Headcanons and Tags.

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Hey all! So, strangely enough, I have some random headcanons and just thoughts in general about different fandoms lately. Honestly, every time I sit down to watch Newsies, Psych or any thing for that matter or even think about them, something new comes to mind. These could be real, but more likely could be really really fake. I have also done some research on some of these characters because I've been bored and for some reason that's what I have wanted to do. So, friends.  Feel free to comment and say whether you think it's great or maybe not so great. Tell me what you think about these. I'll try to organize these by fandom, but you know. It only goes so well and disclaimer: I don't own anyone that I am talking about unless you recognize them as one of my OCs. I own all of them. :) One last thing: I have only watched seasons 1-2 and the first episode of 3 of Psych. I know the characters pretty well, but not super well. Most of the real headcanons are going to be about Newsies and Psych  are more going to be review like and just things that I have noticed. So, here we go.

Jack Kelly, Racetrack, Kid Blink, Specs, Mush, Albert, Skittery and Elmer are all, most likely, a beast at the whole thing where you whistle with your fingers. I can't do it, but Jack totally could. I mean if you're a leader of a ton of Newsies, you kind of have to be good at making a lot of noise to get peoples' attention, so there's that. The other boys are all older too and when you live in a big city, you need some way to find each other that's different from just trying all of the different alleyways. That's one kind of weird, but seems the most realistic out of all of them.

Skittery is probably an engineer later on in his life. There isn't a whole lot of schooling that goes into it today and back then there wasn't nearly as much if any at all. I could see him being really good at driving a train. Do you drive a train or do you engineer a train? Can someone please help me English? Anyways, moving on.

Crutchie probably is really good at English. This one is kind of popular, but is probably kind of true. Here's another one that kind of goes with it. Crutchie is probably really good at languages in general and this girl buys newspapers from him everyday. She is really good at Spanish which in that time was probably pretty rare as most wealthy girls learned French and not Spanish as their second language. The girl teaches Crutchie Spanish when she buys a newspaper from him.

Crutchie has a kitten. I have made this one happen. Patches came in my like 14th oneshot or something. She's fairly new and she will most likely make an appearance with Crutchie in the next oneshot. Can't forget that adorable little kitty.

Race is fluent in Italian. This one is half fact and half headcanon, I guess. Nothing in the movie confirms that Race is bilingual, but the Fansies have pretty much made it canon. Go, Fansies.

Race tries really hard to impress Flavi with his limited knowledge of French and she doesn't speak French, so she just laughs. Why French specifically? Because someone told Race that French was the language of love and Race thought speaking French would make Flavi fall in love with him. Yeahhhh. Yeah no. :) Nice try though, Racer.

Davey has or is going to read ALL of the classics at some point in his life. Even the ones in other languages. This one is pretty popular except it's kind of hard to tell for sure whether or not Davey is a bookworm. If you compare the two Daveys... which will happen when I release the Big Book of Newsies that still needs to even have a draft created. Yeah maybe this summer. :)

This next one we can thank DaydreamShimmer for.

Albert really has a thing for Lucky Charms. Like it's a problem. He eats them for breakfast and then he HAS to have a bowl after the big event of his day (work, college, high school, practice...). Race (and this is THE Racetrack Higgins we are talking about here) thinks it's a problem and that's saying something. But, Race respects it too because Albert watches other interesting things happen that typically, Race is responsible for.

Elmer only goes to church when it rains. Fact! Well kind of. There's a short exchange between Elmer and a nun during Carrying the Banner that leads me to believe this. And oneshot ideas are pouring into my head as we speak. These are really good oneshot fuel. They really help you come up with some interesting ideas.

This one is a crossover one with Psych!! I also mentioned this one to DaydreamShimmer.

Racetrack Higgins and Shawn Spencer could be best buds. Race would think that Shawn's "psychic" episodes were the coolest things ever and he could probably have a really good "psychic" episode himself. These two could have a conversation in a language that they made up and it would somehow make sense to both of them and would seem like an intelligent conversation. I'm not even sure what other stuff could go on there, but there probably a LOT!!

Okay, that's all for the headcanons right now. I'll probably do more, but... I have been tagged by some lovely peeps, so here we go. First off, thank you to engayging for the tags. I will pick the questions that I am comfortable answering and answer them. Second off, thank you to BartokTheBat for tagging me! I love getting to chat with you about Newsies stuff. If you haven't followed her, please do,. She is super sweet and writes some fantastic Newsies preferences. I want to do those some day too, but haven't gotten around to it yet. Last but not least by any means whatsoever,  thank you to my fellow #GirlsiesUnite founder, DaWoildIsYerErster3!!! Please go follow all of these people and if you don't know what #GirlsiesUnite is, please go check out my book about it!!! Okay, enough self advertising, let's get to the tags.

1. Favorite color?

I like purple, red and blue.

2. Favorite song?

Oh goodness. I don't know. Probably something from Newsies or The Power of Love from Back to the Future because Back to the Future.

3. Have I ever killed a guy?


4. Do I like sushi?

Maybe? I don't know. I'm not opposed to trying it.

5. Does my crush like me?

I honestly don't know.

6. Do I drive?

Yes. I do.

7. Relationship status?

Single as a Pringle. Aaaaand I was gonna say something else, but...... I'm not going to. In #GirlsiesUnite however, I am dating Mush Myers. In real life, I'm single.

