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Hey all!! The Peter Pan rant is still in process in this book but, I am thinking of writing a historical musical fiction book. I'm going to tease it here. Feel free to comment on it. It doesn't have to be whether or not you think it's going to be good or not. You can just comment your thoughts and opinions about it. I'm going to go ahead and tease it and then talk about it. So, here we go. 

She stands facing an empty auditorium, the viola resting on her shoulder and her dainty fingers gripping the end of the neck to hold the precious instrument in place. Whenever she played it, she could hear the cries of generations gone by, a story telling itself with each note that was heard. It was a long story and she had a feeling that it wasn't a happy one by any means. She looks to the doors. In a few moments, a large group of people will stroll in, searching for a place to hear her play some beautiful music. Her teacher once told her that music could be a very emotional experience. She had scoffed at the idea at the time. Now she understands it completely. Everyone in the audience calls her a rising star and predicts that she is going to be one of the top violists in the world. That's not how she feels now. She feels extremely humbled. Extremely burdened. The elegant violet dress draped over her shoulders feels as though it is clinging to her, exposing how she truly feels. She feels their pain and with each note that she is going to play, she can hear their cries. The violinists feel it too. All of the musicians feel it. Feel something that cannot be understood unless it is played or heard in the correct context. The cries of generations gone by. It hurts. As it should. But, it's time to tell the story. It's time to play something that the world needs to hear. Something that the world needs to feel. Even she didn't know the true story of the instrument and she wasn't sure if she ever wanted to find out. A part of her did. There was a little part of her that was tugging on the inside crying for her to ask, to hear the story for what it was. And yet, a part of her could die without knowing. A nod from the conductor standing off to the side and she disappears off to the side of the stage. The audience files in, most of them lively and talkative but, in a conservative way. She clings the viola tight to her chest. 

"What if this is not what the world needs or wants? What if I'm doing something entirely wrong by playing this concerto? I could be making the mistake that could ruin the rest of my career!" 

These thoughts race through her mind. So much fear, so much anguish. What good could come of this? She looks out to the large audience. The room is nearly full. Her thoughts are interrupted as the lights dim and the concertmaster walks past her and out onto the stage. He bows and tunes the orchestra. The conductor walks out and takes his bow. He then gestures to her. 

It's time. She picks up her skirt just enough so she can walk and gracefully glides across the stage to her place. Taking her bow, her face is stoic and unreadable. The audience cheers excitedly for her. The time has come. It's time to tell the story that history has placed inside the instrument. She raises her bow and her instrument preparing to strike the first note. The conductor's hands begin to move and the song begins. The song of hope. 

And end teaser. 

So, no one has any names yet and I'm not going to reveal the plot entirely just yet. Here's the gist of it. 

This young woman is playing a viola that was played by someone in the concentration camps during WWII. As she plays, the story is told of the young woman who played it. In the past, like I'll put the story in WWII time and we'll get to see this young woman in the past's life more so than the young woman featured in the prologue. I will say that the prologue and the epilogue or interluding pieces with this modern day violist are important and you will want to pay attention to them. 

So, what do you think? I'm going to try to keep this book under 20 chapters as a whole just to make it like a cool book but not something terribly long. This is also going to be a stand alone and I'm NOT planning on doing a sequel. If it gets a lot of attention and people like it, I might write a stand alone side story but, I'm not planning on doing it at this time. This is also going to be a PG/PG-13 rating since a lot of this book is going to be taking place in a concentration camp. It is going to be HARD TO READ IN SOME PLACES. Nevertheless, I would encourage you to read through the hard parts and not skip them or skim them. I am putting them in there to invoke emotion and to tell you what happened. I'm not going to skimp out on details. If there is a situation that I feel is too strong to describe, then I'm not going to describe it and simply state what happened. This is my story and not an actual book of history so, certain things may not happen even if they happened in the actual concentration camps. If you would like to know more about that, I'm planning on doing a fair amount of research, feel free to ask. I'm not going to force it upon anyone but, I would encourage you to read the whole book. Feel free to comment on stuff that you see. 

I'm really going for an emotional and education experience here so, this book is not going to be like a lot of my other books. This book is going to be a bit darker than the others that are out there that I have written. Just keep that in mind as you read. I hope you all enjoy it anyways. 

As for other stuff that's coming, I'm still going to write a really interesting Newsies crossover oneshot with Aladdin and Peter Pan, write some more to the Psych book, and write more to my other books. My Life In A Bookshell should have the first part out before the end of the year. I've got a lot to work on here so, we'll see what gets done!!! Stay tuned for the Peter Pan rant in this book. It's still in the works but, it is coming. 

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