I Got Tagged Three Times in the Past 2 Days

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Okay. So you know where this is going. Yep, I've been tagged again!!! So, a quick shout out to justhitpause, sejzetheday, and Lukasthewriter207. Thank you all for tagging me!! Lukasthewriter207, sorry for the lack of rping lately. We can totally get back to it soon! :) So, I'm going to pick some random questions from each of the questions that you all answered and answer them. 

1.) Battery percentage: 100% on my laptop. Phone: 86%

2.) Lock screen? : The picture that Denton takes of the Newsies, one of them that I have says, "A picture is worth a thousand words" or something like that. It's a great picture.

3.) Last song I listened to: Hello Dolly! with Court Basie and Frank Sinatra. That's what I'm listening to right now on Pandora.

4.) Why I made my Wattpad account: Well, so over Spring Break in March, I had a dying urge to write Katherine's part of the story. I finished it sometime in June and it had originally all been one story without chapters. For all of your sakes, I chaptered it.  I wanted to share it on the Internet and I did! I had heard about Wattpad from my peeps AlohaGirl27 and ChildCurly. So, I decided to join!!

5.) Single or taken? I am single pringle, friends!!! ;)

6.) My favorite color is purple if you couldn't tell from some of my book titles.

7.) My favorite food is pizza!

8.) In all honesty, I have no idea what I want to do after high school, but a dream job would be a mobile librarian. I love books and I love to drive, so...yeah.

Okay, that's all for today, peeps. I'm going to tag a few peeps. You can answer the questions I did, but don't feel like you have to. ;)









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