Tagged By @BartokTheBat

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Hey peeps! I am here with another tag!!! This time, it is by BartokTheBat! Thanks so much for tagging me!!! Alrighty, now onto the tag.

1. Sexuality

A lot of you know my little speech thing about this, but for all of my new followers(yes there are a handful of you who haven't heard this) here we go. I don't believe in the different sexualities. That is not how I was created to be or how I was created to love. If you really want me to answer the question, I am straight, but I don't believe in that. God created me to love and marry a man only. That's what I believe to be true.

2. Gender

If you couldn't tell my username, my page, and my earlier speech, I am female. :)

3. Happy

Yeah, I would say so. If chill counts as happy.

4. Last song

Irish Party in Third Class from Titanic.

5. Hair color

Kind of the same as Michael J. Fox's (maybe a little blonder) and kind of darker than Julie Andrews. 

6. Zodiac

I don't do zodiac stuff, so I don't know.

7. Last person I kissed

It was probably my cat even though my cat doesn't count as a person. I'm not a very kissy person, so I can't remember.

8.  Favorite color

Purple. I love purple.

9. Favorite food

Probably pizza, but honestly, I'll eat just about anything.

10. Battery Percentage

My laptop is probably around 30%. It's plugged in, so I can't tell what it's really at. Estimated guesses, peeps.

11. Celebrity crush?

Oh goodness. Young Michael J. Fox before he was married. Yeah. I get celebrity crushes but they kind of come and go in spurts. I tend to crush more on the characters than the actors. So, really I have a "crush" on Marty McFly.

12. Favorite vegetable

I like a lot of vegetables. I'm gonna say it's a three way tie between tomatoes, corn, and broccoli. Which the last one I know a lot of people hate.

13. Eye color


14. Shoe size

I think I wear a women's 9 or 10. I think.

15. Dream job

I really want to do some kind of research, so either getting to work in research with government stuff, like Intelligence stuff. Or work with an entertainment company and do research for them. Doing some kind of research or working with books.

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