The Rant of a Fangirl

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If you saw my previous tag, you maybe have an idea of what this is. I'm sorry, thank you for listening to this in advance, and your welcome.

Soooooo, everybody always asks if you have crushes in REAL LIFE. Really? You all already know the answer to that question. Read the last tag if you don't because you'll find the answer there.  Nobody really asks about fictional crushes.

We're on Wattpad, right? Where we talk about and write a large amount of fanfiction, right? So we can talk about fictional crushes on here and that's exactly what I'm going to do. This is the rant of a fangirl. I'm really going to try to keep this short but dear goodness whenever does that happen? You'll be surprised if it does.

Anyhoo, I'm going to rant/discuss the guys I like in the fandoms that I like. I'm going to talk about what I like about them, the likelyhood that I would date them and have a relationship that would last and finally what our relationship might be like. I'm pretty sure that I would say yes if any of the guys I mention beneath asked me out on a date but, I'm not so sure that I would marry all of them. I'll discuss that below as I'm talking about things. :)

Also note, that some of these qualities that I discuss are not make or break since (sadly), these characters (if they were real) are no longer living or are merely fictional. I might be able to work through some of those issues but at the same time, you want to be true to your priorities in a man. :)

Be aware that some of these characters may be getting books like Selah and Mush because that's fun to write and I can't resist (btw, I'm updating My Life In A Bookshell once I finish this. A chapter is in progress.) Send help and a hecking lot of it. I'll try to keep that to a minimum because honestly, it's really hard to keep up with what I have out now so those might come out this summer after surviving some life stuff. Anyways, let's get to it and yes, I'm going to describe every Newsie that I remotely have a crush on. 

Jack Kelly:

What I like about Jack is that he's not afraid to stand up for causes that he loves and people that he loves. He also has hazel eyes like I do and isn't afraid to get his hands dirty to protect the ones he loves. Yes, he's all tough but really he's a great leader. He's really cute, he's very strong, he has faith that he and his boys can do anything. Jack is super encouraging and a great big brother to everybody. He's not afraid to reach out and help someone new either out of a bad situation. He's artistic and great at what he does. He doesn't let his emotions drive his decisions and puts himself in a bad situation before he lets anyone else get hurt. He's fiercely loyal to his friends.

Would it work out between us? Potentially. I think that I might take the fact that Jack flirts with a lot of girls (intentionally or unintentionally) a little too seriously and consider Jack unfaithful to me. We're different enough in ways that I think he and I would find each other very interesting. Jack would teach me how to express my emotions and I would be a comfort when he goes through a hard time. I also don't know how I would handle him being the dad of thirty boys either. I think once I got to know them I would be okay but I think it would take some time. I would probably admire how he stands up for what he believes in and I could learn from that too. Jack could teach me a lot about raising my voice and standing up for myself. I don't know that I have enough drive to keep up with Jack though. Jack is someone who is very ambitious and I tend to take things slower and consider a situation before leaping in. Jack does this, but only when the situation seems positively dire (when he has to ruin the rally and keep the boys out of jail or support the rally and have them all thrown in the Refuge). I think Jack may be a bit too extroverted for me and a little too willing to jump into things. His flirtatiousness might also freak me out a little bit. I think I would get used to it but I would probably just ignore Jack at first. I think it has about a 50/50 chance of it working out. There's a lot about Jack that is different from me that I would like but at the same time, those differences might be what turn me away.

Okay, next Newsie. Also, please realize I'm doing these in the order that I like them. There isn't an order to any of this. I'm just talking about the Newsies I have crushes on.

David "Davey" Jacobs:

What I like about Davey is that he's very careful with every decision he makes. He and Jack are almost the complete opposites. Davey is very grounded and has a high self esteem which is something I value in a guy. He's not flaunting what's great about him though which is nice. Davey is absolutely handsome. He's just adorable. I really don't know what else to say. Davey is more hesitant to jump into things but that's because he wants to make a good decision. He's not afraid to stand up for what he believes in either and has a good sense of when it's good to rally behind a cause and when it's not. He's quieter than most of the other Newsies but he's also not afraid to step up and become the leader when duty calls. He carries the banner (hahahahah see what I did there) for a cause even when the original leaders can't do it anymore.

