Tagged By @Lopezmir

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Hey all! I was tagged by Lopezmir. Thanks for the tag. Let's get into it!!

1. Name?

Aisling Kiley.

2. Height?

5'5.  Not tall, but not short. I'm in between.


Not sure. Somewhere in between 120 and 130

4. Age?

I'll give you guys a range and you can decide for yourselves. I'm not going to tell if you're right or not though. My age is anywhere from 15 to 20.

5. Birthday?

July 2nd.

6. Girl BFF?

I'm more into close friends than best friends. I am close to ChildCurly.

7. Boy BFF?

I don't know. I like being friends with guys and I have lots of guy friends but, I don't know that I have a best one. Probably the guy I like is the one I am closest to.

8. Crush?

Do I have one? Yeah. I do.

9. Ever fallen in love?

With the musical Newsies everytime I watch it?

Then, yes.

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh. You're talking about a person! ;)

Well then. Ummmmm. I don't really know.

10. Favorite food

I love pizza. I don't know if peanut butter counts as a food, so I guess that's my happy spread.

11. Last text?

To my mom, telling her that I was awake. I slept in today if you couldn't tell.

12. Longest relationship?

I haven't dated anybody outside of #GirlsiesUnite soooooo, the longest relationship is probably the one that I have with my parents. Yeah. My relationship with Jesus is also up there because I became a Christian around the age of five or six.

13. Battery Percentage??

90% on my laptop.

14. Eye Color?


15. Addiction?

I'm one of those people that likes movies and gets hooked on them easily. Sims Freeplay is a huge addiction right now though for me.

16. Favorite song?

I honestly don't know. It changes. Right now, it might be Wake Me Up Before You Go Go.

17. Favorite animal?

I like cats, pandas, red pandas, narwhals(the thing that tells Buddy bye and that he hopes he finds his dad in Elf), and dogs.

18. Favorite color?

Purple and blue.

19. Sing in the shower?

Normally, yes. But lately, not so much. Usually I put on a whole Broadway musical in the shower (minus the intense dancing. I would die if I attempted that in the shower).

20. One wish?

Just one? Oh goodness. This is gonna be hard.

I wish to someday travel the world.

21. Best Time In Your Life?

"Having the time of your liiifffeee" Sorry, that's what that made me think of. I haven't been listening to Mama Mia, I promise!!!

When everything seems to be going well and when the guy I like teases me. :) Or when I feel secure in a friendship.

22. Country I live in?

The United States of America

23. Pets?

I have a cat.

24. Plan on getting married?

Honestly, this kind of was my second wish and I'm going to share my feelings about getting married.

I would love to get married someday but, I also realize that I could very well be single for the rest of my life. Sooooooooo,

I'm not planning on getting married but, I am also not planning on not getting married. Does that make any sense?

I would like to get married if the right person comes along and I would really like to be married to somebody someday but, I could also see myself being a single person too and I would be okay with that as well. This doesn't mean I'm not looking at people because I do have a crush on someone and I have liked him for a very long time now.

It's one of those things where you keep in the back of your mind that God has a plan for you and that His plan is perfect no matter what happens. At the same time though, you can still look for suitable husbands and help put His plan into motion for you. It's gonna happen anyways but, it doesn't mean that you can't pull your weight and consciously put His plan into action for you.

Does that make any sense?

25. Favorite Subject?

I like History and the sciences (My favorite one was probably Chemistry, but Anatomy and Physiology is very fun too)

26. First kiss?

I've been single my entire life and I haven't been kissed yet.

27. Insecure?

About friendships and people sometimes. But, I also know that I am a person who is loved by God and I am one of His Children so, yes and no. I need to lay down my insecurities and trust in Him to help make them easier for me.

28. Ever self harmed?

This is a really personal question. If I tag you and you don't want to answer this question, I completely understand. I'm just gonna skip this one. I haven't really self harmed. That's all I'm going to say about that because that's personal information.

29. Who I love?

Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior. As well as my family and friends. I don't that I love the guy I have a crush on. Sometimes, love and having a crush are two difficult and hard things to discern from each other.

30. Miss anyone?

My friends and the guy I like.

31. Hair color?

Blondish brownish. It's complicated. Just look up a picture of Michael J. Fox and Julie Andrews and you'll understand. :)

32. Relationship status?

Pretty sure that I've said this already, but I'm a single pringle who's ready to mingle. Well sort of.

33. Last song I heard?

Honestly, I don't remember. I haven't listened to anything recently.

34. Biggest fear?

Well, I don't want to be alone for the rest of my life.

35. Believe in ghosts?

No. I don't.

36. Something I hate?

When a kid asks a parent why the parent asked the kid to do something and the parent tells them, "Because I told you so."

SERIOUSLY????????????? I'm not nearly old enough to be a parent but come on!!!!!!!!!! At least give your child something to work with here. That establishes more of a "Mommy rules over me with an iron fist and I can't do anything" rather than a "Mommy and I work together and she doesn't get unnecessarily angry when I don't do what she wants to do after five seconds." I feel like there are better ways to do parenting than I see some people do it but, I'm not a parent. My mom never got as mad as some people do at their kids today in public. I'm just like "What the heck? What happened to being gentle?" I get that sometimes the gentle approach isn't quite enough but, honessttttlllllyyyy. You don't have to snap every time your child does something they shouldn't.

Okay. Rant over. Next question, please!!!

37. Favorite TV show?

PSYCH!!! For all of my fellow Psych friends out there, I just made it to Season 4!!!! The ending of Season 3 was intense and there was kind of a lot going on.

38. Favorite movie?

Probably either version of Newsies. Check out my Big Book of Newsies for more info on my opinions!!! That's all I'm gonna say in this shameful self advertising.

39. Favorite book?

Not Wuthering Heights. I can tell ya that much.

I like Peter and the Starcatchers.

40. Favorite food?

I'm gonna say my favorite flavor of ice cream since I already answered this one.

Mint Chocolate Chip or something with peanut butter and chocolate. Depends on my mood.

41. Jealous of?

Not gonna lie. I'm in a really odd place because my friends are starting to get boyfriends and I'm still single sooooo... I'm a little jealous of them but, not extremely. I'm not a very jealous person because I try to learn to cope with my life circumstances no matter what they may be.

42. Star sign?

What the heck is a star sign? Hold on one sec, peeps.

Ohhhhhhhhh, it's a zodiac. I'm not into those but, I'll tell you what mine is. I am Cancer or The Crab. :)

43. Middle name?


44. Worst habit?

Sometimes, I correct people way too much and I'm not very organized. Like if Gus saw my bedroom, he would probably cry and Shawn would probably cheer. The Newsies would probably act pretty impartially.

45. Number of Sibling(s)?

Just one.

46. Name of my sibling?

Doodles. That's my sibling's Newsie name.

47. Sports I play?

I like to say that I play any sport because I don't actually play sports for school but, I like athletic activities. I bike a lot. I rode over 100 miles over the course of two days in the hilly part of our state.

48. Talents?

Writing, but you knew that. I am very musical, but I think you knew that too. I can be a good listener and a good friend (at least I think I am), I play the clarinet really well, I can bike, and I am good with my cat.

49. Embarrassing moment?

I asked my crush if he drove a stick or a manual once. For those of you who don't know what that means, that's the same thing and I forgot right then and there.

50. Future career choice?

I want to be someone who does stuff with books and information. I either want to organize information for a researcher or a be a librarian at a really cool facility.

Okay, this one's done!!!!! I'm just gonna tag some people and you all can enjoy this one I guess.






















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