The Tag Where Aisling Answers All of Your Questions

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Hey, everybody!! This is gonna be the last tag here for a bit...unless someone else tags me or I decide to make one. To be honest, I'm kind of tagged out at the moment, so I probably won't. Lol.  But it's been fun getting to do these and kind of get these done because I have some great content coming in the way of Newsies and Star Wars.

Thanks for tagging me, Nycnewsgirl and broadway_crackers!!!

Okay so let's get into this.

1. A strange thing about me?

I mean...what's not strange about me at this point...

For being as introverted and not a huge fan of putting myself out there, I find that I can really get into Just Dance.

Guess that's not really that strange though...

What else????

I have a really odd mix of music interests. Like I literally like just about anything and everything.

I have random songs stuck in my head when I should really be doing something taking an Algebra test.

I sometimes apologize to inanimate objects for no particular reason.

I had something else in mind too but I don't remember what it is.

2. Favorite K-Pop Song? 

I mean...I like the Miku Hatsune Vegetable Juice song that's on Just Dance 2017...I don't think that really qualifies as K-Pop or as a favorite song so....

I guess I don't have one..

3. Favorite color?

Purple, blue,some tamer shades of yellow, green and pink. I also like black and grey too but only in certain contexts...

4. Goal on Wattpad?

To write things that I haven't seen that I want to read and share that with others. Also chatting about different fandoms with different people on here. I want to share my works with others on here.

5. Current amount of Wattpad followers?

Hold on...let me check because a couple more people followed me (thank you to those that did by the way!!).

450?? Thank you so much, you guys!!! I didn't know I had hit 450!!

6. Any drafts?? I have drafts????

Yeah and it's kind of a crisis I have so many...

Oh gosh...11 of them. Welp.

Mother of the Rebellion- A Star Wars Story (which I'm gonna dedicate to AlohaGirl27 and GodismyDD.)

The Disappearance of Sarah Jacobs- A Newsie Murder Mystery

Jo and Laurie if They Got Engaged and then Married Fic- A Little Women Story (anybody have any good title ideas for something like this?)

War Wonders- My Newsies and Wonder Woman crossover story which I'm hoping to develop a plot for especially since I just watched Livesies. I'm just struggling to. I know Jack, Steve and Katherine are gonna be spies and that's about it...the rest of the boys are gonna be there and Diana's gonna be unstoppable. Anybody else got any good ideas? I kinda want Katherine to wind up on Themysceria at some point.

Exploring the Enneagram- A book about exploring the enneagram that I'm not sure I'm gonna do because I don't know feel confident that I'm super knowledgable in it...*shrugs*.

Nancy Drew: Secrets Can Kill Rewritten- A rewrite of that PC game storyline because wasn't my favorite storyline. I kind of ditched it because I wasn't sure what to do with it.

Sinking to Soaring- A Peter Pan fanfic that takes place on the Titanic and Peter rescues a girl (maybe Wendy? Maybe not?) from the icy cold drink and I honestly don't remember the plot but I think it involved them falling in love and a lot of sneaking around the Titanic.

The Newsgirls- (This is one I'm still really hoping to write) is about a group of girl Newsies (heavily involving my OCs from Newsies oneshot book and some new ones) and how they do life in NYC. Features a Jack Kelly X OC pairing because I can't seem to find enough of those (mostly because of Jatherine but I'm not complaining because I 100% love Jatherine sooooo much.)

A Spoonful of Sugar Underneath the Lovely London Sky- Mary Poppins Oneshots that I have ditched because I liked it (and I still like it but it wasn't staying. Lol) so this one may get dropped in favor of other things coming out.

Songs of Hope- A World War II story about an orchestra comprised of Jewish females trapped in a concentration camp and their legacy through the story of their instruments. Very sad story...might still do...haven't decided. There's also going to be a male orchestra discussed as well.

Whatever Happened to Anastasia Romanov?- A story where the reader could pick whether Anastasia escaped or died and that's about all I know of it. *shrugs* She fell in love with some guy too. Probably gonna ditch this one too.

Yeah, that's all of them. If you have any in particular you would like to see kept or come out, please put a comment and if you have any input on it, I would love to hear it.

There's stuff that's also not in my Wattpad drafts but I'm keeping those a secret until they're actually done. :)

7.One fanfic to read forever?

Well...I would read anything by Nycnewgirl.

But I don't know that I could pick one in particular.

I could also read a lot of DaydreamShimmer.

But there's also some great Star Wars content out there so I don't know. :)

8. Favorite Wattpad people?

Oh...I have a bunch.


Crystal has been such a fun friend on here and we met shortly after both of us joined (which I think we joined within a month of each other) and I love getting to fangirl with her over all of our various fandoms and just getting to make all of our inside jokes and just chatting about life. She's a great person to chat with and she writes some good Newsies fanfics so go check her out. She's a great friend.


Jules is such a fun person. I love her sense of her humor and how she writes. She brings a lot of joy. I love getting to fangirl with her and making funny headcanons about what kind of trouble the various Newsies might get into.


RW (is it okay that I'm calling you that? I'm not sure what you go by these days on here.) (Jk, I looked and saw that you go by RW so that's cool. :) is a super fun person to chat with and she was one of my first followers. I love reading her different Newsies stories and all of the different ideas that she has. Be sure to give a follow!!


FD is a fun person to chat with and has some really cool history knowledge. I love it when she shares it. She has some great comments throughout some of my Newsies books and is a great person to talk to whenever you get the chance.


Jojo is super sweet and super supportive. I enjoy her feedback on the different announcements I make and things I put up. Go give her a follow!!


Elven is extremely knowledgeable in Star Wars (as well as other fandoms) and it's cool to read her different books about the different topics that she wants to cover. I love getting to chat with her about different Star Wars things. She really has some great content out. You should go check her out.


Lissa and I have more recently started talking but it's been great to chat with her. She's super sweet and helps me get a better grasp on Star Wars. I love hearing her opinions on different things as well. Looking forward to chatting with you more, Lissa!!


Jane is my favorite BTTF fanfic writer...hands down. I love her works so much and she puts up with my fangirling so well. Thanks for doing that!! She's really sweet and if you're a BTTF fan, go check out her books. (Also, I'm hoping to get caught up on commenting on your books and such here soon.)

I think those are the big ones for now...I really love all of my Wattpad followers. You guys are the coolest.

9. Writers you admire?

On here? People above are writers I admire along with aintweproud and yourbrothercrutchie.

Also, EmeraldEyedJedi. :)

Also love talking with her as well.

I love a lot of different authors in real life too and it would be a really long list, so comment a genre or something like that and I'll give you my favorite author that I can think of.

I don't read a whole lot of paranormal or horror so those are kind of out. Sorry.

10. Favorite BTS ship? that doesn't exist because I don't have one.

So yeah...that one.

Okay...taggy time. Oh dear...not more tagging....

*long sigh*

Unless you've already done this tag and you're listed above, you're tagged.











There you go!! Hopefully I'll have a Newsies oneshot up soon for Christmas except it'll be late. Oh well. Thanks for reading, commenting, voting, or doing whatever it is you do!! I appreciate it!!

-Aisling Kiley

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