Tag! You're It!!

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Sorry for the cheesy chapter title, peeps. I needed some variety. Also, a new oneshot is coming out soonish. One is in the works. Elley is going to try her hand at selling newspapers with Mush if anyone is interested. Thank you thank you to absolutely everybody who read and commented on Albert the Weatherman. I had a blast writing that one and I loved reading everyone's reactions. I know I haven't super active writing wise and that's because I've been working on a book behind the scenes. I'll try to update published stuff soonish. I want to finish some stuff so I can actually work on more books and I can get more going at once. I already have like 14 books going and that's a lot. I really don't need anymore. Anyways, you're here for a tag and not a rant. At least I think you are. :) Today's tag was by DaWoildIsYerErster3. Thanks so much for tagging me!!! I appreciate it!!!

1. Crush?

Yes. That's all you're getting from me on that. Actually, one on every single one of the Newsies.

2. Middle Name?


3. Shoe size?

Somewhere in between a 9 and a half and a 10. I don't really know. My feet are super narrow though. A few years back, I upgraded from a double narrow to just a regular narrow. It was exciting.

4. Eye Color?


5. Last Time I Cried?

I don't know. Maybe earlier this month. I'm not a super emotional person. I mean I am but, I don't cry at movies and I'm not a sympathetic crier. Unlike Gus from Psych.

6. Biggest Fear?

Oh goodness gracious with a cherry on top. Right now, it's probably rejection by the guy I like. But, mentally and emotionally, I'm trying to prepare for it because I probably won't see him after high school.

7. Last Song I Listened To?

Does the Psych Theme Song count? That or something from the new Aladdin movie. Ooooo, speaking of that soundtrack...

*goes and finds new Aladdin soundtrack and turns it on*

Okay, now, we're cool. I'm not sure why but, Aladdin is rapidly becoming one of my favorite Disney movies.  Either version will do it. :) I look at them as two different movies.

8. Last Person I Texted?

Technically, my dad. But that was from my mom's phone so, the last person I texted was ChildCurly.

9. Relationship Status?

Single like a pringle.

10. Favorite Sports Team?

I don't know. Does Team USA as a whole count? I don't really watch sports that much.

11. Favorite Color?

Purple and Blue. I like reds and green (no I'm totally not one of those people who loves Christmas year round. It's not like I haven't taken my Christmas tree in my room down yet or anything. *non-committal shrug and looks at the floor nervously*)

12.  Best friend?

You guys know my thoughts about best friends. I have lots of close friends but, I don't like to compare my friends for a "best friend" title, ya know? So, I have close friends and they are like my inner circle of peeps that I trust and really, there's quite a few of them from different walks of life.

13. Favorite Celebrity?

Hahahaha. Okay. I tend to crush on characters more than I do actual celebrities. I kind of think crushing on celebrities is a little weird but, if you like celebrities, I'm not saying you're weird for liking them because you're not. It's just something that I typically don't do. :) I like Jeremy Jordan aka Jer Jor and a lot of the others Newsie cast. I also like Shirley Temple, Gene Kelly, Debbie Reynolds,  and Donald O'Connor. The Psych cast is pretty great too. I just like a lot of different people. Some of the 92sies are pretty cool, like Marty Belafsky who plays Crutchy.

14. Any scars?

This is a weird question. From mosquito bites, yes. They itch SO BAD. I'm kind of allergic to them. I don't really understand the context of this question and my guess is that it is something darkish. If you don't want to answer, don't feel like you have to.

15. Kissed anyone?

Like a guy? Nope. Like my cat? Yes. I'm single, guys.  Really really single.

16. Someone I hate?

Hate's a strong word, peeps. There are some people that annoy me but, I don't absolutely hate their guts. Extroverted people sometimes make me uncomfortable and sometimes they annoy me because I'm really introverted and the fact that they are REALLY outgoing sometimes bothers me. I usually come to liking the extroverts though.

17. Ever done drugs?

No. Not like you're asking but, I kind of have a funnyish story. I had a stomach bug or something earlier this year right around Easter so, I was drinking Coke to sort of make the acids in my stomach chill out. A word of advice, when you have an upset stomach, DO NOT DRINK WATER. IT WILL JUST MAKE YOU SICK. You want to drink something like pop that is going to help make your stomach acids chill out. Anyways, my stomach was just really angry so, I was drinking a lot of Coke. I was drinking like three Cokes a day or something like that. At night, I was realllyyyy awake because, I had been drinking so much Coke. I felt really energized even though I was sick because I was drinking so much Coke. So, basically, the day I was off Coke was a rough day. I was tired because my body had been relying on that Coke. Don't get addicted to Coke, kids. This is why it's bad to do drugs (unless your doctor has prescribed them to you) because if you continually use the drugs on a daily basis, your brain and eventually your body as a whole will rely on the narcotic, or depressant or whatever you're doing to function as a whole. It's not good for your body to take more of those drugs than you need to. Be careful with them. Okay, Mom rant over. I would make Davey Jacobs proud.

