Tagged again!

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So I got tagged once again this time by BOSSofAWESOME and I have to post 14 facts about myself, so here we go!!

1) My family owns seven chickens and I can't forget about them because they live right outside my window and are always making noise.

2) I have more book ideas than friends and that's not because I don't have friends, it's just that I have way too many story ideas.  I think I probably have close to 30 story ideas.

3) I have take then 16 personalities (also called Meyers Briggs) test twice and both times I have been placed in the Personality type: INF J-A.  It's a really neat test and here's a link to it if you would like to take the test, https://www.16personalities.com/free-personality-test 

4) I am not a neat freak.  I have moments when I actually clean my room but honestly my room is a bit of a mess.  It's a mess where I know things are though so it's not a pig sty.  

5) My room is sooooo blue, like I think I have a problem with my blue obsession, yet I still love blue and wouldn't change it.

6) When it comes to my writing, I am pretty organized, instead of having scraps of paper all over the place and I have glued them into an organized notebook and let me just say, my notebook with scraps of paper is a lifesaver. It's so awesome!

7) I was in Bloch (a brand of pointe shoes) for basically all of my life and now I have changed to Capezio Cambre pointe shoes which let me just say has really changed my dancing.  Which reminds me.....I kinda need to glue them.  Let me just say, getting jet glue on your hands is not fun and takes forever to get rid of.

8) I want to get a tatto one day.  My worship pastor has a ton of them and my favorite of his which is a cross with a fish intertwined in it I would really like.  The only problem is that as long as I am living with my parents I am not allowed to get one.

9) My hair is literally either down or up in a bun.  Hardly ever in between.

10) I always, always, always carry a notebook and pencil with me.  (Also I have been working on figurative language lately, anyone notice what writing technique I used in the previous sentence?)

11) My favorite thing to write is fantasy and yet oddly enough I haven't written fantasy in a long while, but once Throne of Heaven is over (which I consider a sort of sci-fi/spiritual) I will be back and writing fantasy once again.  Boy have I missed writing fantasy, I might have like ten books with details on magical creatures and the like which is very helpful when writing fantasy.

12) I am mainly writing two stories, Throne of Heaven and H.t.C. and let me just say, writing and juggling school and ballet is complete and utter chaos.

13)I used to be super scared of public speaking, I would much rather write a novel than speak in front of a class but it has gotten better.  Thanks to my journalism class I am slightly more outgoing and I am much more comfortable of speak in public.  It has taken a while and I still am more of an introvert but just because you're an introvert doesn't mean you can't be comfortable speaking in public.

14) There was only supposed to be 13 facts, I just decided to add one more because I love the number 14.









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