Oh Those Pretty Paper Boys

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Hey, all!!! Welcome to the first of my "themed" tags. This one, in case you couldn't tell by the title, is Newsies themed. I don't really know what I'm gonna talk about in regards to Newsies so I'm sorry if it's just me fangirling over the boys but, here we are.

By the way, thanks to Jules(DaydreamShimmer) for the inspiration for the title. :) Your description of the Newsies is perfection. And yes, one of the parentheses is orange but it's fine.

Oh and you should watch the video linked above and I hope you think of Racetrack Higgins while you do....because this is 100% something he would do. And he would be completely serious about it....just like Will Ferrel.

Thanks for the tag, NSTOBI1992!!

Okay, so this is one of those say 13 things about yourself...you know how it goes. Today though, we're gonna do it but Newsies style. Mostly because we've all done this tag a lot and we need something new to read and me fangirling over Newsies (even though I do it all the time anyways) is something I can most definitely do.

Honestly, I'm not even gonna set it up the way we normally do because the person who tagged me didn't...so here we go!!

1. Rules...

Yeah, they exist. Ya know...

I'm gonna do 13 things (might just become one big clump of fangirling though....)

1. I'm currently rereading a fic where Mush is dating Jack's sister. And honestly....I kinda just went to the part where they're actually a couple because it's really cute. I really want a Mush someday. Seriously, if anyone finds a Mush, I would love to know. He's just so sweet and cute. Really really cute. He really cares about people too and just ahhhhh....I want a Mush so bad. Every time I read about him in a fanfic it's just such a fun time and it makes me want a Mush even more.

And yes, I'm writing a whole book about an OC like me and Mush getting together. It's My Life In A Bookshell (which I know it's not real obvious that it's a Newsies book but it is).

He would just be the perfect boyfriend and there's at least a million reasons why I think that. He's cute too....really really cute. And he's such a sweetie and the older I get...the more I realize I have a thing for soft boys. I don't know if we can exactly consider Mush a soft boy but umm...yeah. He's just a real sweetheart, he's cute and yeah he's kind of a flirt but I feel like he would settle down if he found a girl that really stole his heart.

Selah and Elley are such lucky girls, let me just put that out there.

2. On more of a platonic note....except I'm like 95% sure I'm gonna rant about how cute another one of these sweet cherubs is in a few minutes... in the meantime, let's talk about Skittery!!

Skittery I feel like is a character who kind of gets overlooked which is kind of a bummer because I feel like he has the potential to be a super interesting and complex character. I'm starting to see people put more stuff out about him though which is good. Selah/me really would get along with him that way because I tend to be more of a positive person and I like to encourage even super pessimistic and moody people. He needs the love anyway. He's moody and edgy and really needs it.

And he's just hilarious!!! Skits is one of those people you have to take with a grain of salt...like a slightly less selfish version of Han Solo. (Okay, Star Wars, that's enough. You're getting your own tag next chapter, so back to where you came from.) If you take him that way, you'll understand him way better as a character/person. He's a super fun character to write and I'm interested to see what I do with him in My Life in A Bookshell. He would be someone who would be a really good friend to me because I think I would be someone who can get past the "prickles" and see him for who he really is. He could feel like maybe he could be himself around me? That's where I'm sort of heading with his and Selah's friendship.

3. Sarah...oh sweet dear Sarah.

Another character who I feel kinda sorta gets overlooked. She needed to have a bigger part in the movie. She just did. I really want to develop her character some more. I'm hoping to do that in my 50s book and I'm also really hoping to write a book where I explore her and Jack's relationship and make it a little more...interesting? Developed?

Just more of a relationship in general?

I feel like she kinda got the short end of the stick in the movie and she wasn't even in the musical so umm....ouch. But Katherine's a queen and I love her so I'm not concerned too much. She sort of was written off at the pretty girl that stands in the corner acting all shy and then she kisses Jack. Like...that's all she was there for? A romance interest for Jack in the form of David's sister? The only indication that we got of maybe some deeper character development was the fight scene with the Delanceys. I'm not saying she needs to be a super dominant female character but give her more of a personality!!! I just really want to write for her. We don't even really get to know her! Is she smart? Is she good at school? Is she super street smart? Answer my questions, Disney!!!

