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Start writing your story

So I got tagged by radiant_purity I am going to edit the questions a bit (as I always do) so here we go!!! 

1) Your Nickname(s) 

Mia.  I really wish I had an interesting nickname, but my name (which shall forever remain a mystery) is not one where you can easily come up with nicknames.  On another interesting note, I am considering Kathryn A. Grace as a pen name, what do you think of that?

2) Your Eye Color

Blue, Gray or Green, honestly it depends on the day and what I am wearing.  Typically my eyes are more of a blue-gray on an average day.  Some days I look in the mirror and my eyes just can't seem to make up their mind on what color they are.  I swear I have a tiny bit of hazel in my left eye but no one else can see it!

3)Your Hair Color

Red.  Quick story, I was biking to school and some guy who I didn't even see yelled 'beautiful' at me.  I knew he was talking about my hair because that is all people seem to see when they look at me, not the fact that I have very toned muscles, the freckles on my noise the weird marks and scars on my feet, nope, just the bright red hair.  On another related note, when I get embarrassed I look like a strawberry.

4) Two facts about you

Hmmm....let's see I currently have 29 random stories on my google drive and that's just projects that I have started, I probably have fifteen more story ideas.  Don't get me wrong though, I'm only working on two stories at the moment.  The rest are just fun projects for when Throne of Heaven is done.  Second fact, I might still have stuffed animals from my childhood.

5) A Place you want to visit but never have been to

Italy/Europe.  I know I will never be able to go there just because my family doesn't do lavish vacations, we just go to a run down cabin by the beach.  Plus I know when I start working, I will not make a ton of money at first and then I'll want to get married and have kids.......so yeah.

6) Favorite Celebrity

Currently, basically the whole Flash cast.  I looooove that show!!

7) Favorite Childhood Movie

Either Ariel (because I look a lot like her according to the princess at Disneyland) or Cinderella.

8) College/Future Plans

Community college for two years and then transfer to another college which I would rather not mention by name.  I want to be a baseball insider and I will become one.  

9) Favorite Childhood Game?

Probably either Sardines or Hide-and-go-seek.  We would play those games a ton during long Nutcracker rehearsals. Boy where we crazy kids!! 

10) What are you listening to right now or what was the last thing you listened to?

 Because I love music and love writing while listening to music, I am currently listening to Go Glow by Newsboys.  By the way, if any of you are on spotify, I might or might not be on spotify under the same user......check out my writing playlist, it's actually really useful.

Time to tag people mwahahaha........







Kirachii (friend in rl btw) 


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