Mountains Are My Santa Fe

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Hey all!! Yep, I'm here for a double feature at some odd hour in the morning where I live. Hooray for late nights am I right?

Anyways, be warned...I watched 92sies a couple nights ago and so now I'm really into Newsies right now. Not like I'm ever not or anything. There are several people on here who can attest to that and there are literally tags on here that are pretty much full of me talking about Newsies.

*thinks back to that rant I wrote about my fictional crushes at the start of quarantine and shudders ever so slightly because I actually wrote it and then smiles at the fact that I still have crazy crushes on all of those characters*

This could become one of those tags so this is your warning. If you don't want to proceed, don't feel like you have to.  Before I get too far ahead into my world of Newsies....I mean tags....we're a doing a tag. Totally not talking about Newsies. No, never............Totally going to be a completely normal tag!!!

So let's get into this tag! First off, special shoutout and thank you to LikesToCryAlot!!

Thanks so much for the tag and even though I just did this one a couple weeks ago, I feel like doing it again so here we are!! I might get creative with it cuz if we're being honest....the rules hold less limitations than you think. ;) ;) ;) So, let's get into it!!

And's one of those tags with the rules....but I'm going to do something a little different this time with it just to mix it up and make it interesting. We'll see if it works. If it totally is terrible then it never has to happen again!! So here we go...for realsies this time. Hahahahaha, realsies....Newsies.

Seriously, if you think it's going to get better, I praise your optimism but the realist in me is telling in you that it probably won't. Not saying the other fandoms won't creep in there because they probably will's about to get real interesting.

Proceed at your own risk.

Okay, enough rambling!! Let's do the crazy tag.

1. You must post the rules

*pretends to contemplate actually posting a picture of the rules up top*

Naahhhhhh, why scroll up to the top when you can read them along the way? Besides, my fingers need the exercise of writing out a question. It's so satisfying to do it myself and at the same time, I'm being lazy. 

Well then....there's irony for ya. Have fun stewing over that one.

2. You must say 13 things about yourself.

This time though...I can refuse if I want to. Hahahahahahaha. But I'm still going to do it anyways because this is where we're going to get real creative!!

*rubs hands together excitedly in anticipation and for suspense purposes*

Let's do it!!!!! I'm going to take some quotes from some of my fandoms and pick which ones I would be more likely to say and then those will be 13 things about me!!

1. "The woild is yer erster" Orrrrrrr "For a dreamer night's the only time of day"

Oof. I made a hard first one. Ummmmmm.....probably the second one but if I was in a more....humorous mood, I would say the other one too. It really goes both ways.

And yes, most of them will probably be Newsies lines or lyrics.

2. "Do or do not, there is no try" Orrrrrr "Never tell me the odds."

Probably the second one as well. I'm someone who doesn't like to give up easily and I like to mentally go through all of my matter the odds of them working in my favor...before I just jump right into one of them. I don't like it when people tell me I'm not capable of doing things or that the odds are not in my favor. I'm not very analytical besides evaluating my options so I tend to be a little bit more on the impulsive side. Not to say I don't jump into things without thinking them through first,like Han, but I don't go through all of the mathematics of figuring out the odds and what not merely because that's not how my brain is wired.

3. "Headlines don't sell papes, Newsies sell papes!!" Orrrrr....."The things we do today will be tomorrow's news."

Oof. The first one if someone is picking on my Newsies but the second just for practicality purposes. I think I like the first one more and would be more likely to say it.

4. "It's this brain of mine, it's always makin's got a mind of it's own" Orrrrr "It ain't lyin' it's just improvin the truth a little."

Honestly, I would say both of these two. Probably the second one more than likely but the first one if I was having a rough day. I think the first one is more characteristic of me.

5. "What if I'se says we is?" Orrrrrr.... "I don't need a limp to sell papes, I got POISONALITY"

Hehehehehehe. I hope I did that one justice. I honestly could probably say either one.........probably more the second one. I'm not a huge leader and I don't really like to argue with people so, probably the second one.

6. "I've heard it both ways" Orrrrrrr...."Ya heard about Pluto? That's messed up, right?"

The first one....I've said the first one before in a conversation. I know I have. Mostly because of Shawn but yes, I have used it in a conversation.

7. "Where we're going, we don't need roads" Orrrrrr "You're telling me you made a time machine?......out of a DeLorean????"

The second one. I'm much more like Marty being confused than Doc's really genius personality. I can kind of understand what Doc's saying sometimes when he goes on one of his science rants, but there are times when it goes completely over my head.

8. "Sometimes all it takes is a voice, one voice that becomes a hundred, then a thousand, unless it's silenced." Orrrrrrrr......."Keep your eyes on the stars and your feet on the ground."

I think the first one is something I would say more often. I like the second one though. It's a cool one.

9. "Why, you stuck-up, half-witted, scruffy-looking nerf herder!" Orrrrrr......"But I was going into Tosche Station to pick up some power converters!!!"

Probably the second one. I would be more whiny than flat out insulting somebody but I love the first one even though we have no clue what that insult means.

10. "If you put your mind to it, you can accomplish anything," Orrrrr......"I guess you guys aren't ready for that yet, but your kids are gonna love it."

Probably the first one. I like to help people out more with stuff like that and encouraging them.

11. "Never fear...Brooklyn is here" Orrrrr....."Nobody's gonna mess with the Newsies."

Probably the second one. I'm more of a Hattan' Newsie girl anyways and I think Specs or someone says that. Spot's definitely not around when that gets said.

12. "Don't ya know that we'se a family? Would I let ya down, kid? No way" Orrrr...."Your friend.....your best friend.....your brother...."

The second one...hands down. I'm real in decisive so I would go through all of those to figure out how to appropriately sign my letter.

13. "Where they takin him, Dave?" Orrrrr........."Racetrack, watch him".

Yeah, those are two real obscure lines that needed to go on there just for the heck of it. The first one is Mush to Davey outside of the Refuge and the second is Davey telling Race to watch Les.

Considering how much of a parent figure Davey is in both productions.....this is kind of hilarious to me....not that Race can't take care of a kid. He's been doing stuff like that for a long time but um....yeah. If ya know, ya know.

I would probably ask the super obvious question. I tend to do that even when no one knows the answer. So, the first one.

3. If you don't do this within a week, the person who tagged you has to think of a punishment.

Well, I did it within a week and I'm not doing the punishment thing.

Need we go back to the rant about how tags are supposed to be fun? No punishments...I'm nice. :) I'm not going to put anyone through that.

4. It has to be a chapter, not a comment.

TADA!!!!! It is!! You got your money's worth out of today's update.

5. You have to tag/nominate 15 people.

Here's the part I hate, not because I don't want other peeps to participate. This just takes forever.
















And there ya have it. If you weren't tagged, you are still more than welcome to do it!! Don't feel like you have to do it if you were tagged.

6. The chapter has to have a creative name

I would say it does. The reasoning behind the chapter title is that I want to go to the mountains right now like Jack really wants to go to Santa Fe. So, mountains are like my Santa Fe.

Anyways, hooray for double features like 12 hours apart, am I right? I started this like at 12:30 in the morning and I'm finishing a little after noon. I did post a oneshot around the same time I started writing this so, if you're interested, feel free to check it out. :) Hope everyone is doing well!! See you around, peeps!!


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