They um...yeah they didn't. 

But I can...why? Because that's the whole reason fanfiction was created. I know I've written some oneshots with Sarah but I really either want to explore a relationship with her and Spot or a relationship between her and Jack. And I know some people have maybe suggested her and Finch? So maybe I'll do that? I don't know. I know she's probably going to get a book at some point...hopefully.

4. Jack Kelly.....oh Jacky Boy.

Why do I have the biggest crush on you even though I'm pretty sure nothing would happen.....

Let's just say I'm not the best with kids. I don't hate kids but I'm not the best with them. In Jack's situation though, I might be okay because a lot of them are in their teens....

I just love Jack's character. He has some really legit deep wishes and problems that he has and it's beautifully done. I'm not going to get into too much of my preferences between which actor and what version and what not because there's a whole book that desperately needs updated but exists for that very reason.

I like how Jack isn't the same one dimensional Disney prince or whatnot...and in reality...none of the Newsies are. Jack has desires that he has legit reasons to back up and it makes complete sense why he would want to do that. He's also a super strong leader and you can tell he'd sacrifice himself to keep the people he loves safe. That's a quality I really admire and one that I think Newsies has kind of shown me how deep your love for someone can really go. Jack doesn't just see the other Newsies as his coworkers or even friends. He sees them as brothers. And that's a quality that is recognizable across both Jacks. And I'll eventually touch on this a little bit more in my Big Book of Newsies.

I just really appreciate him and his different qualities. I also like how bold he is too. He's not terribly impulsive though. I just really like his character. He's a strong leader for the Newsies. He's a fairly complex character when you take him at more than his "face value". There's some really strong qualities that run deep with this boy. They maybe don't come up all the time but they're certainly there.

Like Mush....I could totally talk to him all day long.

5. Katherine and Sarah I think can totally coexist in the fandom. Not as both of Jack's love interest which I'll discuss once again, in the Big Book of Newsies.

Dear goodness, you guys are probably wondering when in the world I'm going to update that book.

Anyways, back to the point, Sarah and Katherine coexisting in fandom. I think there are certain characteristics that Sarah has that Katherine may lack but that make Sarah a good character. The same way goes for Katherine. She has characteristics that Sarah totally does not.

Why I think they both can totally exist in fandom? Just because of how different they are at their base characteristics. Sarah and Katherine are two very different young woman. Katherine isn't afraid to stand up for herself, make her way in the world and do it all by herself. Sarah likes to be taken care of, but she really likes to care for people, not that Katherine doesn't (isn't that the whole reason she writes the article? Her care for the Newsies rivals Jack's. Don't tell him I said that though.) Sarah would rather....literally provide for someone in the sense that she would make them breakfast, do their dishes, help with laundry...etc. Sarah, I think prefers to be a listening ear. Katherine prefers to be someone who fights alongside you until you get something done. Both contain super valuable qualities. The Newsies need someone who they can discuss their problems with and know that the person will listen over someone's who just going to push you to get something done as well as someone who is going to push them to stay in the fight when things get hard (which I can honestly see both women doing).

Also something to keep in mind, Katherine is an amazingly well developed character. She has lots of cool characteristics and we get to know her super well. Not so with Sarah. Even with what we do see in regards to Sarah, we can absolutely look at the two women and say that they are totally different and that one would not steal the place of the other to the point where one of them is no longer necessary. They're just too different. Katherine and Sarah were never meant to be the same character. I think Sarah has some potential already in her character design and minimal development. It just needs added to. We don't necessarily need to diminish any of her original characteristics to make her interesting...we just need to add to what's already there. If we add to what's already there, it will make an interesting contrast to Katherine's character which is not a bad thing. Sarah's much less of a bold character. She's very quiet while Katherine likes to raise her voice, likes to be noticed and likes to be respected as hardworking. I love Katherine for that. The Newsies need someone like that but they also need someone like Sarah too. They need someone who can just as quickly be there for them on more of a comforting end.