8. Last time I laughed?

Today because my mom showed me a funny video.

9. Last song I listened to?

Don't You Forget Me or something like that. It was a promo for Psych that GabbySLee recommended to me. It's pretty great, Psychos(Psych fans).

10. Last YouTube video I watched?

It was a "movie" for the Back to the Future video game.

11. Last book I read?

Fahrenheit 451. I read a lot, but I struggle to finish books.

12. Favorite animal?

I like pandas. They are very relatable.

13. Do I play an instrument and what instrument?

You know there's this really great instrument called sleeping. I play that one a lot.

Just kidding....

I play clarinet, piano and some hand percussion stuff on the side.

14. Ten things about me.

1. I can speak some Spanish.

2. My current favorite Psych episode is the one where Shawn speaks Spanish.

3. I also really like the Psych episode where Shawn is pretending to be psychic with a cat.

4. I love Peter Pan

5. I am a sneakers girl, I don't do heels.

6. I love modern history (1890's - present day)

7. I like to research things.

8. I am a fan of Wonder Woman.

9. I relate to David Jacobs a lot.

10. I love chocolate a lot.

15. A spoiler for a story?

This is more food for thought, but... Lizzie in Psych's Pineapple is not necessarily in Santa Barbara to stay.

16. A joke?


We were doing a study about kidneys and one of the students said "You've got to be kidney me." Props to one of my Anatomy classmates. Your joke was funny the first time.

17. Sexual  orientation?

I'm straight. I honestly don't really consider myself to fit into one of these though. As a Christian, it's not something I live by. I am attracted to guys and only guys.

18. Gender Identity?

I am female because that is how God created me.

19. Happy?

Yeah. Really tired. Colds beat the crap out of you.

Last Song: I answered that one already on this tag. :)

20. Hair color?

I'm going to be kind of discreet about this. It is a similar hair color to Julie Andrew's natural hair color and Michael J. Fox's/Marty McFly. So young Michael J. Fox. If you really want to know, go do some research and tell me what you think.

21. Zodiac?

I'm not really into that sort of thing, so I don't know.

22. Last person I kissed?

Does my cat count? I don't really kiss a lot of people.

Favorite color: I already answered that for this tag.

23. Favorite food?

 I love pizza and ice cream. Probably pizza though.

24. Phone Battery?

82%. I haven't done much on my phone today.

25. Celebrity Crush?

I really like young Michael J. Fox and Chris Pine. I also am a fan of Dule Hill from Psych. He is hilarious. I think I really like him and James Roday because they are both pretty similar to their characters. James is a more chill, introverted of Shawn. Dule Hill is a lot like a less chill Gus. I tend to get crushes on the characters more than the actual actors. I also am a Jeremy Jordan fan. I mean, how could I be a Fansie and not be a Jeremy Jordan fan?

26. Eye Color?

Another puzzle! Similar eye color to Jeremy Jordan. If you don't know it, look it up and tell me what you think.

27. Shoe size?

I mean it depends on the shoe, but I'm typically a 8.5-10. I didn't have a puzzle for that one, sorry.

Eye color: Did you figure it out?? :)

28. Height?

About the same height as Michael J. Fox and anyone else who is that height. I'm sorry if the puzzles are annoying you. I'm really into them right and I have been wanting to do them for awhile. If you complete hate them, please tell me. They don't have to be a regular thing.

Sexuality, Gender, Happy, and Zodiac I already answered.

29. One fact about me?

I listed 10, but you want another? Okay fact 11... Spot Conlon is a boy I would not go out on a date with, but we would probably be good friends.

30.  Month I was born?

A month of new beginnings. :)

31. Last text?

To a friend of mine about Band class.

32. Hobby?

 Biking. Reading and Wattpad are probably my biggest ones though. If you count playing clarinet a hobby, but I do that for school.

33. Last call?

Probably to my mom. I don't really call a lot of people.

34.Coffee or Tea?

Tea...hands down. Especially blueberry.

35. BFF?

I'm weird and don't really do BFFs. I have lots of different friends that are all equally important to me in one way or another, but it is impossible to have a best one because they are all so amazing. Same with people on here. I like to have close friends.

I answered Single or Taken already.

36. Lock Screen?

Mine hasn't changed since I posted it like a couple of months ago. I never change my lockscreen or home screen.

Battery Percentage I already answered.

37. Fave OTP?

I like Jack and Katherine. Steve and Diana in Wonder Woman. Shawn and Juliet in Psych. Shawn and Abigail in Psych.

Okay, it's Friday and I'm worn out. So, I'm going to tag 20 people, but if you don't want to do it or if I didn't tag and you do want to do it, feel free to. You guys know I'm not picky.

1. Musical_Theater_Nerd

2. snowdropfrabjous - Welcome back, girl!

3. LizzyKelly1899


5. GabbySLee

6. Ligitlass

7. musicalmango670

8. -_VeronicaSawyer_-

9. screamyheere

10. DistrictFandoms

11. BroadwayFan123

12. BroadwayBaby17

13. Broadway_Bitxh

14. BeckyMerari1808

15. AbbyReads03

16. singingnorequiem

17. Marina_Confetti

18. booklover311921

19. pluviophile_bookworm

20. FabulousDalek

So, there's the tag for this round. You can answer on here or wherever. I don't really care. I cannot wait to see your responses!!! I hope you enjoyed the headcanons. I will probably release more as I think up of them.

See you around, peeps!


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