Tag #102

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I'm aware I've got a hundred tags to do, but I decided to do this one first, because


Anyway, tag provided by our dear Mistyaaml4ever .

If you could spend one day in someone else's shoes, who would it be and why?

Hmmm... Kagura. I get to be strong, cute and do nothing. Sounds great.

Which celebrity gets on your nerves the most and why?

Same as Sriju: Justin Bieber.

Can we just not.

If you were going to bury a time capsule, what would you put in it?

Pictures. Of the things I enjoyed doing, the people I liked hanging out with and the trips I went on. I want lots and lots of pictures. And one day when I'm older I'm gonna look back at them and be like: yeah, those were great times.

When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?

Many things, though never decently paid jobs. Haha.

I had a long time in which I wanted to be an artist. And I also had a time I wanted to play in a band. But I never had the I wanna be a teacher/doctor time that almost every kid had at some point, lol.

I don't really get 5 so let's not.

What's the most exotic place you've gotten intimate?

Uhhh, online? Very exotic, I know.

What's the strangest place you've ever gone potty?

In the woods. But everyone has done that at least once.

How old when you when you had your first kiss?

Oh, I kissed a friend of mine on the cheek once when I was Idk 8? 7? At least, I was smol, and I kinda panicked after I did. Lol, I was such a smol bean.

Do you have any strange or unique phobias?

Insects. Any type of them. It's not even that I'm that scared of them, they just tickle and I hate that feeling.

If you could bring back one toy of your childhood, what would it be and why?

We haven't really thrown away much from our childhoods, aside from the Winx Club dolls and Barbies.

If you knew today was the last day of your life, how would you spend it?

Spreading chaos and destruction. OwO

If you had to describe yourself using only three words, what would they be?

Usually talking trash

If you could redo one day of your life, what day would it be and why?

Ughhh, torn between April 18th and the day Serenity, Golf420 and I last voice chatted. With both of them I could end suffering.

If you could be any Disney villain, who would you be?

Finally, the godly question. Which you all answered wrong btw.


See? No one can top that.

Besides, you could be the lord of the dead. And on fire. That'd be awesome.

If your life was a novel, what would the title be?

Royally Screwing Up Anything and Everything.

Tag 15 people.



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