My One Year Anniversary On Wattpad

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Hey all!! As of today, I have officially been on Wattpad for one year!! How crazy is that?

Sadly, I've only actually completed one book, but that's okay. I will try to complete another one soonish. And by soonish, I mean whenever I reach the end of another book. I'm trying to finish another book before I start one but, I'm struggling to come up with ideas for my current books and all I can think of are my books that I want to write. But, we'll get there. 

In honor of my one year anniversary, I am going to give some shout outs to a bunch of people and sit tight because there are a lot of you.

My first follower and friend in real life, AlohaGirl27,

You are the one who convinced me to write on Wattpad and I am very happy that you did. I have discovered that writing on here is something that I really enjoy and I am grateful for your support when I was first getting started on here. I think I have improved on my writing in general because I have been writing on here. You have helped me in a bunch of different ways with different things in life. Thank you for doing that. I appreciate it and I hope I can help you in just as many ways if not more. :)

My first follower who I don't know in real life, snowdropfabjous,

Thank you so much for following me when I first joined Wattpad. It was really encouraging to see that someone was enjoying my oneshots and my stories. I appreciate it a lot. I know that I haven't seen you on here in awhile but, you are a very sweet person on here. You write well and I hope that you never stop writing no matter where life takes you. :) Thanks for reading my first works (even though they may not be that great. :) We're getting better.) and for helping my books get the attention that they are getting today.

To someone who has enjoyed a lot of my stories and is very supportive of me and is one of my brothers (?), Musical_Theater_Nerd,

On one of your other accounts, you followed me and you were my fifth follower, I think. You have really been around for a lot of my writing and you have been very supportive of it since the beginning. I love reading your comments and seeing your reactions to what the next chapter held. I enjoy seeing what you write as well and how you are encouraging me to continue even when I'm not happy with how something is turning out in one of my books (I'm thinking of There's A Life That's Worth the Living). Thanks for letting me use Falcon in the oneshots too. I enjoy writing for her and including her as one of the girls in the oneshots. She and Flavi get along really well. You are supportive of me and my writing. Thank you so much for doing that and being a fun reader over the last year.

To someone who was very sweet to me on here and would talk with me for a long time, Meow577,

Thanks for being kind to me on here. I know we don't really talk that much anymore but, thanks for enjoying my works and showing me what this fandom has to offer. I hope you continue writing on here and that your kindness gets you far in life. :)

To someone who likes to include me in their books, singingnorequiem,

You have always been sweet to me and include me in your books. I appreciate it a lot and I am glad that you supported my Newsies books on here.  Thank you so much for doing it. You are a sweet user and I hope you continue writing. I also cannot wait to see what you do with this next book that you are thinking of writing. Never stop writing!! You are a great author and you are a kind person on here.

To someone who is just sweet in general, BeckyMerari1808,

Thank you for just reaching out to me on Wattpad. It means a lot to me that you did that and I am grateful for it. I enjoyed getting to collab on a book with you awhile ago. You are very kind on here and you have fun roleplays. :) Thank you for letting me use Katie in the Newsies oneshots. I have enjoyed getting to use her and the girls in general just bring a lot of fun to the oneshots. Thanks for being a great supporter of my writing.

Just a fun person to chat with, thelazykittenonearth,

Thanks for just being a fun person to chat with. I enjoy reading things in your random book and laughing at some of the funny things that you write. Sometimes, your writing brightens my day. So, thank you. :)

To someone who enjoys my oneshots, angely2k,

Thanks for commenting on my oneshots. Your comments are very fun to read and they are very sweet.

"Keep it to a Les level!!" -Davey Jacobs.

To someone who enjoys musicals a lot, saysay4853,

Thanks for reading my stories and giving me feedback on the things that I post on my page. I also am enjoying your story that you are in the process of writing about the cast of Newsies. I hope you continue writing. Thanks for being a sweet reader and a kind person on my message board. :)

To someone who likes my writing and writes really well herself, pandafangirl2,

You are an amazing author and you are a great inspiration for me. Thanks for writing and reading some of my oneshots. You are very kind in your comments and I like how you encourage me to keep writing even when I don't know what I'm going to do with the book that I am trying to write.

To someone who chats with me about Back to the Future and Michael J. Fox in his younger years, deannaplays_88,

Thanks for reading my Back To the Future story and just enjoying it. Thanks for also chatting with me about Back To the Future and the little that I know about Family Ties. Not a lot of people nowadays are into Back To the Future so, thanks for chatting about it with me.

To someone who is a positive reader, macavity22,

Thanks for giving me a suggestion on the 50s book. Even though that book desperately needs updated, you gave me somewhere to run with it. Thanks so much for you encouragement and kind comments.

