Tagged by @DaWoildIsYerErster3

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Hey, peeps!! I am taking a break from writing my Newsies in 1992 React to Newsies Broadway Live to do this tag. It is really long and should be out soon!!! Other imagines will be worked on and then I will start on the Girlsies unless I get distracted which knowing me, could very well happen. Okay, moving on. Thank you to DaWoildIsYerErster3 for tagging me!! This is a  great break and I actually like this tag a lot, so...thanks. :)

One more thing before we get going on the tag, I am still trying to come up with a Newsie name for myself. I have had a couple of suggestions by WingMations and DaydreamShimmer. If you have a suggestion about what my Newsie name should be, suggest it here or if you like one that has already been suggested, you can "vote" for it in the comments. Thanks for suggesting if you so choose to. The two that have been suggested are Verbose and Vernus(like Venus but verbally according to WingMations). Okay, now onto the tag for real this time.

1. What would I do when someone asks me out?

Hmmm, you know I've never really thought about this because I have never thought that I was going to be asked out and no one has ever asked me out in real life, so here goes. I think it would depend on the person how I would react. If my crush asked me out, I would be pumped. If someone I didn't really like asked me out, I would consider but, maybe not be as excited. I think there would be a lot of consideration that goes on. I am a very careful person and I like to think on things.

2.My favorite musicals?

Newsies is my absolute favorite. Anastasia is my second. I like Mary Poppins, Singin In the Rain, Seven Brides for Seven Brothers are all good ones. The Sound of Music is a classic.  I like what I have seen of West Side Story. Some of the music from Bonnie and Clyde is fun, I haven't listened to it all yet.

3. What do I plan on being in the future?

I want to get a Masters degree in Library and Information Science so, something that has to do with books and research. I really like both of those things. I want to get the books and information that will help the person who is actually doing the research to find what they are looking for. That would be an absolute dream job. I would also love to keep track of information for an intelligence agency or something like that but, I think the first option is a little more possible. Just a little word of advice to all of you who like me, maybe don't know exactly what you want to do with your lives yet, this is a degree that I would encourage you to explore. You can get a major in pretty much whatever you want and you will probably wind up with some kind of a job. People may say stuff like "Libraries aren't going to exist" but if anything, they are going to flourish. Even if it's in a digital way, people with this degree are going to be in high demand.

If this whole Library and Information Science degree does not work out, then I would like to go to Pharmacy School and become some kind of a pharmacist.

4. Am I in a relationship?

I am in a relationship with God and in real life no one else. I date Mush in #GirlsiesUnite on here.

5. Where do I want to live in the future?

I kind of want to move to a big city. Chicago is one that I really like. I also would like to live close to the mountains somewhere or like an hour or so away from a beach somewhere. It all kind of depends on where I get a job.

6. What color do I want my wedding theme to be?

Pfffttt. I don't know. Heck, I haven't even thought to next week. In all seriousness, I haven't really dreamed of a wedding because I'm single and weddings aren't things I look into. I think a lilac would be a really pretty  color theme though.

7. What do I want my future pet to be?

Probably a cat. Or a dog. I like animals, so I'm pretty cool with everything. Preferably not a snake, but I am sure I can learn to like them.

8. Ever eaten a croissant?

Oh yeah. Those things are pretty great.

9. Second favorite color?

Blue and all shades of blue.

10. Do I ever cuss in real life?

Nope. Or on here. I have come close to cussing in real life but, I have stopped myself.

11. What is my dream date?

A drive-in movie which may seem kind of cheesy or cliché and whatnot, but I have always been a fan of stuff like that. It would be a fun first date. Then you can talk in your car and it wouldn't necessarily ruin the movie for other people.

12. If I could be any superhero, who I would be?

Wonder Woman or the Flash. Probably Wonder Woman. She is fantastic.

13. Favorite carnival food?

Elephant Ear is pretty good.

14. What do I usually wear everyday?

Jeans/jean shorts or if I am at home, athletic shorts/leggings. We get to experience all four seasons where I live so it depends. Glasses and either tennis shoes or sneakers. I love no tie sneakers. Those things are really comfy.

15. Do I like school?

It depends. Not really, but I'm pretty good at it most of the time. I think. I like some classes and don't like others as much. It's even more fun when the guy I like teases/flirts(maybe? Me and ChildCurly think he does) me. :)

16. What would I do if I won the lottery?

That's an excellent question. I would at least give some to charity and honestly, I would probably save the rest for my family or just for needs in general. You never know when you are going to need to help someone out. If nothing happens, then I might get an apartment in a big city or something as well as my place wherever I am living at that point in life.

17. Favorite dessert?

I love pies, ice creams, cookies, brownies, cupcakes...I'm a huge dessert person. I don't know if I have a favorite. It's probably ice cream but, I love them all so much.

18. What am I doing this summer?

Trying to get a job(I had an interview today and I have an interview tomorrow for the same place), going on a trip with my youth group, writing(obviously), reading Wuthering Heights,(uggghhhhhh) and other books, hanging out with family and friends, and some other stuff.

19. Sneakers, flats or heels?

That's easy. Sneakers hands down. I wear them on a regular basis.

And here's who I tag!!


























That's all for today!! I hope to have the reaction thing posted soon and other imagines!!


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