Andersen said.
"Yeah! My Suisenken Nagare has broken! But that not the matter to me! The things I have to do now...Is defeating YOU!!" - And then Taepung release a slash from his broken Seiken and save the V-Pups from Lion Anders.
"Wait what? You can't do that!" - Andersen surprise.
"Yes, I can! Because my dad and my grandpa has taught me that no matter how the broken is the sword is, keep standing up and never give up! Because...That's the...CHIVALRY OF A SWORDSMAN!!!" - Taepung said.
And magically, his broken Suisenken Nagare glowing and floating on the sky.
"W-what happening with the sword?" - Taepung surprise.
"Wow!" - Zeus said.
"Holy crap! A miracle are prepared to be happen!" - Athena said.
And then, a water stream covering the sword and then a sword are upgraded.

"This is... Suisenken Nagare?" - Taepung seem really surprise with the upgraded Suisenken Nagare and then its fly to Taepung's hand.
"Oh my god! Suisenken Nagare are upgraded? Unbelievable!" - Tori at Taepung's house store house, sit in front of the screen and said
"Wow!!!" - The V-Pups surprise.
"Unbelievable! This will be my Suisenken Nagare? Awesome!" - Taepung said.
"What? I don't know what is happening but that no matter to me! Lion Anders! Attack them!!!" - Andersen said and the Lion Anders attack the team but Taepung has blocked it. With the upgraded Suisenken Nagare, he has blocked the Anders attack.
"Take this! Go to hell!" - And then Taepung release a water slash and attack the Anders. With the upgraded sword, it's stronger and its slash is more powerful than before.
"What the heck?" - Andersen said.
"Not yet! Water Whirl Slash!" - Taepung jumps on the air and create a spiral slash and attack the Anders.
"Wow!" - Area said
"Uh guys! So we just stand here and watch Taepung fighting with this Anders?" - Athena asks.
"Yeah...May be!" - Zeus said.
And Taepung and Lion Anders are fighting. This is the first time Taepung fighting without the V-Pups. After a while, the Anders seem exhausted.
"Alright! The finish attack!" - Taepung said and then he jumps on the air and gather all water power to ready to release the finish attack.
"Take this! Lion Mercury Hydro Finish!" - Taepung turns his sword into a machine lion and attack the Anders and then Taepung come near the lion which is attack the Anders, its turn back into Suisenken Nagare and release three raging water slashes and finish its.
"Damn it! I will definitely come back!" - Andersen said and then he leave.
"Taepung! You did it!" - The V-Pups screams in happiness cuz Taepung has defeat the Anders.
"Hehehe! Thanks guys!" - Taepung scratches his head in embarrassment.
"See? I said! You can do it!" - Athena said.
"Yeah! You right, Athena!" - Taepung said.
"At least we now have a day not have to fight cuz Taepung has already did it! Right?" - Ares said.
"Ares!" - Taepung, Zeus and Athena look at Ares with a sharp sight.
"Uh...No, guys! I just kidding!" - Ares said.
"Hehehe! Finally, we did it! Mission complete!" - Taepung said.
"Guys! Let's go home!" - Taepung said.
"Okay!" - The V-Pups said and then they with Taepung come back to Taepung's house.
At Taepung's house:
"Wow! That's a beautiful Suisenken Nagare, Taepung! I'm so grateful and proud of you, Taepung!" - Tori said and then he hugs his son.
"Thanks, dad! I won't defeat that Anders if without your and grandpa's help! But dad! Can you get me out? I can't breathe!" - Taepung said.
"Oh! Yeah! Sorry! - Tori get his son out. 
"I think not only your grandparents will proud of you, your great-grandfathers on the heaven will proud of you too! I hope that they can see this!" - Tori said.
"Yeah! You right!" - Taepung said.
"Hey! Don't forget us!" - Zeus said.
"Oh yeah! You guys too!" - Taepung said and then everyone laughing.
MysticalStoryWeaver that's my story! I will make a special chapter to summarize Taepung's all attack. I will also make a story to summary short story that I come up with. See ya!💞

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