Positivity Tag And Prompt Tag

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Hey all! I was tagged by _Honey-Suckle_ to say 5 things that I like about myself. I'm also going to include a prompt tag at the end of this one for anyone who is up for it because I feel like doing one. Anyone is welcome to do any part of this that they want. Don't feel like you have to do it if you don't want to. Thanks for the tag, _Honey-Suckle_. I haven't done a tag in general in awhile and I have kind of missed getting to do them so, thank you. :) 

5 things that I like about myself

1. I'm becoming more open about the things that I like no matter how much other people like or don't like them. I shared the fact that Peter Pan was my favorite CLASSIC Disney movie (well I didn't say it was my favorite classic one but, I assumed that that was what we were going with) in front of the guy I liked and he didn't say it was weird or anything so, that's good. Newsies is my favorite live action Disney movie for those of you who were wondering about that. 

2. I love music. I can't go a day without listening to something or having something musical running through my mind. 

3. My hair makes me feel pretty. It's kind of this long, wavy blondish brown thing and it makes me feel pretty...sometimes. :) Sometimes, it's just a mess. 

4. I love doing research on things. Seriously, you learn a lot about old Disney movies by doing this. If anyone knows if there is any public footage of the role model movie of Peter Pan, I would be interested in seeing it. :) If you know what this, you'll know exactly what I mean. For the rest of ya, I'll tell you someday. :) Maybe in the Peter Pan rant. That's going to be really really long.... 

5. I love books. Books are just amazing. Nothing beats opening a book and hearing the crackle of the spine or feel the pages in between your fingers. 

Okay, there you go. Enough about me. To the prompt!! I'm going to tag 10 people but, more people can do it if they so choose. The above tag only asked me to do 10 people but, more people are welcome to do this tag. 

The prompt for this tag is... 

The star shined a little brighter that night than normal. Something was changing. Perhaps something had changed. She had a feeling...an adventure was going to be had. 

A lot of these prompts are going to feature a female protagonist in the prompt mostly because the majority of my reading audience is female. :) I couldn't remember if it's been a girl or not the past few times. I know the first one was. Anyways, I tag 




DaWoildIsYerErster3 (I read that thing you tagged me in...so sad. :( .)










Okay, I had to do a couple more than ten because there are some people that I always tag. :) 

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