Newsie Name?

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Hey peeps!! If you haven't seen, I am trying to get a Newsie name. I am taking suggestions and I found one that I kind of like. A couple of people have suggested things and they are pretty great and I will share them on here.

Here are the options in the running currently. You can comment your suggestions if you so choose to.

Verbose was suggested by DaydreamShimmer. If you have read any of my writing, I write a lot in one chapter. If you haven't, have no fear. There is plenty to read. :)

Vernus was suggested by WingMations. In her words, "it is Venus but verbally". I thought this was kind of cool.

I looked up Verbose in an online thesaurus and found Windy. I kind of like that one and it is kind of a unique and cool nickname. This is also kind of goes along with the writing a lot theme.

Comment on the one that you like the best or...if you have a suggestion that you think would fit me or my writing personality. I am open to any and all suggestions as long as they are clean. So, please don't be shy with your suggestions.

If you have a Newsie name that you go by, you can share that on here too if you would like. I would love to see the ones that you guys have come up with yourselves too. :) 

Since 4th of July is getting near and also since BrendaDaaeDestler requested it, I am going to do a prompt tag. Anyone who would like to do this is welcome!!! I am not going to be tagging anyone for this one so, if you know of people who follow me that like the prompt tags, please pass the information along to them that there is one out!!  You can also share the prompt tag with anyone else you want to share it with. All I ask is that you tag me or share my username when you share it with them just so they know where it came from. My account and followers thing has been acting kind of weird today as many of you are experiencing. If you would like to do it, you are more than welcome to. This one is kind of a 4th of July theme in honor of the holiday next week!!

Fireworks exploded nearby. It was a wonderful evening. A perfect time to.....

And you finish the rest!!! Have fun!! Enjoy it!!!!

For my fellow Psychos/Psych Fans on here, Happy National Pineapple Day!!! :) Here are some Psych memes in honor of that!! Here are some non-Psych memes as well just because memes are great. :)

Here you go!! Enjoy!! This is mostly just because I felt like sharing these with you. The thing about the shots fired notebook makes my day. It is so funny!!!

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