Newsies Headcanon #1/Newsies/Psych Things That Needed Shared With the World

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So... I discussed this with somebody, I don't remember who. My guess would be -OnceUponaDime, but I don't remember for sure. :) Anywhoo, so if you have ever noticed in Newsies, the 1992 movie, Davey and Mush hang out a lot. Like a lot. They seem to get along really well and they have similar personalities. Well sort of. So I have this random headcanon, and it kind of includes Skittery, cuz why not. I'm on a Skitts kick right now. :) So, Davey and Mush are both in college and they share a dorm. That's pretty much it. Skittery could live there too and lowkey pretends to hate them both, but he really enjoys having cool friends. He just doesn't want you to know that. Yeah. This might be a future oneshot, I don't know. Depends on what you guys think. This headcanon is just something that I haven't seen before. Mush would get Davey into all kinds of shenanigans around their building and all of the boys that are at college just sort of have a never ending prank war going on. I don't know what this is exactly. Perhaps a oneshot in the making. I don't know. Vote if you like the idea for a oneshot. Comment if you have any suggestions about this one. Speaking of those lovely little oneshots, I am still welcoming OCs to the book. If you have one and you want them in the book, I take guys and girls, submit them to my OC form or just shoot me a message and tell me about them. I don't bite, promise. You guys are amazing and deserve a Newsie meme/GIF or two. So hear you go, enjoy this, finish the rest of your week strong!! You can do it!!! Seize the day, friends!!!

Let's just take a moment and admire Jeremy becoming Jack Kelly. His smirk is the best. Just thought you would enjoy this.

If you are a fan of the 1992sies, you probably know what this. This is the original coloring of the photo. I like more than the actual picture on my DVD case. The boys look more real here. And where do you guys think they are in this picture?

A Psych meme because why not? I love Psych and as introvert, this is often my philosophy of life. Well sort of. If I could turn my introvertedness into words, this is what it would sound like. Juliet aka Jules is amazing and if you have not seen Psych, go watch it. It will make you laugh a lot. Promise.

You know who to thank for this one. Thanks, Race. Ben Tyler Cook, because of this, at least sixty more girls just developed crushes on you. Your welcome. I love this line so much. This is now the official definition of oyster to every Fansie.

Hahaha. That's all I have to say for this one. Bumlets was fantastic. That other kid is most definitely going to come at him. Lol.

Why this picture? BECAUSE OF MUSH'S SIX PACK!!!!!! Jk, I love their usual morning banter. Race describes me in the morning. And Crutchy. I love that kid.

Oh man. The sarcastic laugh. Hey, anybody have a meme of the kid that comes in between them. I have been dying to make one, that has the kid saying, "IT'S FRIDAY!!" I don't know why, but that's what his facial expression seems to say. Or that he just got a girlfriend. Anyways, also, let's notice Mush's smile here. Just look at it. And Davey's face. Disney, please warn me the next before you cast really cute teenage boys into a movie.

Oh my. Oh Shawn. Oh Lassiter. That about sums that up. How did these two keep it together? I would have laughed before the line was even close to being said.

Brownie points for you if you can explain the significance of this GIF to me, cuz I can't figure it out. I understand that the Newsies say ain't, but other than that, I'm clueless.

Same. I love that dance move and Mush looks so happy. This also describes everything about the Newsies in three words. Don't ask how much time I spend enjoying Mush fanfics, because it's too much to keep track off. Mush is one of my favs.

Jack can be an awkward hugger sometimes. What is Race doing? And Jack? Besides, the obvious that they are celebrating and the entertaining man hug, what in the world is going on here?

And last, but not least...

Spot Conlon fans, you are welcome. I'm not a huge Spot Conlon fan obviously. (Guys, I spend way too much time fangirling over Jack, Davey, Crutchy, Race, Mush, Skittery....*sigh* You get the picture.) I just really like this meme though. Spot is the Brooklyn swag.

Okay, so that was way more than two, but who cares? You guys seem to enjoy these. Please comment and tell me what you think. I love feedback and if you have any appropriate memes or GIFs that you want me to put in the next edition of Things That Need Shared With the World, send them to me. I don't own any of these pictures or characters. The pics belong to those on the Internet who posted them and their original shows.  Hopefully, I'll post something this weekend. Might do a special oneshot for Halloween. Okay, see you around, peeps!!

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