I don't know...those are just my thoughts. I love both of these women and treasure them bunches and believe that they absolutely belong in the fandom.

6. Albert...oh Albert. I've more recently discovered how wonderful of a character you are thanks to a certain ship that someone wrote. And it's beautiful. I didn't realize how much I would go along with someone kinda like Albert. Except oddly enough, he's kind of like a perkier version of Skits. He's not as snarky though. I feel like his moodiness depends on his situation because he's just as likely to get into trouble when he's not super moody.

His muscles though. Sorry, Al. Yours aren't nearly as impressive as Mush's. Because well...ya know, he's Mush. But yours are impressive and you yourself are just a very impressive handsome being. But Mush though.

Man, I've missed writing Newsies, can't you guys tell?

Albert's another character I feel like I want to explore more who's starting to get more love. I really need to read some of those Albert fics that you all put out even though I feel like I have a fairly good grasp on the character, there's still definitely room that I can grow with my understanding of him. He's just such a cool character. I feel like he, like Skittery, could also be fairly complex.

7. Kid Blink or as Crystal and I like to call him....


I bet I didn't beat her to saying it though. :)

He's actually a fabulous wingman and I like having him as a major/minor/side character in my books and oneshots and what have you just because he's so fun. Race is the only one who might rival Blink's wingman skills.

He has a lot of personality and he's best friends with Mush so if there's something about Blink, Mush is probably somewhere nearby.

Oh dear goodness, I need help. I think I have a Mush problem.

Blink is definitely one of the louder boys and I like that about him. Once again, I tend to like softer quieter boys...like Mush...Davey...

Jack's an exception, okay? He just is. Why? Because he's Jack.

I know I know...a lot of my reasoning is just because he's (insert Newsie name...mostly like Mush but now apparently Jack) and I'm not really ashamed of it. Sorry? You're welcome?

This is besides the point. Blink livens things up. He's kind of the life of the party. Him and Race...which personally is a friendship I wish more people explored and took note of because it's a cool one and they're about as hilarious as Albert and Race.

Okay...but the three of them getting into some kind of mischief though...wouldn't it be kinda hilarious?

This is one that I hope to explore more the more I write because Blink and Race are super good friends. Blink himself is such a loud and this is how it is kind of a character....how could you not appreciate him, ya know?

8. Davey....the mom friend.....

I really think this goes in both the 92sies and the Livesies.

Okay...random rant/hilarious thing.....

In 92sies, when Davey says "Alright...everyone...remain calm!", does anyone else think that Davey sounds like a fire chief speaking to people trapped in a burning building or an EMT who is trying to get a crowd of people to chill? Like seriously my dude, do you really think a bunch of teenage guys are going to listen to you and your EMT voice?

Well if ya seen it, ya know the answer.

He is seriously such a mom friend though.

I also strongly appreciate the headcanon that he's a complete nerd...partially because canon half makes it canon? In a way? With all his leadership skills and union know how?

Davey should write a How to Create a Union for Dummies. I'm sure it would make millions.

Also seems like good oneshot material??? ;)

I also think he has a bit of a sense of adventure though. He gets more bold in both the Livesies and the 92sies.

Like he's not as innocent as people maybe think he is? Jack included? I kinda like it when he's written that way. I also like it when he's written as the mom friend though because it's lowkey relatable to watch him worry about everybody all the time.

His nerdiness, gentleness and just care for people in general is really attractive though. I'm not gonna lie. There's just so much about Davey Jacobs that's so attractive.

9. Crutchie/Crutchy being a sassy boy is just such a great thing. Why? Because he really is that sassy in canon. There's so many hints of it...especially in Livesies that it's impossible to not write!! I also feel like Crutchy is another one who could be pretty book smart. He's super sweet and super sassy. The two go perfectly hand in hand.

