Newsies Aesthetic and 120th Newsies Strike Anniversary

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Hey, BrendaDaaeDestler!!! I'm not sure how this works but, here's a Newsies aesthetic in honor of the 120th anniversary of the Newsies Strike!!!

I just found out today from Horcrux_Hunter394 that today 120 years ago, the Newsies started striking!!! How cool is that!! Their strike helped move things forward in child labor so workers have rights and can be safe while they work. I think that is very cool.

Here were some of the Newsies involved (these were real Newsies by the way):

Kid Blink

Racetrack Higgins

Barney Peanuts

David Simmons

Morris Cohen (that's kind of ironic that this guy's named Morris and he's a strike leader)

Henry "Major Butts" Butler

Annie Kelly (hahaha, see where the Kelly name comes in?)

Jack Sullivan(see where this came from too)

Little Mikey (not exactly sure who he is)

Jim Gaiety

Young Monix(that's kind of a cool name)

Crutch Morris (recognize that name?)


Abe Newman

Boots McAleenan

Spot Conlon (Yes, you can cheer. Spot was real)

Warhouse Brennan

Nick "Mush" Myers ( I am so happy that he was real.)

Scotty Levelle aka The King of Chinatown

Bob Indian

Jimmy the Goat (??????)

Army (apparently, this guy only had one arm. :(

"Yellow" Simon Levy


Whitey (for his light hair and light complexion)

Slobbery Jack (he was a messy eater. I feel bad for Jack Kelly)


Hoppy (there's Crutch/Crutchy/Crutchie and then there's Hoppy. Take your pick.)



Bag of Bones (That's an interesting one.)

One Lung Pete

Curley the Coon

Peter the Guinea

"Bat" Leddin

Pug-Nosed Pete

Jake the Oyster (or erster depending on who you talk with)

I got these from various websites so, this information obviously isn't mine. :) I think it is so cool that these Newsies led a strike that went on for two whole weeks. People don't always do stuff like that anymore. It's just really cool and inspiring to see that people can stand up and do something about injustices.

Sooo, happy 120th Anniversary of the beginning of the Newsies Strike. Here's my Newsies aesthetic. I've never made one before soooo, bear with me.  

Tada!!!! It's not that great, but it'll work. BrendaDaaeDestler, this is what I am entering into that contest you tagged me in. I'm not sure if this is what you're after or not, but here's something to celebrate the 120th Anniversary of the Newsies Strike.

Seize the day, everyone!!!


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