Tag #1 - from @Rasnak

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1. My favorite quote:

"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference."
- Robert Frost, from The Road Not Taken

2. Last song I listened to: Bad at Love, by Halsey

3. Lock screen:

I should really charge my phone, but I'll finish this first.

4. Favorite Animal: The French Bulldog my family will be getting soon. He's supposed to have white fur, so my sis and I wanted to name him BB, like BB-8, because they're both cute and small and follow people around. But my parents weren't having it, so I thought about what name could abbreviate to BB, and suddenly had a brilliant idea on par with the nerd-level of naming your dog after a Star Wars character. Long story short, the dog's name is Bucky Barnes - BB for short. With a name like that and the sheer amount of cuteness in one tiny body, you can kind of see why he'd be my favorite animal.

5. An "EPIC" picture:

^from Avengers: Infinity War. I am so excited.

6. Wattpad story suggestion: cajoling 's stuff is a personal favorite; also I liked the concept of jamiebarnes21 's Captain Jackson.

7: Picture of an attractive person (???): I've decided to put two.

First, we've got Sebastian Stan, aka Bucky Barnes in the MCU.

And then we have Katie McGrath, aka Lena Luthor in CW's DCU.

Attractive people! Tada!(?)

8. Random fact: Alan Rickman wore black eye contacts while playing the role of Severus Snape in the Harry Potter movies; also, apparently when a new director who hadn't known this commented on his color of his eyes, Rickman casually reached up and took one off. Not sure how he pulled it off (literally), but it probably took the director by surprise!

9. A wish: I wish that people would stop arguing with each other and being extremely hateful instead of just putting aside their differences to fix the problems they share.

10. Tags:


So that's it for this tag! See you with the next thing I put here!!!

- Spathi

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