Tagged By @DaWoildIsYerErster3

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Hey all!! I was tagged by the wonderful DaWoildIsYerErster3. Thanks so much for tagging me!! I'm also going to do a Christmas themed prompt at the end of this tag so, stay tuned!!

Let's jump into this! 

1. Your nickname? 

Well, people call me AK(DaydreamShimmer) and Ais(LizzyKelly1899). I go by Aisling too. Whatever you want to call me is cool just as long as it isn't actually demeaning. I do have a sense of humor. 

I also have a character named Selah who represents me in some of DaydreamShimmer's book and she's about to have her own book that I'm going to publish soon. Hopefully in the next couple of days or something... We'll see. Life's busy. 

2. Your eye color? 

Well it's green. Green like...like light green. Not pine forest green. 

3. Your hair color? 

A slightly overdone chocolate chip cookie kind of color except without the chocolate chips. It's like a blondish brown...kind of. Just look up a picture of Julie Andrews or Michael J. Fox and you'll understand. 

4. One fact about me? 

I just got my braces off on Wednesday. So, I'm thriving!!! I'm kind of okay with wearing my retainer. It's a little bit of a hassle but it's not terrible. 

5. Favorite color? 

Purple. I like lavender a lot. I also really like blue and red. Purple's probably my favorite though. 

6. Favorite place? 

The mountains, the beach, Barnes and Noble, bookstores, libraries, big cities...

I'm a pretty flexible person. I also like just chilling out at home too.

7. Favorite celebrity? 

Oh gosh. Well..... 

I'm pretty much into everyone who's been in Newsies (both 1992 and Livesies and Broadway), Laura Osnes is pretty cool. I like the young version of Michael J. Fox. Gene Kelly and Donald O' Conner were pretty cool dudes. Audrey Hepburn is just plain classy. James Roday and Dule Hill are some of my favorites (they're Shawn and Gus in Psych). Julie Andrews is pretty cool. Shirley Temple was such a remarkable lady when she was alive. Seriously, look her up. She was pretty darn cool. Yeah...the list goes on. I love the cast of Psych in general. 

8. Favorite animal? 

Not gonna lie. I've got a thing for pandas. They're just so chill. Cats are pretty great. Dogs are pretty great. Narwhals are pretty great. 

9. Favorite song? 

Every song in the Newsies soundtrack except for The Bottom Line. 

My favorite traditional Christmas song is O Holy Night. That song gives me chills every time I listen to it. It's so powerful. 

My favorite non-traditional Christmas is either Feliz Navidad, Sleigh Ride, or Let It Snow. 

I also like Lost Boy by Ruth B. That's a good song. 

10. Favorite book? 

Oh goodness gracious.... I love Peter and the Starcatchers by Davey Barry and Ridley Pearson. Specifically the first one but the whole series is really good. 

I love books so, there's a bunch of other books that I really like. Comment if you want to chat about books because I could talk for HOURS about books on here and physical books too. 

11. Thing(s) you cannot leave the house without? 

A book. I can never leave the house without a book. 

Also, if we're talking about more practical things, my keys, my Driver's license/wallet, and my phone are all things that I typically don't leave the house out without if I'm the one driving. 

12. Favorite brand of makeup? 

I don't wear a lot of makeup just because it hasn't really been something that I'm into right now. I have worn Clinique and I liked that so I'm going to go with that. 

13. Favorite flowers? 

Ummmmmm, I'm not much of a flower person. Roses are really pretty though. Daffodils are also pretty. Poinsettias are really perfect for Christmas time. I always like those. 

14. Favorite clothing stores? 

I like to get clothes at Kohl's and Old Navy. Walmart also has some good clothes too. 

15. Favorite perfume? 

Probably Sweet Pea from Bath n Body Works. Japanese Cherry Blossom is really good too but it's very strong. 

16. Heels or flats? 

Oh flats...all the way. I about fall over in heels. 

17. Do you make good grades? 

Yeah, even my Pre-Calc grade is decent. 

18. Fav colors? 

I already answered this one...see my answer above!! 

No, DaydreamShimmer. This is not that one tag that was ridiculously redundant that I did this summer or whenever that was. 

19. Do you drink energy drinks? 

No, not really. I've tried Red Bull before and it was okay. I'm just not a huge fan of energy drinks and they're not the best thing for you so I try not to put them in my system. 

20. Do you drink juice?

Yes!! I love juice!! 

21. Do you like swimming? 

I love swimming....in the ocean, in a kiddy pool, in a real pool....you name it!! I love it!!

22. Do you eat fries with a fork? 

This is kind of a strange question but, typically no. Unless they're loaded fries or have a massive amount of toppings on them. 

23. What's your fav moisturizer? 

Well, I use something from Clinique. It comes as a pump in a light teelish colored bottle. I also use Oxy pads too. That's more acne stuff. I don't know that I use moisturizer. 

24. Do you want to get married later on in life? 

Absolutely!! To a guy who loves God and loves me. I don't know if I've met him yet or not....:) 

25. Do you get mad easily? 

Not typically. 

26. Are you into ghost hunting? 


27. Any phobias? 

Oh yeah. 


Ligyrophobia (which is funny because I play music ALL the time) 

Gymnophobia(sort of...I really prefer a stall or something to change in) 

Haphephobia (I'm a really quiet person and people sometimes drive me crazy especially when they try to touch me) 

Coulrophobia (I really hate clowns...like really hate clowns) 

Yeah, I've never really studied what phobias I have but..there's some that I can think of. 

28. Do you bite your nails? 

No. I don't. 

29. Have you ever had a near death experience? 

Mmmmmm. I'm not entirely sure what qualifies. I've almost been in some car accidents but, I don't know that they've always been near death. I've also been outside in some seriously sketchy weather but I don't know that that's near death either. I don't know....maybe? Comment if you think I have or haven't based on what I've told you...

30. Do I drink coffee? 

Yes and no. I always opt for hot chocolate if that is an option because I really don't like coffee. Frappuccinos with like a little bit of coffee in them are pretty good, but they better have a heck of a lot of something else in them to offset the coffee taste. Coffee's only good when I can't taste it. Hot chocolate will ever be my favorite drink. 

And now.....for your Christmas prompt!!!!!

The star began to topple off the top of the tree, could anyone save it? 

Tag 11 people (oddly specific but okay) 












Feel free to do all or none of this tag or whatever you want to do. If you just want to do the prompt, that's fine with me too. :) See you around, peeps!!! 


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