3 Times The Tag Or Something Like That

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I got tagged for the same tag like four times, so to save on time...I'm going to do it once but I'll mention everybody here. And then hopefully I can finish up tags tonight and then maybe get my Newsies oneshot out soon. Thanks to the following peeps for tagging me!!




Here we go!!! This one'll probably be a shortie too.

1. Phobias?

I hate loud noises, spiders, clowns, fire alarms in small spaces, oh yeah and did I mention loud noises? I also hate speaking in public and talking on the phone. I have an unhealthy fear of all of those things.

2. Middle name? 


3. Are you emotional?

I mean....it depends.

I'm very emotional internally and when I feel very strongly about something, it translates externally. I'm not typically that emotional externally. I don't cry at movies hardly at all. It takes a lot to make me genuinely upset at something. Most of the time. For the most part, I would say I'm not crazy emotional.

4. Any IRL friends on Wattpad?

Yeah!! Wouldn't have gotten on here if it wasn't for them. Well, the first friend is one I convinced to join Wattpad. The other two convinced me to join.




5. Do you care what others say about you?

Yeah...sometimes way more than I should. I try to rationalize things though and be okay and most of the time, we manage through it.

6. Favorite feature of my face?

Probably my eyes. I like to think they're really pretty.

7. Favorite color?

Purple's my favorite color. I also like blues though too.

8. Places you long to go in the future?


Ireland, New York City, Paris, London, Austria (because of how pretty the mountains are there), Scotland....pretty much anywhere with really pretty mountains or with a lot of history. I really would love to go to Ireland someday though.

9. Bike or car?

Ooooooo, this is a toughie. I really like to drive but I also like to ride my bike. I'm probably going to say car because you can go places faster and it's less work but being done with a long bike ride is always so satisfying. Bike rides are also more likely to create longer lasting memories. I have a special place for bikes in my heart and I've enjoyed writing them growing up.

When I'm not terrified that I'm going to fall off of it.

10.  Five things I can't live without?

My books, my cat, my family, my leggings, and my faith in Jesus Christ (literally would probably be dead if it wasn't for that).

11. What is my nickname?

Typically people call me Ais, Aisl, or AK. I like all of them so you can take your pick from those. Or you can just call me Aisling. That works too. 

12. Favorite animal(s)(because I struggle to pick just one)?

I love cats, dogs, narwhals, red pandas, sloths, and pandas.

13. The state you have gone to too many times?

Ahhhhh, puzzle time!!! :)

I'm assuming it has to be a state I'm not a huge fan of based on the way that this question is worded. :)

The State that has The Heart of It All (whatever that's supposed to mean).

It's a state that takes us a very long time to get through and my goodness, I'm always so excited once we're out of it.

A state of drowsiness is also one that I frequent followed by a state of procrastination. That's a state I tend to frequent a lot. Maybe more so than the drowsiness.

Yeah, I think it's safe to say that. It takes me forever to accomplish anything somedays.

14. Day or Night?

I'm definitely more of a night owl. I've been staying up way later that I should since the pandemic broke out and it's bad because I really kind of need to get it under control for next semester (even though I'm like 95% sure it's gonna be virtual). But, I'm just so much more of a night owl.

My mom and sister have been getting up early for school while I'm still here at home sleeping and they make it to their school faster now than when I was getting up with them.

So yeah, I'm not really good at mornings...like at all.

Tag 20 people






















No one needs to feel obligated to do this. I'm just doin it to put my answers out there. One more tag and then I think I'm caught up from the last few months. Thanks for your support!!


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