Something That Changed Me

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Hey all!

I have something very important to share with everyone. This message is for anyone and everyone. It is for those who are broken and those who are wandering and those who are hurt and those who are in pain. The Gospel is for anyone and everyone. I am a user who professes to be a Christian. I hope my writing and the way I interact with people on here reflects that full well. By the way, I do not want to take credit for my work. God has given me the gift of writing to ultimately further His glory and bring more people to Himself. He is the One who deserves the praise not me. I do enjoy your compliments and am very thankful when I receive feedback on my stories and messages, etc... You all know that I have turned down some requests and I try to avoid some topics for a certain reason. That reason is for my faith. Little shout out to my peeps who profess to be Christians on here, if you see something in anything on my profile that I write and it does not align with my faith, please tell me. I want to know about this and make it right. So, back to my faith. The reason I do what I do is this, there is a God that loves you and created the world. God's world was perfect and holy just like Him until man came and messed it up. We chose to disobey God and that brought sin into the world. We are sinful and God, since He is righteous and holy, demands that we be holy too. If we do not do this, we are condemned to a life in hell. You may be thinking, "Aisling, this is crazy, girl!" Yeah, seems like it. But, it gets better. God sent down His Son, Jesus Christ to die for our sins. He knew that we could not make it our own. We need Jesus. Because Jesus died on the cross, He conquered sin and death. How did He do it? I mentiomed that He died on the cross, was buried and then He rose again three days later, alive and well. That doesn't mean we are immortal since He conquered sin and death, but it does mean that if we believe and confess our sins, we will get to spend eternity with Him. We will be saved. The Christian walk is not an easy one. I can tell you that first hand. Life is hard for Christians. People think we're crazy. Yeah, we are. Crazy about Jesus and what He did for us. Without Him, we are nothing and we can do nothing to save ourselves. It isn't about us. It's about Christ and what He did for us. God wants to have a relationship with you, but you have to accept the gift. It will be hard, but it will be worth it in the end. Now, about a couple weeks ago, a certain user had a question about one of the policies on my oneshot book. I gave them an answer, but now I'm going to explain to you the why behind the why. So, I do not allow homosexual or transgender characters in my book, if you guys are familiar with my books you know that that's the norm. The reason behind that is my faith. Jesus loves people. A lot of you could probably say, "Yeah, I know that and I understand that." True, but you do realize that He loves you as a person and not for the things that you do. It is by God's grace that we are saved, not our works. Our sins get us nothing. So, I'm not saying sins don't matter because they do. All sins are worth condemning a person to hell for. They truly are. You could kill someone and someone else could lie and you could both wind up in hell. A sin is a sin and God sees them all as condemnable. But, He loves you as a person. We as Christians are called to be like Jesus, which means that if I do not agree with what you do, I do not hate you. I do not agree with what you are doing, but there is a person just like me who needs the love of Jesus Christ just like I do. I am no better and we are all people. There is a person behind the sin and they deserve love since they are a person who needs Jesus' love just like me. So, if I turn something down, I don't hate you. I do it to adhere to my faith and not to bash on you. You are a wonderful person who was created by the One True King. I should care about you and want to share this amazing news with you. If you are a Christian on here, share this amazing news on your account! It is worth sharing and it changes lives. I shared this message not to make you think "I gotta shape up because if I don't, I'm going to hell." No! I put this up to realize that God created the world, man messed it up, God is holy, we are not, Jesus died on the cross and rose again three days later, paying the price for us, and if we accept Him as our Lord and Savior, confessing our sins and letting Him reign supreme over our lives, we can someday be with Him forever in heaven. If you know someone who believes this in your life and you want to know more, go talk to them. I'm just another user on the Internet. Go talk to someone about it and don't wait to start pursuing a relationship with God. If you do believe this, share it on here! Love people on here regardless of what they profess to do or believe on here! If you have questions about any of this, I would prefer you ask a Christian in real life, because to you guys, I'm just another Wattpad user. If you don't know a Christian in person, ask me or someone else on here that you know is. Thanks for reading and please do something with this! I would love to chat about it. I'm not here to make converts either, I will be here to chat with you through the long run as long as I am Wattpad. We as Christians are called to go and make disciples which means going with you through the Christian walk. One last little message: I'm not trying to force this on you. This is between you and God. I have nothing to do with you and God. I just wanted to tell you about God and the awesome things that He does for us. So, let's be unashamed of the Gospel for Christ! See you soon, friends and thank you for reading!

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