Tagged By @TheGirlNewsie

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In case anybody was keeping track, this is my 55th part for this book. Go me. I should also be doing homework and trying to figure out some pressing issues with my life but whatever, it's fine. I need to do this...just like I need to update my Psych book, My Life In A Bookshell and other things. But there's a lack of time and a plethora of ideas for me to write. Anyhoo, school's rough, guys. Life's rough too. Enjoy it though. A lot of the things that you do know will matter at some point in your life and you'll be glad you did them/experienced them/survived them/lived through them. Depends on your attitude, take your pick. 

Oh yeah!! I have a rant about Peter Pan that needs to be finished too....

So much to do and so little time. 

Okay, let's get onto this tag because I need to actually go and do something productive but I've been pushing this off for wayyyyy too long. So let's do it. A special thank you to TheGirlNewsie for the tag!! You are very sweet and I'm glad you included me in your tag. I think you tagged me earlier and that tag was the last tag that I had done so, that's why I didn't do it. If you're interested in my answers, just read that tag in the entry before this one. :) Thanks again!!

1. Do I fancy someone? 

*sigh* Well, I would be lying if I said I didn't. 

I have a crush on a heck of a lot of newsboys. 

Enough said. 

Lately, I've also been into Laurie in the new Little Women. He's extremely attractive, but not like my crush in real life is. :) So to answer all of your questions...yes. I'm also into Marty McFly, but he's taken so yeah. The Newsies come first though. Particularly Mush. Shawn and Gus are people who I think I would be friends with. Steve Trevor's pretty cute except he's taken too. Okay, that's enough about that. 

I do like someone in real life. Thanks goodness for that and that's the moral of this story. 

2. Do they like me? 

As a friend, absolutely!! As anything more??? No clue. I'm okay with being single right now so, I feel worried about it and then I don't. 

3. Middle name? 


4. Single or Taken? 

Ummmm, you guys all know the answer to this one. Whoever knows the answer...it's not like I mentioned it two questions ago or anything, gets a smiley face with their username tagged in it in one of my books. 

5. Last person I texted?? 

My mom. 

6. Last Song I listened to? 

I listened to stuff from the Little Women soundtrack. It's pretty great. Lots of cool little clarinet things. 

7. Battery percent? 

My laptop is almost dead, I should do something about that. I need to finish this first though. Priorities, guys, priorities. 

8. Girl best friend?

I have a bunch of close friends. I just don't see it necessary for someone to compete for that best friend spot, ya know? I love all of my friends for different reasons and mostly because they are themselves!!! Here's some peeps on here who I'm good friends with...

DaydreamShimmerNycnewsgirlFabulousDalekbut1stbroadway....those are a few. :) 

9. Guy best friend? 

I honestly don't really have one. I have some great guy friends though not gonna lie. The guy I like is one of them. 

10. Favorite ship name?? 

Hmmmm. Wondertrev is a pretty great one. Jackerine is also pretty fun. 

11. Why I made my account? 

Because I had written a book that I wanted to share with everybody!!! And I discovered some other great reads and wrote some more stuff of my own. :) 

12. Current lockscreen? 

It hasn't changed....in like a year. 

Honestly, if you scroll back through this book, it's in here multiple times. It's the same one as always and I'm feeling lazy right now and don't really want to post it...again. 

13. Birthday??

July 2nd!! 

14. Tag 20 People.....okay. I can do that....I'm not THAT lazy. 




















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