I could see him being a really good snuggler. He would snuhuggle for days and is probably a professional at it.

Crutchy is so positive too. He's just super duper upbeat even though he has a disability. He doesn't let anything stand in his way and it's just....yay!!!! Character development!!! His is so good. He's not nearly as innocent as the rest of the Newsies think though. He's just...not. Crutchie is written to have some "hidden characteristics" and I kinda wish we had gotten to see a bit more of them but that defeats the whole purpose of hiding them in the first place.

10. Racetrack Higgins...what I love about him...kinda like Crutchie/Crutchy...is there's so much about him that's basically canon even though it was headcanon first. I feel Race was another character written super well!!! He was just so hilarious and so good at what he did. Race had a lot of bravado which was super cool. He can be a super soft Newsie too which I think is really cool. And that could be in regards to him taking care of someone else or him sharing something about himself. He can just be a super soft Newsie for as loud as he is. He's not afraid to do anything either. Race would just be a true friend and fiercely loyal.

And for the somewhat crazy things he does sometimes, we love him anyways. I find those things that he does keeps Newsies exciting and different...not that they really need any help....

11. Denton....another underrated character. I liked him a lot!! I kinda think he could be a really good mentor to Jack and Katherine/Jack and Sarah whichever way ya fall, Katherine just as an individual and Davey. He and Davey really bonded. I actually think he could have been a good mentor to any of the Newsies. He's like the cool uncle that everybody loves to see...if you have one. I wish we had gotten to see him more in canon than we did. He did a lot for the boys and I think his care for them can be kind of underrated sometimes. He's a fun character that I personally hope to explore a little bit more in the future with my writing at least. There's totally stuff for him that I know I could explore.

12. One thing I like about Newsies is that they give you a lot of background about why the Newsies don't like the villains of the story. For example, Snyder. All and I mean ALL of the boys hate Snyder...like 100% hate him. It becomes pretty clear from the beginning of the respective productions why this is and why everyone thinks that they should stay away from him. We get a lot of background on more of the adult characters...less on the individual boys mostly because each boy could probably have a whole movie written about his life, but still, we get to see the different relationship backgrounds and we get to see how they all coincide with each other. There's some really great things that come out of that. :) It sets up for a really good story and makes it more urgent when the Newsies lose to these characters. It's a really good plot point to use.

13. These boys are just amazing all the way around. For those of you that don't know and are probably really confused about why I can't stop talking about these Newsies, Newsies is a musical that discusses the Newsboys Strike 0f 1899 and it's basically a bunch of really cute guys who sing and dance for two hours. They are fabulous and I love each and every one of them. Don't ask me who my favorite is because I love them all and cherish them all deeply. They are just super duper fun to write for and super duper fun to talk about.

I literally can talk about them for hours.

I love to make up random headcanons in this book. There's actually a whole chapter dedicated to that in that book. You should go check it out if you're interested.

Here's one that is absolutely canon: The Newsies love to get into all kinds of shenanigans. 

That one's just a fact. :) 

Anyways, this concludes my fangirling, I mean themed tag about Newsies!! I honestly have really enjoyed getting to do this as it has been forever since I have been able to write Newsies and write it well. I've definitely been coming back to the fandom here lately and it feels good. I still love all my other fandoms too (because let's be real I never stop loving any of my big major fandoms) but Newsies is one I will NEVER forget. 

Next tag is another themed tag and we're doing Star Wars!!!! Yeah, that's one going to be pretty long too....

Because boy do I have some ranting to do about Star Wars, another very cherished fandom of mine.....not as much as Newsies at the moment but still....very cherished.

Now to tag 15 people......You guys know how much I love tagging.....
















That's all for today!! Stay tuned for some tags and more fun things coming out hopefully this week!! XD

See you around, friends!!

-Aisling Kiley

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