Would it work out between us? I would say yeah. The chances are pretty high that I would marry Davey. I think I have a higher chance of marrying Davey than I do Jack. Davey would probably talk books with me and go to my orchestra concerts. He might not be musical himself but I feel like he would respect the need for me to be at home and be an introvert. Davey would appreciate my nerd side and would be willing to give me space. He would also keep our relationship slow going which I think I would appreciate. I think one issue is that we are both worriers. Both of us would always be worried about SOMETHING. On a more non-canon note, I'm not sure how I would do with Davey's fangirl side. That might freak me out some. I don't know if that's something I could work through with him or not. :) I feel like Davey would be very devoted to me and he would be worried if we didn't have some steady source of income all the time. He is a very grounded guy and likes to have things in order which is something I think I would appreciate. It might not work if we literally had to plan out EVERYTHING though because as much as plans are reassuring to me, I also like just chilling and being flexible so, Davey's need to have a plan all the time might be kind of a turnoff. Overall, I think we would be a good solid couple. We would definitely have things moving from Point A to Point B, but the actual love might get a little lost in all of our task oriented ideas. I'd say this one has about a 80/20 chance of working. It would take time to make it work but once it did, we would be very stable and reliable for each other.

Racetrack Higgins:

Are you a true Fansie if you haven't had a crush on this guy at some point? I mean, come on now.

What I like about Race is that he's very independent and he kind of does his own thing (ie: selling papes at Sheepshead instead of in town with everybody else). He's not afraid to be himself and he doesn't let anybody sway him away from his personality. He's adorable no matter what he's doing. He's not afraid to help his friends out of a bad situation. Race has a great sense of humor (doesn't always pick the best timing to use it but, it's still very funny nonetheless). He's very sarcastic which always lightens a situation significantly. Race is a very vocal person but he bonds with just about every Newsie in some form or fashion and can be more sensitive when he needs to be.

Would it work between us? I think I would say yes if Race asked me out on a date and we might be together for a little while but I think if he dropped a knee I would probably say no. (He's all yours, Jules). I think Race and I would be great friends but, Race is really extroverted for me. I don't know that I could keep up. He has lots of energy which is great but I think I could be his friend over his wife. He and I would probably be pretty good friends and I think we could date for a little while but I think our personalities are just too different for us to marry. I think if Race and I grew up together and fell in love while growing up, then yeah. We could get married because we know each other so well and we've spent a lot of our lives together. At that point, I think I could handle our differences a little better than if we just met and married. Race would probably want to go out and do things while I would more so just want to cuddle on the couch and watch a movie. I also think that Race would want to move things along faster in our relationship than I was ready for. I'm not talking to the point where he is disrespectful (like Biff Tannen which is an extreme example) but, he might get upset if I'm not ready to kiss him and we've been together for awhile. At the same time though, I feel like he would be really respectful of the boundaries we set forth as long as we set them down at the beginning. I don't know. I'm gonna say that this one probably wouldn't result in a marriage but Race and I could probably be good friends.

Crutchie Morris:

What I like about Crutchie is that he's sweet and sassy. He's super sensitive to peoples' needs, very positive and optimistic about super bleak situations, and just the king of sass all around. Sass is his main defense against the world and it's perfect. He's just super adorable physically too. He's not weak at all so, don't let the crutch fool you. Crutchie is emotionally strong. He feels things but he doesn't let the way he feels about a situation completely ruin his optimism. He is also not afraid to rally behind a cause and be himself. Crutchie is also super smart. He just kind of rolls with whatever life throws at him and can think someway out of the situation or better it in someway. Crutchie is very kind but is not afraid to raise his voice to let himself be heard in a situation. He stands up for himself when it comes to his friends and isn't afraid to sass anybody who downplays him.

Would it work out between us? I'm gonna say probably. Crutchie would push me to stand up for myself and not be afraid to hang out with people. I think the sass would lead to a lot of awkward but cute flirting moments between the two of us. I think Crutchie would also be super sensitive to me and would be very loving towards me. I think I would appreciate that a lot and I think we would have some great snuggling movie nights. Crutchie would also want to take me to hang out with his friends and I think I wouldn't mind that either. He would be super loyal to me and I would be super loyal to me. He might be a little too clingy at times and I'm fairly introverted so I might push him away and hurt him which would be bad. I think he would be sensitive to when I needed my alone time though too. I don't know, I could see our relationship resulting in a marriage for sure. I think we would date for awhile first but yeah, I think we would get married and enjoy being together. I think we're different enough that I would learn things from Crutchie and find him interesting but we're alike enough that we could relate to each other and still be able to communicate well.

