Get Your Kicks On Tag 66

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Hello, everybody!!! The title is a reference to a song. If you've seen Cars, you know what I'm talking about. No, I don't own the song. This tag was originally going to be titled the I Don't Know What's Holding This Girl Together Tag but now it's something different. :) While I know that this isn't my 66th tag as there is more in this book than just tags, this is Chapter 66 in this book and so it warranted a creative title.

Anyways, I'm working on my Wonder Woman and Newsies Crossover book and I think this week, I'm going to write a Newsies and Tron Legacy Crossover oneshot. Why? I don't know. I'm more just going to use the universe of Tron and plop the Newsies in know how I do it. I am going to start "normal" oneshots again but for some reason it's really fun to throw the Newsies into different AUs and just watching what happens. Hahahahaha. I'm not funny. I didn't even plan that and it was still kind of cringy.

If you're wondering what brought Tron Legacy into the picture (I haven't seen the first Tron yet), I watched part of it and I hadn't seen it in like four years and I didn't understand it then. I don't totally understand it now but it started to make more sense except we didn't get to finish it. I've never seen this movie when I haven't been on a car trip so I don't entirely know what's going on but yeah. And I really wanted to finish it but we didn't get the chance too. So, I'm going to stitch together my own kind of plot which will loosely be based on Tron (because, I didn't get to finish it and it's hard to watch it closely in the car) and throw the Newsies into some epic fight scenes. If you want to blame it on someone, blame it on me and the fact that I remembered how cute Garrett Hedlund is in that movie and how epic the fight scenes were. He's kind of like Skittery. there's an idea. I'll stop before I write the whole oneshot right here. This is going to be a fun one.

Anyways, yeah. Hoping to write some other stuff too but life's crazy and my summer has no consistent rhythm whatsoever so here we are. It's really frustrating but in a couple of weeks it should be different. I'm hoping. This summer has just been weird.

Anyways, thanks to Nycnewsgirl.

She's the one who tagged me and I appreciate it a lot. :) Go give her a follow and show her some love cause she's an amazing friend.

Anyhoo, now onto the tag.

And this is another one of those tags with the weird rules. Why? I don't know. I'm not the one who created it but here we are. If you DO NOT want to do certain parts of the tag or you don't want to do the tag at all, that's fine with me. This is more for peoples' enjoyment to read.

1. You must post the rules

Ummmmmm, anybody else realize that whenever I do these tags I never post the picture form of the rules....why? Because I'm lazy and finding pictures is hard. And why are they called rules? That sounds so dire. Instructions would have been better, it sounds friendlier. Suggestions is way less forceful sounding. I'll quit deliberating over a better word and do the tag.

2. You must say 13 things about yourself and you cannot refuse.

I wasn't going to refuse anyways, tag. If I didn't want to do it, I just wouldn't have done the tag. Guess you're lucky I like being tagged and want to do it.

If you don't want to do this, you seriously can refuse and I'm not going to hold anything against you. :) I'm just being salty to be funny. Well that, and I'm kind of moody today. Thirteen things....thirteen things. Let me go see some of the things that I have told you guys already so I know what I haven't told you so I can share some more random facts about me.

And no, I'm not spilling anything about my fictional and non-existant love life. Lol. :)

1. I'm right handed. I don't think I've shared this information on here yet.

2. I am currently eating saltine crackers for lunch because I traveled and ate weird food and my sinuses are not being nice (pretty sure it's allergies and not COVID but it's real annoying that my allergies are as mean as they are right now with everything going on.) which means my stomach is kind of unhappy today.

Darn, guess I'm gonna have to watch Newsies later. XD XD XD. What a shame. I actually haven't watched it in awhile so it would be really nice to watch it again.

3. I just brushed my hair recently because I forgot to do so after my shower.

Yeah, I'm really with it today. So with it.

4. I get distracted really easily. It's bad. I like to work on multiple fandoms at once and it gets to be a lot sometimes.

5. I relate an unhealthy amount to the Jedi in Star Wars. Except for like the New Agey stuff but personality wise, I can totally relate.

Looking through this book, it's kind of hilarious how many times I referenced liking Star Wars before my fangirling with Luke really kicked in.

And now....we all know how that went.

6.  Looking back through this book, I was talking about the author Dave Barry at one point and put Davey. I'm pretty certain that Newsies has taken over my life.

7. I enjoy sleeping....a lot.

8. I have a job!!! But it's not super often so I'll still have plenty of free time to write.

9. I've basically started writing self insert drabbles on the side with Marty and Luke and they are very fun to write. Haven't started doing the Newsies yet but those would be fun. They might start after the next time I watch Newsies.

10. My parents are actually pretty supportive of me being on here and they get pretty excited when I tell them about how many reads I get on my books and stuff. Which I thought they would think it's really weird so I keep the fact that I'm on here hidden from a lot of people except those that I am closest to. It makes me happy that they're not super critical of it.

11. I've really been digging 80s music lately. Probably because of my crush on Marty. *sigh*

12. I have the same personality type as Padme and Luke. :) At least the same enneagram type as they do.

13. I have a stash of movies in my room for my own fangirling pleasure. Newsies is one of them.

Okay, that was pretty painless and kind of boring but you know. My life's been busy. What's next? It

3. If I don't do this in a week, the person who tagged you has to think of a punishment.

Well, Crystal tagged me yesterday and she told me she wasn't doing the whole punishment thing and I'm not doing it either because it's weird and mean. Seriously, tags are not supposed to be like this. Tags are for fun. Not to be in a cult or anything weird like that.

I'm doing it within a week but don't worry if you don't. I'm not going to punish you because that's just weird.

4. It has to be a chapter, not a comment.

Well....I would be annoyed if I did it in a comment so I do it in chapters. Tadaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!! Here it is!!! :)

5. I have to nominate or tag 15 people?

Ha! In the words of Jack Kelly, "That's a laugh!"

I'll do it even though I'm tired and don't really want to.

You know what I really want to do?

Watch Newsies, Star Wars, Back to the Future or Tron Legacy. Any of those will suffice.

But I'll tag 15 peeps first.

1.) DaydreamShimmer

2.) BrendaDaaeDestler

3.) LizzyKelly1899

4.) DaWoildIsYerErster3

5.) TesserPhantom



8.) ChillaxStar16


10.) the_mannly_one

11.) Destielshiper1289

12.) auspicious_erster

13.) PrinceAli15

14.) thattheatrekid1899


6. It has to have a creative title.

I would say it does. That's better than most of the titles I come up with.

*thinks to previous title idea*

Yep. Definitely a creative title.

Well, there we go. :) I got another tag out. Hope to update some stuff here sooner than later. Thanks again for embarking on my fangirl adventures with me. I'm seriously kind of starting to get into a Newsies mood again so I'm hoping to update some stuff here soon. Thanks for being so supportive, peeps.

See you around,


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