Tagged by @LidLestrange

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First of all... Happy Memorial Day, peeps!!! Hope all of you are having a wonderful day remembering the people who gave up their lives for our country. To all of my peeps who don't live in the US, Happy Monday or Tuesday depending on where you live.  I hope all of you are having a great day as well. Anyways, today's tag was sponsored by LidLestrange! Thank you so much for the tag!! I hope you enjoy reading through my answers and other peoples' as well. :) Summer is in about 3 days (counting today) for me, so updates will be coming. This year was a hard year to keep up with stuff but, hopefully I will be able to work on some books that haven't been worked on much lately over the summer. Okay, now onto the tag! Oh, one more thing, either read the to the very end of this tag for a question from me or check my message board later. I am going to ask a question that is related to The Big Book of Newsies. Thanks! Okay, for real now, onto the tag!

1. Someone I trust (online)

Well, I have a friend on here who I trust in real life too, so I am just going to say her username. ChildCurly and I are great friends on the web and off. :)

2. Best friends?

I don't really believe in best friends. I have close friends and just friends. Some people I chat with a lot on here are pluviophile_bookworm, GabbySLee, DaydreamShimmer, Disney_Fan_, LizzyKelly1899, BartokTheBat and the list goes on. I talk to a lot of you on a regular basis so it's really hard to pick one best friend. :)

3. Last time I cried

 I almost cried yesterday, but not quite. I'm not much of a crier.

4. Current mood

I'm chill right now and somewhere between happy and stressed. Finals are tomorrow and Wednesday, so that's fun.

5. Last song I listened to

I think it was the Mary Poppins version of Friend Like Me by Whitney Avalon. My favorite part is at the end.

6. Current Time of Day

Morning (ish)

7. Pet peeves

When someone tells a child to do something and the child asks why and the parent is like, "Because I said so."

No. No no no.

You give your child some form of answer besides because I said so. Even if you make it up, give them a reason. I'm sorry that really bothers me.

I hate sniffing too for some reason.

When someone (cough cough my mom) goes in the out door of Walmart or something like that.

That's not how it works!!!!! You go in the in door and out the out door. My inner Davey was seeping out there. :)

8. Favorite school subject

I like History a lot and the sciences(even though I'm not great at science sometimes), I still enjoy it. I don't know that I have a favorite. I know I seem like I would enjoy English, but here's my rant about English.

I read and write by my own free will and I can do it well. Why are you having me sit somewhere to have someone cramp my style? Sometimes, I see the benefits of taking English and sometimes, I really don't. Especially when I know what I'm doing and I just want someone to let me do it the way that I want to. I get it that they are just trying to help and if someone sits down and gives me the whys, it really does help me. It's not that I don't want help, it's just that I want to be helped in a way that is more tailored to helping me get better at writing and reading.

Okay, sorry for the rant. For me being chill, I'm kind of ranty.

9. Middle name


10. Random fact about myself

Well, when I was like five years old and younger, I thought turning hot water on a faucet would either make the fire alarms go off or catch the place where I was washing my hands on fire. I didn't quite have a good concept of fire and water as a little kid.

11. Someone I hate

There are a couple of kids at my school that drive me crazy. Thankfully, they are about to graduate, so....

I don't completely hate them, they just drive me insane.

12. Eye color


13. Favorite quote

"For a dreamer, night's the only time of day" - Jack Kelly from Newsies (1992)

14. Biggest fear

Losing everyone I love.

Tag 10 people











That's all for this tag, but if I mentioned you earlier in the tag, you can do it as well. If you do not want to make a book/a section for this in a book of your own, you are more than welcome to do the tag in the comments!! Okay, so, here is my question to all of my Fansies.

What are some things that you would like to know about the Newsies?

It could be about any Newsie from either the movie or the Broadway production. Please respond with ideas so I know how to build the various character chapters. Please also note that some of my answers(okay, maybe a lot of them) will be headcanon since there isn't a whole lot that we for sure know about these boys. I am excited to see what you guys come up with!!

Happy Memorial Day


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