A History of My Wattpad Kind of Tag

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Hey, everybody!! I have been tagged twice for the same tag by two different people. I'm gonna do that today but before I do that...I have a proposition that I'm thinking of. This week, I'm going to update my Psych book to appease my Psych kick because I'm on a serious one right now if you hadn't noticed. That's not what I'm about to offer up though....

Soooo...There's A Life That's Worth the Living....I love the Modern AU aspect of that book. The murder mystery part....is a hot mess....at least in my opinion. Sooooooooo.....I think I'm going to scrap that part and rewrite some parts of it...maybe. What do you guys think? Should I do that or should I just leave it as is? I don't necessarily have a plot for the rewritten stuff yet because I literally thought of this like five minutes ago. I thought I would at least put that out there. If you think the story would suffer if I changed the murder mystery part up a little bit, I won't change it. Feel free to comment your thoughts. I would appreciate it a lot.

Okay, now onto the tag... special shout out to




Thank you to the three of you for tagging me!!! I appreciate it a lot!! Now onto the tag...

1. Meaning behind my username?

Actually, there is one. If you knew me before I changed it about a year ago, it was Aisling Kiley, which as most of you know is my name.  Well...skip forward a year from when I first started my account and I had seen lots of people change their usernames lots of times. I didn't want to do that but I thought having my pen name as my username and just as my screen name on my profile seemed not only a bit redundant but also kind of dull to be honest. By the way, if your username is just your pen name, I'm not calling your username dull. Just mine. :) So, it was time for a change. At the time, I had been watching Psych the T.V. show for almost a year and I absolutely loved it. I was also very much into Newsies..so I combined the two fandoms into a username.

There's always at least one pineapple in every Psych episode and Shawn Spencer, the main character, is obsessed with pineapples so that where's pineapples comes from.

The Newsies call their newspapers "papes" in the movie performances. I'm assuming they did that in real life but I don't 100% know for sure.

Anyways, combine the two and you get PineapplesandPapes. Which is what it's been for the last year or so.

When I first got into Star Wars, I was like "Oh! I should make my username have some sort of Star Wars thing in it". Well for one thing, I don't really know how I would do that and I also like my current username a lot. So I think it's staying unless anyone thinks I should somehow squeeze a Star Wars thing in there. I would put Padawans but I'm WAAAAYYYY more into the Original Trilogy than I am the Prequels. I love the Prequels a lot too and I have my Prequel kicks but the Original Trilogy....that's where it's at.

I think it's just staying PineapplesandPapes because really...those two fandoms are ones that I'm always in love with and it's just such a cute username that I think fits my account and my personality.

2. Favorite book?

Oh gosh....what fandom are we talking? Regular books too? I have a lot of different interests......

I've been reading some 92sie fics on FFN lately....

Deleted Scenes by SilverShoes 17 on Fanfiction.net is a bunch of Jack and Sarah scenes that give their relationship and Sarah way more development. In my opinion, they're really good.

Anything by my dear friend Nycnewsgirl

I also love the Hill Valley Series by my friend in time (see what I did there? ;) Mikefox61

The More than Blood Trilogy is really good on FFN by Kirsten Erin.

Heart On The Trigger by WritingToKeepMySanity on Archives of Our Own. (I know I don't really talk a whole lot about Ao3 and I really don't venture out there very often because I have what I want on here and FFN but this one is AMAZING!!!! I love it so much. It's one that I have read repeatedly. )

Also anything by DaydreamShimmer.

If you guys want to know about some of my other fandoms, just shoot me a comment and I'll recommend some to ya. You can also check out the other chapters of this book because I've answered this question before...there are just different answers each time because I try to share different books that I like with you guys.

In real life, I like Peter Pan and the Peter and the Starcatchers series (Is it just me or is there beginning to be a theme here?). I also like The Book Thief. I have also started Heir to the Empire and that's really good so far.

Yeah, feel free to reach out if you want more recommendations.

3. What's my icon and the background?

My profile pic (I'm assuming that's what meant by icon) is Jack and Katherine snuggling? Hugging? Snuhuggling?

Anyways, I'll leave that up to you.

My background is the Newsies standing on their catwalks from the Broadway performance when they're two to a "window" if you will and they're just chillin and getting ready for the morning.

It....like so many things with my Wattpad account hasn't changed.

If you're really curious, just click on my icon/profile picture on this chapter and check it out for yourself. :)

4. What type of books do you write?

I write mostly Newsies fanfiction and Newsies related content. When I'm not doing that, I'm thinking of obscure fandoms to cross the Newsies with.

That's literally half of my Newsies oneshot book in a nutshell.

I also write for Psych, Star Wars, Newsies X Wonder Woman (hopefully coming soon whenever motivation comes and knocks on my door again), and Back to the Future.

I am also hoping to write a Peter Pan and Phantom of the Opera crossover because that just seems like a beautiful and obscure crossover.

I do have some original work posted but they're not super great and they really haven't been updated soooooo....I might keep em as a draft but they're probably just coming down for now. I'm mostly just sticking to fanfics at the moment. I have more fun with that than I do my original works.

I also was kind of thinking of writing a Newsies romance book where the reader experiences the start of the relationship, includes their first meeting and even their friendship from one character in the relationship's point of view and then the other person maybe tells the current situation and looks backwards or forwards until they meet somewhere in the middle. Kind of like The Last Five Years but also not....I haven't seen the movie so it's not going to be like that but kind of a similar idea.

I'm not sure which Newsies couple I want to do it with though and I'm not sure what AU I want to do it with. The couples or prospective couples I guess I should say that I'm willing to do are...

Jack and Katherine

Jack and Sarah

Race and Flavi

Elley and Mush

I don't think there's anyone else that's in the oneshot book that's seriously being shipped with anybody or in my Newsies universe. Oh wait...can't forget this one...

Davey and Tiger Lily (honestly, I just need to add her to my canon or whatever you call it because she'd fit in well with everyone else).

I would say Oscar Delancey x Trash Can but ummm....that'd be a real short relationship.

5. Recommend three books....

Nuts. Only three? I'll say the ones I said above and I know it's way more than 3.

Anything by Nycnewsgirl

Anything by DaydreamShimmer

Anything by Runner_Weirdo

Hill Valley Series by Mikefox61

More than Blood Trilogy on FFN by Kirsten Erin.

Heart on the Trigger by WritingtoKeepMySanity on A03

Deleted Scenes by SilverShoes17 on FFN.

The Lady Adye series by DarkLadyAthara

Rebel by HotDoNotTouch

Oh! And....

The Other PSYCH-ic by PRW8-2ndprofile

Okay...I'm done. I know that was 10 and I have way more if you need some. Seriously, just go pillage my reading lists if you feel the need. There's lots of good stuff in there and I mean the authors in there write good things not that my taste is super good. That depends on your taste. Lol.

6. Secret about my Wattpad

I don't know...I'm pretty open about stuff that I want you guys to know.

I would say my OCs embody my personality in some form or fashion (with the exception of maybe Elley and Lindsey from my Back to the Future book but even those two I share some quality with) but that's the case with most people.

Here's one! I currently have 8 drafts sitting in my draft storage. Some of it is old stuff that didn't really take off that I didn't feel like writing so I took it down and some of it is new stuff yet to be written. :) And yes, there are a couple of Newsies drafts in there that are new things.

Now, I'm supposed to tag 10 people. This is not limited to these 10 people. Anyone can choose to do it or not do it. Whatever you want to do. :)











There's my 10!!! Feel free to leave comment on the books ideas that I am apparently full of at the moment!! I would really appreciate it!!

See you around!! (Hopefully in the Psych book)


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