Another Tag by @DisneyFan

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So, I was tagged by the lovely Disney_Fan_. You should go check out her stuff and give her a little follow cuz she's pretty amazing. She is also on FanFiction too as DisneyFan10 and she has written some amazing Newsies stuff about one of my favorite Newsies! Anyways, she asked me to describe myself in five fictional characters. Please comment if you agree or disagree with any of these. 

1.) Mush - Newsies (I think I'm more like the 92sie version than the Broadway. I'm talking about personality here. I can't do back flips to save my life.)

2.) Crutchy/Crutchie - Newsies (I am a lot like Crutchy/Crutchie.)

3.) Tinkerbell - Peter Pan/ the Tinkerbell Saga (I don't have the anger issues like she does, but I can be sweet and sassy)

4.) Marty McFly - Back to the Future (I don't play guitar like he does, but we have some similarities in personality. I feel like I'm kind of the normal kid in a crazy situation sometimes.)

5.) Belle - Beauty and the Beast (I love books, guys. Oh wait. You already knew that. :) I like to help people who think they are all big and bad. I also like to be independent and sort of fight for myself. )

Honorable Mentions:

Davey- Newsies(92sie, he is more introverted than Jack and I relate to that a lot)

Gus- Psych (I don't cry that much, but sometimes I feel like the normal one out of my crazy group of friends and I don't consider myself to be 100% normal.)

Molly- Peter and the Starcatchers (I think she and I have stuff in common.)

Dmitry- (I'm not as street smart as him, but I still can cook up a good scheme.)

Racetrack-Newsies (I'm way introverted, but I can be sarcastic. Really sarcastic.)

Okay, now I am going to tag three lovely people. Don't feel like you have to do this if you don't want to.




Can't wait to see you guys' answers!!

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