18. Height?

I'm about 5'5. Average height. Not short, but definitely not tall.

19. Am I Currently Happy?

Yeah, I would say so.

20. Do I drink?

Water? Yes. Coke? You know that answer. Soda in general? Yep. Lemonade? Yep. Tea? Yep. Coffee? Nope. Alcohol? Nope. I'm underage still. I would like to at least try some when I got older.

21. Last Thing I bought?

Probably a book.

22. Last thing I Ate?

A bag of Doritos!! I have some fantastic dietary choices, peeps.

23. Day or Night?

Like what is it where I am or which do I prefer? I'll answer both questions.

It's about 4 o'clock where I live so, it's day. I'm a night owl though. I love staying up late and enjoying nighttime. I also like daytime though. Probably more nighttime though.

24. Fav lyric?

Ooooooooooooo. It's probably a Newsies thing.

"For a dreamer, night's the only time of day"-Jack Kelly (92sies, where you at?)

25. Do I give second chances?

Well, I believe in God who gives second chances and thank heavens He does because I'm a mess. So, I definitely believe in second chances.

26. Pet Peeve?

Ooooooooooo. I have a lot. I'll try to do one that doesn't have to do with parenting. I apologize to my English teacher, you are a very sweet person but, sometimes, you really try my patience.

So, we read Hamlet at the end of last school year. My English teacher would assign us a passage as homework and we would read it at home. The next day, my English teacher would spend like three quarters of the class talking about it and the symbolism and all of that crap. I love English, but I am one of those people who likes English for her hobby and legit hates it when people try to tell her what to do with her hobby. I don't hate my English teacher though. Anywho, my English teacher would say "Whatever time we have left, we'll do the next chapter and it won't be homework." Well, if you talk about the previous passage for like thirty minutes in a fortyish minute class period...see where this is going? That leaves almost no time to read a whole passage in Hamlet. It was almost like she was trying to make it homework. Here's my response...

Either say it's homework straight out and we deal with it or just make it a point to actually get through all of it in class. Leave some time to actually get through it. STOP TEASING US WITH THIS. I hate it. Okay. Now that's that's over, next question.

27. Random fact?

I just got my library card not too long ago. :) I have also completed one book here on Wattpad!!! It's She's The King of New York. There ya go, bonus fact. Hope that wasn't too narcissistic.

28. Current mood?

Is chill a mood? I'm just chill right now.

29. Last Book I Read?

The Aladdin Fad is what I'm digging right now soooo, I almost read all of A Whole New World by Liz Braswell. Her books are pretty cool. It's like if Aladdin didn't get back the lamp from Jafar the first time in the Cave of Wonders. Those of you who have seen the movie or know the story of Aladdin know what I'm talking about. It's a fun read so far. I'm also reading Wuthering Heights which is AWFUL!!!!!!!

30. Jealous type?

I hate to admit it, but yeah. I get internal jealousy a little bit when the guy I like does things to other girls. It's complicated though and I'm not really gonna explain that much.

31. Birthday?

July 2nd!!!

32. Obsession?

Newsies. Psych. Yeah. Aladdin kind of right now. Maybe Sims Freeplay on my phone.

33. Favorite Song?

I like 80s stuff. Take On Me is fun. I like Wake Me Up Before You Go Go. I also like anything from Newsies. Anastasia is great. Old movie musicals are a lot of fun.

34. Worst Mistake??

Ooooooo. I've done a few of those. This one is for my peeps who know stuff about cars. For those of you who don't, I'll go into detail so don't worry.

One night, my mom and I drove up to my school for a pep band game (my school is so small that our band IS the pep band). My school is out in the country so, I think my mom went into town or something. She came back and must have pulled the handbrake in the parking lot. I'm not sure how the handbrake (it's also called the parking brake) got pulled but it did. I got in the car after the game and didn't realize that the hand brake got pulled. My house and my school are about half an hour apart. The handbrake was pulled the whole way there which may not seem like a bad thing. Unfortunately, the handbrake acts like an emergency brake in case your pedals fail or something like that happens. It was on for the whole time. Basically, it was like I was driving with the gas and the brakes were working at the same time. That's really hard on a car but, nothing bad happened to the car. I was in a lot of trouble though.

35. Someone I trust?

Jesus. My parents. My close friends.

36. Do I believe in love?

OF COURSE!!!  I don't know if I'm experiencing romantic love right now or not but, I totally believe in it.

37. Are you okay?

Yeah. I mean I'm a mess, but I got a God who loves me and is looking out for me even when it doesn't feel like it.

And that's all for this one!!!!!!!

I tag...
















That's all for this round. If you want to do it and I didn't tag you, feel free. You can also do it in the comments if you like or not at all. Do whatever you like. :)

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