Tagged By @DaWoildIsYerErster3

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Ahhh, yes, back to tags. I haven't been tagged in a month or so, so it's nice to do one. Thanks to DaWoildIsYerErster3 for this tag. I hope you enjoy reading my responses. :)

1. What is my favorite musical? And if I don't have one, what is my favorite movie?

Well, I can answer both of those because musicals are a huge part of my life and I love movies.

Favorite musical: Newsies, hands down. I am also into old movie musicals, Singin In the Rain, Meet Me in St. Louis, Seven Brides for Seven Brothers.... the list goes on. I also like Anastasia.

Favorite movie: Newsies, Back to the Future Part 1 (although the other two are good too), and yeah the list goes on for these too. Anything with Peter Pan.

2. Do you have any pets?

A cat. She's pretty great.

3. If you don't have pets, what kind do you want?

Well, I am a cat person, but dogs are really great too. I don't know. I like animals a lot, just not snakes.

4. Have you ever been on an airplane, boat, or train?

Yes, to all three! I have been on the subway in D.C., I have taken a ferry places, I have ridden on a steam engine (such a cool experience, you should really do it if you ever get the chance), I have ridden on a plane.

5. Have I ever read your stories?

Quite honestly, I can't remember. I feel like I have read something of yours at one point or another. I read so much on Wattpad that sometimes I don't know. :)

6. Favorite books?

Oh gracious. I love Peter and the Starcatchers. Those are great books. I love Nancy Drew as well. Agatha Christie is amazing. Yeah, there's a long list there too.

7. Favorite author on here?

This is so hard to choose. There are so many great authors on here! You all have such cool ideas. 12YearsInAzkaban is someone who I really like to read. Musical_Theater_Nerd is another person who's stuff I really like to read.

8. Favorite era?

I love like the 1890's up until the present day. I am not huge on the 60's  and 70's, but there was some cool stuff made in that era, so I guess I can include those years. I really like this era. I am a huge fan of modern history. I love studying stuff about Newsies, Anastasia, Prohibition, the Roaring 20's, the Great Depression, and the list goes on. The World Wars are really interesting too. I love history a lot.

9. I am not a fan of horror stuff, so I am just going to answer my favorite book genre?

I love mystery and historical fiction. Sci-fi and fantasy are fun to read too. The only genre I really don't like is super heavy romance and paranormal/horror stuff. Adventure stories can be a touch boring to read, but most of the time, I enjoy a good action and adventure story. Most of the movies that I like have some kind of action or adventure stuff happening in it.

10. Am I part of a #GirlsiesUnite?

I sure am!! I am one of the founders along with LizzyKelly1899 and DaWoildIsYerErster3. These are both amazing ladies, I highly suggesting going and chatting with them. Sadly, we are out of Newsies to date, but you can still support us!!!

Tag 10 people.











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