XIX. you deserve to die

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Chapter Nineteen 

you deserve to die 

3rd person pov

veah decided that if this was how it was going to be, this is what she had to do. it was now one on one and she had to win this. Not just for herself but for all the people she had lost in that night. She thought about how she was going to do this and how she was going to survive. She knew who the killer was and she knew what she had to do but that didn't mean it would make it any easier. Knowing that the killer was someone she trusted hurt her but knowing that the killer had just murdered, his own sister was horrible.

"come on Alex let's get this over with" she called to him but she didn't hear or see him. she grabbed doras hockey stick as well as junas axe, Caden's knife, katyas guns and her bat. she had every single one of them with her when she did it so she could keep them close and safe to her. 

"do you know Alex he would think that after murdering your own sister, you would come out and just fight me? The fact that you're hiding behind a mask acting like you didn't do this is invigorating I have so many questions for you and yet the only thing I want is for you to be dead. How does it feel to murder your own sister and everyone else you love? How does it feel to shoot her and act like it didn't happen? How does it feel to hide behind a mask and pretend to be someone you're not?" she kept asking as she waited for something. she heard a sound behind her and she laughed 

"the fact that you're trying to hide right now shows me that you feel guilty but you can admit it however, when I say it, it somehow makes you feel angered and sad. I wonder why. Is it because everyone you've ever loved is dead because of you is it because you wish that I didn't find out so you wouldn't have to deal with this. I'm not hiding because I'm not scared. I've had to deal with death the whole night. you remember our conversation right? And I guess it brought us to right here right now" she said as she walked around 

"you know you talk a lot veah, maybe that's why i killed everyone" he finally spoke up and she laughed 

"that's why you killed everyone because I talk a lot? Jesus Christ, even Molly had a better reason than you do. Sure her reason was crazy and it made her out to be even more of a crazy psycho stalker than I thought she was but me talking? I know there's something more. There has to be something you wouldn't kill your sister because of me talking." she told him and he finally stepped out but he had the costume on and she laughed 

"you deserve to die veah, you know that and yet every single person around you tonight has died but you why do you think that is?" he asked 

"cause you wanted to kill me last? You wanted me to see everyone else dying so I would blame myself and begin to hate myself more than I already did? checkmate alex, you got me I blamed myself, but you had nothing to do with it." she stated 

"what do you mean?" 

"oh, I thought everyone around you was ditzy. I mean I didn't blame it on you. I blamed myself because of Molly not because of you. I know for a fact that you barely touched anyone because I started to analyze the way people were being killed and you only killed two people. compared to kaylin who killed 3 and molly who also killed 3 , it must suck to be last place doesn't it?" she exclaimed 

"why'd you do it? That's all I wanna know why did you kill your sister and every single person around you?" she asked 

"cause I lost the one person I loved everyone else had someone and I had no one and it made me mad. You know how hard it is to see someone you love choose someone else or someone who you love die. It hurts veah, it makes you feel alone and angry and sad and I didn't know how to handle it so I brought a few people who had the same vendetta and they helped me. you Somehow survived us. But I'm gonna make sure you don't." he said and that was when he ran towards her and she dodged him. 

the two of them began to fight each other as he kept his knife at her and she jumped back. she used her bat and hit his side making him gasp and then she hit his legs with doras hockey stick making him fall. she had the perfect opportunity to kill him with the axe and she went to take it but he moved out from under her and she scoffed. 

his knife sliced her side and she cried out but she didn't stop moving. she kept fighting until he pulled his gun and pointed it at her gun 

"this is stupid, I'm fighting you for no reason. Have a good time in hell neveah torrez" he said to her and he went to pull the trigger but his got clogged and stuck making her laugh and scoff under her breathe 

"yeah you always gotta check your gun don't ya. How about you? Have a good time in hell Alexander Graves." she said and she hit his arm with the axe cutting it off before she pulled the gun from her pocket and shot him in the stomach. he was now kneeling on the ground and she stared at him 

"bye bye birdie" she said and she stabbed him in the eye making him gasp and then fall to the ground. she looked around and then she ran to the help phone calling the police. and then she waited 

she survived, it was over but how would she feel a month later? 



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