Mush Myers:

What do I like about Mush....I like a lot things about Mush. I had a crush on him before I even knew what his name was. He's very cute, he's very strong, and he's incredibly sweet. Mush is one of the quieter Newsies but he's still very involved with the rest of the guys. He's supportive of his friends. He may not be the most devoted person all the time but he is when he finds the girl for him. Mush is loyal to the guys, innocent, and isn't overly flirty. He's sweet if anything. He also has a lot of muscles and they are very attractive (if my musings about them with Selah haven't told you that). Mush involves himself in the causes that are being fought for. He's more of an evaluator so he takes his time getting his hands dirty but he's not afraid to once he makes his decision. Mush seems like he would be fiercely protective too which is super sweet.

Would it work between us? Well...considering the fact that I'm writing a whole book about the fact that a character that embodies a lot of my personality is befriending and falling in love with Mush, yes. I think it would. Mush and I are alike enough. We would support each other and stay loyal to each other. Mush would respect my boundaries too. He wouldn't push himself on me too fast and he would be willing to give me space. He would want to make the best decisions for both of us. Mush wouldn't be afraid to show me affection either. He would be willing to curl up on the couch and watch movies, but then just as quickly we could go out to a fun place and do something fun. We would be there for each other and it would be a sweet relationship. I might get kind of annoyed with him if he's too much of a flirt but I think we would learn what works and what doesn't. I feel like Mush could make me feel comfortable around him and I would be able to give him some of what he wants to. I think I would watch him at his athletic events (hockey games, gymnastics events (have you seen him in the 92sies? My gosh....), soccer games, basketball, whatever he was doing....) and he would cheer me on with whatever I was doing too. I just think we would work really well together as a couple. We're both in the middle between being nerds and not being nerds. I think we are alike enough that we would get along but we have different interests that keeps things moving. I think we would totally get married someday. We would show each other our different interests and learn a lot as we support each other. Personally, out of all of the guys in Newsies, I think Mush and I would be the best fit for each other but I don't know. It's hard to tell.

Skittery (who doesn't have a last name, what the heck, Skits?):

What I like about Skittery is that there's a sweet guy underneath all of that cynicism. His messy brown hair is also pretty cute and he's more of a realist. He thinks in the here and now which makes him a very grounded person. He's also loyal and stands behind his friends. His moodiness is kind of hilarious sometimes.

Yeah, there isn't a whole lot to say about him.

Would it work between us? Mmmmmmmm, I'm gonna say that this relationship would probably be platonic. I could see him falling for me but me maybe not returning the feelings. I think he's a little too cynical for me. I feel like we would joke about things and be really great friends but nothing would probably come of it. I think I would be the sweet to his sour but it wouldn't work out in a true relationship. I feel like I would get frustrated that he's moody all the time and he would get frustrated that I'm not seeing the world for what it is. As friends though, there isn't that inescapable friction where as in a marriage, Skittery and I would be fighting that everyday. If we were only friends, we wouldn't deal with it quite so harshly.

By the way, did anybody else hear the word foreshadowing????? Hmmmmmmm. ;) ;)

Okay,  that's all of the Newsies that I have consciously had a crush on and read fanfics about and stuff. It doesn't mean I don't like anymore of them but, these are all of the ones who I have been like "Oh! I really like this one." :) If you think I missed any that you want to see, drop a comment. Okay, on to the three non-Newsie guys I can think of at the moment. 

Luke Skywalker:

Oh dear goodness. He's been my most recent victim just because he's so dang cute and we've been watching Star Wars at my house lately.  This is gonna be a long one so hang tight.

What I like about Luke.....I like a hecking lot of things about Luke. First off, he's just cute. He's just really really cute. I don't know what it is about him. His eyes are pretty, his hair is cute (especially in Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi), he's got muscles (also courtesy of Empire Strikes Back. Thank you, Yoda for making Luke do something physically active and have to take off that tan jacket which is also really cute, dang it.)  He has an adorable personality. He's by no means perfect and doesn't have every girl in the galaxy swooning for him (which thank goodness, means I can keep to him myself. Lol.) but, he's still a great guy. He's super loyal (are you beginning to see a theme here?), he's emotional but not overly so, he's independent, he's a strong leader even though he's quieter, he's a freaking Jedi, he's athletic(ish), he's whiny but he matures a lot throughout the original trilogy, he goes on the journey of become a Jedi and comes out on the other side a stronger and better individual, he's incredibly clever, he's smart, he's talented in a lot of different areas, he's kind to other people but not afraid to speak his mind, and I really don't know what else to say. He's super innocent too, he's wise, and he likes to take things at a little bit of a slower pace than just rushing into everything. He's not afraid to jump into a situation where there's a risk but he's not afraid to wait either. I don't know what else to say.

