This Or That Tag Fandom Style

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Hey, peeps!!! I've seen this or that tags floating around the Internet lately and school's been kind of stressful lately so, I'm going to do this real quick. I'm not gonna tag anybody at the end just because this is completely optional. Not that any of my tags are but, I just don't feel like putting in the effort to tag anybody.

Also, happy Good Friday!! If you celebrate that. :) Even though it's not a happy day, it's the start to something happy. Jesus died on the cross for each and every one of us and our sins. He rose from the grave three days later proving that He conquered sin and death. We now have hope that we can join Him in Heaven someday if we accept His free gift. It's hard but it's worth it. :)  It doesn't matter who I am or what I've done or where I've come from... He loves me anyway and He loves you too for the same reason. Yes, we are all sinners and we all make mistakes but He died on the cross for us so our sins would be taken care of. He loves us and took care of our sins for us. That is something we can be very grateful for. Anyways, just thought I would share that with you guys as it is Good Friday and our world is going through some rough times.

Now, onto the tag....

So, I'm doing this for my fandoms specifically...I don't think I'm going to explain anything by it. I'm just going to pick different big attributes about the fandoms that I'm into. :)

Papes or Pens??


Newsie or Reporter?

Probably a way more timid and quiet "sells with an older brother that she doesn't have or sells with the Newsie boyfriend or best friend which she also doesn't have...." Newsie.

I'm not complaining here...nope. Not at all.

Jedi or Sith?

Jedi. I relate to them and have similar personality traits to the Jedi more than I do to any of the Sith.

Rebellion or Empire?

Rebellion. This is sort of the same question as Jedi or Sith but most of the Rebels aren't Jedi, soooo.

New York or Santa Fe?

New York!!!!! :)

1955 or 1985??

Hmmmmm, this is hard. Can I pull a Marty and start in 1985 and then go to 1955? This is my tag which means I can make up the rules soooooo, I'm sayin I can do that. There, indecisiveness crisis averted.

Themscyria (I'm not sure I spelled that right...but honestly, school's exhausting so I don't care that much. If this wasn't a tag and one of my actual stories, heck yeah I would care more) or World War I (This is the best way to sum up all of the places that they go in Wonder's just World War I. Add that one to the list of movies I want to watch while in quarantine. It keeps growing.) ?

Themscyria. No wars, peeps.

Diana's fighting style versus Steve's fighting style?

Probably Diana's. More physical training but it's way cooler to take out a tank with your bare strength.

Manhattan Newsies or Brooklyn Newsies?

Going against popular opinion here, Manhattan Newsies. I feel like I would survive there better. The boys would take care of me (or flirt with me) more there.

Neverland or London?

Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm............(me buying myself time to come up with an answer to my own question)

Probably Neverland just for adventure's sake.

Blaster or lightsaber?

Lightsaber!!! Going along with the string of reasoning that I would probably become a Jedi, I think I would want to use a lightsaber over a blaster just because that's how I would have been trained. Besides, blasters are soooooo uncivilized. :)

The Blueberry or The Cranberry?

The's around more. #sympathyforeverythingtheBlueberryhasdone

Psych or SBPD?

Honestly, probably Psych. I feel like I would have more fun with Shawn and Gus.

The DeLorean or a steam engine from 1885?

The DeLorean...although the steam engine is pretty cool. The DeLorean.

Shawn's "psychic" abilities or Gus' incredibly intellectual intellect?

Wow...redundancy, am I right?

Probably......Shawn's "psychic" abilities. With his smarts, I feel like eventually intellectual stuff would make more sense and it would be cool to be that detail oriented.

Incognito (Diana's London outfit) or armor (Diana's outfit she wears on the battlefield)?

Incognito. I like to go unnoticed and sneak around.

Sleeping on a rooftop or sleeping in a bunkroom?

Why do I make these things so hard on myself????????

Probably the rooftop when it's warm out (and maybe even when it's not) and when it gets intolerable??? Thennnnn, I'll move inside somewhere.

R2D2 or C3P0?

R2D2...easily. 3P0 would drive me crazy. Also, I need a sassy droid in my life.

I think I'm gonna stop there for now.....I think I got all of the big fandoms I'm into. You guys can ask me more though...even non-fandom related ones as long as they aren't super personal or anything.

You all can also answer these in the comments too if you don't feel like making a new chapter for it. It was just something I felt like doing.

Orrrrrrr......if you have situational ones that's from a fandom that I like...

For example.....would I have gone with Luke to Dagobah for his Jedi training or stayed with the Rebellion??

Or here's another one that's Newsie related....

Would I have joined the strike at the beginning or waited until the rest of the city got behind it?

I don't know. Don't feel like you have to do that. I'm just bored and done with school.  :)

Have fun with this one!! Even if you don't do it, it's still fun to read. Hope you all enjoy it!!

See you around. An update should be out soonish for a book. Yeah.... stuff and things....they're happening.

Anyways, Happy Easter if I don't update until then!!!


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