Procrastination Tag

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Thanks for tagging me, Nycnewsgirl

I had to do that first because stinking Firefox turns the text orange after you tag somebody. It's real inconvenient. 

Okay, enough complaining. Thanks, Nycnewsgirl for tagging me and putting up with all of my weird fangirl moods. You're amazing, bro. :) I didn't tag you here because all of this would have turned orange and I kinda don't want to switch browsers just so I can finish a line of text. So yeah.... here we are.

From the laptop and Wattpad desk of a fangirl, who's way too in to all of her fandoms,  who should be doing her school work but she's not.  Yay!!!!! Procrastination!!!!

You know....I have the sudden feeling that this whole tag is going to be a big mood.

Let's get into it!!! The tag...not the mood..well, I guess they're one in the same. we go.

If this is your first time reading something of mine, I apologize in advance. I'm not usually this all over the place in my other books. You might want to read some of my other tags that are a little more put together. :)

1. Nickname??

On here...people will call me Ais, AK(Jules, thanks for giving me the nick), and Aisl.

2. My eye color?

Green. Like....Idk....a mossy green stone? Not that bright of a green though. There's like soft green and then harsh green and mine are more of a soft green.

3. My hair color?

Somewhere in between blonde and brown. Verdict's still out. I'm neither one way or the other. My dad and I call it dishwater blonde.

4. One fact about yourself??

Idk. What do you guys want to know??

I'm really good at making super dumb jokes that aren't funny just because of how bad they are. Not bad as in inappropriate bad...they're just lame jokes. can ask for a better fact if you want one, that one was kinda lame.

5. Favorite color?

Purples, grays, blues, blacks, maroon(ish) colors, darker colors over bright colors, turquoise colors with more green in them than blue.

6. Favorite place?

My bedroom is one place and really just my house in general. Anywhere where there's a beach or a mountain or both... Anywhere that has a bookstore or a library. Idk.

7. Favorite celebrity?

Oof, it kinda depends on what mood I'm in and what fandom I'm into at the given time. Currently, probably more Star Wars people ish. I'm always a fan of the casts (and yes I mean casts) of Newsies. Ummmm, Michael J. Fox is someone who I think is pretty cool. I like the cast of Psych. They are all fun. The cast of the new Little Women movie is great and we can just talk about Laurie.....who is bilingual in real life as well as in the movie.

That's so cool.

8. Favorite song?

Welp. Spotify has a looootttttt of playlists and I'm not even done adding to them yet. Anything that has the Newsies in it is a good song. Hadestown is fun. 80s rock music is great. I like 80s stuff right now which makes me want to go watch Back to the Future.

Guys, why do I do these things to myself?

I also like movie scores because of the orchestra stuff. I have like an 18 hour movie scores playlist, mostly consisting of Star Wars but...there's a few other movies in there too.

9. Favorite animal?

I have a cat, so I love cats. I'm also a fan of narwhals and pandas. Red pandas are adorable and sloths are too.

10. Favorite book?

On here, there's a lot of great Newsies stuff that I like. I also am currently reading The Book Thief which I like. I also really like Peter and the Starcatchers. The first book in the series is phenomenal. I read it in three days in middle school.

Tag some peeps.. twenty of them.  Okay.  You don't have to do this if you don't want to because I feel that.


















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Okay, that's 20!! If I didn't tag anybody and then they still want to do this, take it on!! Stars and Sabers should be getting an update soon, peeps!! As well as Newsie stuff!! :) Hope you all are staying safe and healthy!!

AK, Ais, or Aisl

Or if you don't want to use a nickname, Aisling works too. :)

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