To a sweet person who is a fellow Singin In the Rain fan, broadway_doll,

Thanks for being supportive of me and my work. I appreciate your suggestions on my imagines and your kind and thoughtful comments. You are encouraging and kind. Thank you for sticking with me here on Wattpad. I like your feedback and reading what you have to say. Thank you for your kindness on here and chatting with me about old movie musicals or whatever it is we are chatting about. I enjoy our chats!!

To someone who loves my imagines, AbbyReads03,

Thanks for enjoying my imagines and my books in general. I love reading your comments. Your reactions are great and I just enjoy reading what you have to say about my books. You are a very positive reader and I hope you yourself continue writing.

To someone who chats with me on my message board about whatever, jellicles,

I enjoy reading your responses to the posts on my message board that you respond to. I also enjoyed reading your comments on my latest oneshot. Thanks for being supportive of me and my writing!!

To someone who has inspired me to shine for my faith on here, Christian-princess,

Thanks for encouraging me to shine bright for my faith through what you do on here. It means a lot to me and is encouraging, so thank you!

To two individuals who have enjoyed my works and I enjoy their's, -newsies-,

Thanks so much for reading my stories and thanks for posting cool ones of the cast from the 1992 movie as well as things from the Broadway. You two are both an inspiration and enjoy reading what you write. Thanks for supporting me and my stories.

To someone who shares my love of Mush and either of one of our ships for him, Disney_Fan_,

I cannot thank you enough for your comments on my stories. Thank you for also inspiring me to make Elley a reality on here. Your stories and others on Fanfiction inspired me to write my own pairing with Mush. Thank you for your comments. I love reading them, especially your thoughts about the latest development in Mush and Elley's friendship/relationship. Thanks for reading my stories, no matter what they are like and posting ones that are really cool as well. Thanks for doing all the tags that I tag you with too. That means a lot to me and I enjoy reading your responses.  I am thankful to have a fellow Fansie like you here on Wattpad. I enjoy getting to chat with you about Newsies and other stuff. Thanks a bunch!

To one of my fellow founders of #GirlsiesUnite, DaWoildIsYerErster3.

Thanks so much for being a part of #GirlsiesUnite and helping it get started. I have really enjoyed getting to work alongside you and provide this opportunity to our fellow Fansies on here. You are also a sweet person on here. Thanks for reading my stories and just being a fellow Girlsie. I appreciate it a lot!! Thanks so much.

To one of my fellow people who likes Psych, GabbySLee,

Thanks so much for chatting with me about Psych and for giving me feedback on my Psych story. I love reading your comments on that book and I am happy to have a fellow Psych fan like you here on Wattpad. I also like that you are into Newsies as well. Thanks for being a supportive follower of me and my writing. I appreciate you and your kindness.

To one of my fellow musical peeps, BartokTheBat,

I love our chats about the different Newsies and I really enjoyed reading your Newsies preferences. Thanks for reading some of my books and responding to some of my tags and posts on my message board. It means a lot to me. Thanks for being an inspiration to me and a sweet person on here.

To a fellow Fansie and AIO fan, SouthernGal7,

Thanks for being so sweet. I enjoy your comments and your sweet attitude in general. I also love that you post Bible verses often on your message board. I find that very cool. Thanks for doing that. I hope you continue writing and pursuing the Lord your entire life.

To my 100th follower, DaughterofApollo7,

Thank you for following me!! You are a very sweet person and I enjoyed reading what you had to say. I hope you are doing well and that you stay the sweet person you are for your whole life.

To someone who roleplays with me (even though I'm really inconsistent with it), -wintersnuggler,

Thank you for sticking with me. I know that I can be super inconsistent with updates and even responding to our roleplays. I will try to get better at it so that we can actually get through one. :) Thank you for being kind and patient with me while we roleplay. It really means a lot to me and I appreciate it a lot. Thanks.

To someone who shares my love of Nancy Drew, Violetpiano,

Thank you for chatting with me about Nancy Drew and just being a sweet person here on Wattpad. Not many people like the Nancy Drew games so, I am glad that I found another person on here who shares the same love for them as I do. Thanks for being a great supporter of my work and I hope that you never stop loving Nancy Drew.

To someone who comments great things and is a fellow Girlsie, AhtibatCodnob1314,

Thanks for commenting on my imagines and for being a great supporter of #GirlsiesUnite. I appreciate it a lot and I love reading your comments. I often find them humorous and I loved writing your suggestion for the imagine. Thanks for being a great fellow Girlsie, Fansie, and just a great person to talk to on Wattpad.

To my other founder of #GirlsiesUnite, LizzyKelly1899,

Thank you so much for helping make #GirlsiesUnite a reality for other people here on Wattpad. I enjoy reading what you write on here about #GirlsiesUnite and I enjoy your books as well. Thanks for being an encouraging person on here. You are kind and a great fellow Fansie. Never stop writing and never stop seizing the day.