Would it work between us? I think it would. I feel like it would be a fairly slow developing relationship but I think it would. I think I would help him be able to see the bright side of his circumstances and help him to slow down. He could help me be unafraid to jump into situations that maybe I don't know much about. He would probably be pretty protective of me. I feel like we would both sort of live our own lives too and give each other space. This could lead to some potential friction in the marriage just because we're both fairly independent people and we're both introverted. We may be a little too alike for each other that one of us could just disappear into another world and it be a struggle for the other to bring the first one back because we both know how freeing that is. We would both be really devoted to each other though. Devotion is something that both of us I think value a lot so, we would be very faithful to each other. I think Luke and I would be good for each other because we would really understand each other but, this is also of high value in a friendship. Luke and I would may be best friends too. I don't know. I could kinda see this one going both ways. I could see Luke and I falling in love or I could see us just being best friends. It really could go both ways.

Marty McFly:

What I like about Marty is that he's also super cute. His blondish brown hair and blues are adorable and the fact that he's not the tallest guy in the world is also fun. Marty has a great personality. He's sweet, he's not THE most outgoing person but he still approaches and talks to a lot of people, he's an extrovert but not overly so (I'd almost say Marty is an ambivert because he can be super shy sometimes), he doesn't have tons and tons of friends, he plays music(!!!!), he's very relatable and he's smart. Marty's always good for some kind of a scheme. He gets himself out of a lot of situations. He's kind of rebellious but not to the point where it's a turnoff. He stands up for himself and isn't afraid to handle a bad situation. He's time traveling for goodness sakes. Marty is also adorably awkward in weird situations and at the same time you feel for him. He's super relatable as a teenager. He can be kind of a flirt and he's not afraid of some PDA.

Would Marty and I work out? I actually think we would. Once again, Marty would push me to do things I wouldn't normally do. He would be physically affectionate but not overly so. He would be pretty darn protective of me. I would love to go support him at his rock n roll concerts with his band. I could calm Marty down when he gets mad and I could also assure him that he is good enough for the things he wants to do. I feel like Marty and I would be very supportive of each other. Marty is used to thinking on his feet which I think would make our relationship work out well. He wouldn't push me on a romantic level but he would want to be affectionate. I think he and I would be best friends who become lovers. That's really what we would be and it would be perfect. He would be perfect for me in that way. We would be able to be snarky and at the same time keep our heads up together to face our bad situations. I feel like our romantic relationship would develop gradually through our friendship that we would share first. It would still be pretty gradual but very cute. I think Marty is one of the people on this list who would work the best with me. I think he and I would have a fantastic marriage(it wouldn't be sunshine and rainbows but we would work through it), and we would just really love each other. I think we would be an excellent team together. My only concern is that he would think my fangirling weird. But really, I don't think he would once he got to know me, I think he would find it adorable. I think Marty is a 100% yes it would work out between the two of us. I don't know why but I feel like it really would.

Shawn Spencer(Psych):

What I like about Shawn is that he's so dang funny, he never lets the world get to him completely, and he's incredibly smart. Also, he would appreciate that I'm saying this, he really does have great hair and he should never feel self conscious about it. His gift is amazing and makes for some great things in his life. Shawn will jump into just about any situation and take it on no matter how ridiculous the situation is. He normally does okay in the situation too. While not the most athletic person, Shawn still has street smarts to help him out. He's never afraid to say what's on his mind and he's still a bit of a nerd in his own right. He's also not afraid to talk to anybody and makes friends remarkably quickly.

Would Shawn and I work out? I honestly don't know. I feel like we might date for awhile but I don't know. I'm gonna lean more towards no just because he's kind of cocky and he never stops talking. Like ever. I appreciate his smarts though and his willingness to help people. He can also be incredibly sweet when he slows down and considers his situations. I don't know if I could handle the cockiness and the non-stop chatter though. It really would drive me up the wall. Shawn would also always want to do things instead of slowing down and enjoying a evening with just us. I don't think we would get married. We might date, but I really do not see us getting married. I think we're just way too different. We would be laughing one minute and the next I might be completely annoyed with him. He also might think me cold just because of how much introvert time I like to have. I'm thinking no for this one.

Okay, now that you've read my rants/explanations, which one do you think? Which guy do you think would be best for you too? I'm here to rant about fictional crushes so by all means, rant here. :) Thanks for reading these. I appreciate it a lot. Thanks for putting with like 4000 words of this. Oh dear goodness, it's so long. Oh well. You were warned at the beginning. Lol. As always, drop your thoughts as you go, I'm really interested to see what you guys think of my explanations. I hope you all enjoyed this....this.....thing. I'll try to actually update a book soon instead of this. :) Hope you enjoyed it. I had fun ranting about my fictional crushes. Thanks!

See you soon,


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