Monoma Neito

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This was basically a rant I wanted to send to my friend fluff_bombs, because I'm salty af she doesn't like Monoma. But I thought I'd post it here in case there are other Monoma-haters out there.

Plus, kind of an "I'm alive, just lazy to do the tags I was tagged for" update.

So let's do this thing.

Monoma is perhaps one of the most questionably sane characters in UA. And he's been particularly hateful towards Bakugou. I'm not telling you you need to love him, I'm telling you you need to stop disliking him, if there are any more people that do out there.

So let's look at this all from Monoma's point of view.

Monoma was shown to be bullied for his quirk's dependency on other people. He wanted to be a hero, and people told him he couldn't be one. In case this is even necessary to add, bullying can lead to mental illnesses and increases the chances of having to deal with extreme anxiety. The bullying in Monoma's past is a traumatic experience to him.

So he worked hard and eventually came into the hero department, but class B. Now class B is already considered inferior to class A for whatever reason, but he also found out that the one who got into class A with the highest marks on the entrance exam, was in fact, a bully.

Of course Monoma hates him. He's worked so hard to get recognition, and this rude and unheroic bully gets rewarded without putting in any effort. From the moment Monoma makes his entrance in the show, class 1-A is what people are looking out for. No one was watching the sports festival to see class B. It was all about class A.

We're all supporting Midoriya because of his great resolve and continuous effort. But no one is praising Monoma for it. Monoma was told he couldn't be a hero, and he ignored those comments and put in effort to stand where he is today, and still no one sees him. Midoriya has All Might, Iida, Uraraka and later on Todoroki who are all recognising his potential, but no one recognises Monoma.

Yes, he is an asshole to the entirety of class 1-A. Yes, he's mocking them for always being the centre of attention when their accomplishments in school aren't at all that great. To him, these people were just lucky with their quirks and the events happening around them. To him, they walk around with that luck like damn peacocks showing off their feathers. I would also be annoyed with people that take their strong suits for granted, when I'm trying so hard.

Then the reason most people dislike Monoma; his attitude towards Bakugou.

May I remind you that this was his first impression of Bakugou.

Then during the sports festival itself, Monoma provoked Bakugou, and he replied with an uncontrolled rage and set aside his actual goal. Not only is that the opposite of how a hero should behave, he also yelled at him to die. I'm sorry, but I get where Monoma's hate for Bakugou is coming from.

Later Monoma is surprised to see Bakugou assist the people in his team during the joint training. While we know of Bakugou's character development, in Monoma's eyes, Bakugou is still just a bully. This is so unlike the person he met during the sports festival, I'd be surprised too if I'd suddenly see such a change in character.

And that was to provoke Midoriya. On the first page I showed you, Monoma said: "We both have to be open to seeing things in all shades of grey, leaving nothing behind. We're similar." When Shinsou says they aren't, Monoma asks him how he got Midoriya to talk during the sports festival.

What Monoma said to Midoriya was clearly not an attack towards Bakugou, but a way to trigger Midoriya, just like Shinsou did at the sports festival. And I don't see anyone attacking Shinsou for that.

All in all, I think Monoma is not a bad person. Even Horikoshi said so.

If there's any reason as to why you still dislike him, do tell. I'd love to make you regret spouting nonsense.


Bonus because Monoma:

For that last one: credits to @imabe-liva on Tumblr.

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