To one of my fellow brothers, E_J_Hawthorne,

Thanks for reading my stories and being one of my fellow brothers. I appreciate all of the inside jokes that we have and the fun that we have commenting on each other's stuff. Thanks a bunch for being supportive of me and what I write. :)

To another one of my fellow Girlsies, JustABroadwayGirl,

Thanks for roleplaying with me and being a great member of #GirlsiesUnite. You are very sweet and I hope you continue to be to everyone on Wattpad.

To one of my other brothers who loves history, FabulousDalek,

Thanks for your comments. I love reading them and I love your insight on the different parts of history that I write for. Your comments are great and I appreciate our sense of humor that all of us seem to have. Thanks for being a great fellow brother and responding to some of my questions on my message board.

To someone who writes great oneshots themselves and enjoys mine, newsies_fan123,

Thanks for commenting on my various books and voting for them. I like reading what you comment. Your oneshots are fun as well and I like reading them. Don't stop writing!!!!

To my brother who got me into being a brother in the first place, DaydreamShimmer,

Thanks for everything, bro! I love our inside jokes that we twist so much that occasionally we forget how they even originated. Thanks for giving me feedback on my writing (it's always a work in progress. :) ). I appreciate your comments and your appreciation for not only Newsies but Psych as well (I watched a really weird episode last night). Thanks for writing Selah into your book and thanks for providing me with some hilarious material to read at times. I appreciate it a lot. I love reading your comments and your thoughts on my stories and the different topics that I choose to write about. You are a great fellow brother on here and a great artists as well. If it makes you feel any better, I'm not as artistic as you but, I legit cannot draw hands. It's bad. My hands that I draw look like chicken feathers on chicken wings.  So, I can totally relate about how drawing hands is annoying. Thanks for being someone who enjoys my writing and writes things that are amazing to read. I hope that you keep writing throughout your whole life no matter what you do. :)

To my fellow Peter Pan fan, thegirlwithglasses05,

You were one of my first 20 followers I think. Thanks for sticking with me this whole time. You are a fantastic person. I love your profile pic by the way. It is fantastic. Thanks again and I hope that you continue writing throughout your life.

To someone who adores my imagines and writes some great comments, HermioneGranger71218,

Thanks for being a great fellow Girlsie and a fun reader of my imagines. Your comments are sweet and I enjoy them a lot. I am glad that you enjoy reading my imagines and I hope I produce work that is true to the Newsies.

To someone who is a fellow sister in Christ and is a sweet person to chat with, pluviophile_bookworm, 

Thanks for being a sweet individual to me and to other people on Wattpad. I enjoy reading your responses to my tags and our chats about life. They mean a lot to me. I hope that you stay sweet and kind throughout your life wherever you go. Thanks for being here for me and supporting me.

To someone who is just super sweet and enjoys my writing, LoverOfLegolas,

Thank you for all of your sweet comments and being the sweet person you are in general. I appreciate it a lot. Your comments are kind and special to me. I hope you continue to be the sweet person you are. You are a great fellow Fansie!!!

To someone who I appreciate their approval of my writing, daytonam,

Thanks for being the sweet person you are. I know we haven't chatted a whole lot but, I appreciate your kind comments and thoughts about my writing. It is very kind of you to do that. Thanks a bunch!!!

To a very sweet person who is very encouraging, BrendaDaaeDestler,

Thanks for being the sweet and encouraging person that you are. I love your thoughts about my writing and your comments about what I write. You are a very sweet person. I love reading your responses on my message board to the various announcements that I make. Thanks for being there for me and for being a supportive person.

To someone who shares my love for Anastasia, GracelynCate,

Thanks for your sweet responses to my comments on your Anastasia book. I appreciate it a lot and it means a lot to me. I hope you continue with that book and that you never stop writing.

To someone who enjoys what I write, WingMations,

Thanks for being a sweet person on here. I love your responses to what I write on my tags. Thanks a lot!!

To someone who comments on my tags, Herondale_Potter,

Thanks for your comments on my tags and my message board. They are very sweet and fun to read so, thank you!! You are encouraging and it makes me feel wanted here on Wattpad (not that I don't feel wanted on here, it just makes me feel wanted more so).

And that is all!! If I didn't mention you on here, I appreciate you too!! I just didn't have time to mention each and every follower on here. Thank you to each and every one of my followers for making my time on Wattpad here all the more special. It means a lot to me and I wouldn't be able to be on here without you guys. So, thank you so much for being here for me and my writing!! I am hoping to continue doing it!!! You all mean a lot to me and I hope that you continue writing as well.

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