The Facts of Life of Aisling Kiley

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Ahhh yes, Nancy McKeon, you were amazing from what I saw of you in that show which I haven't watched since middle school and I didn't watch that much of it when I did. *shrugs*

It was just used for the title. Comment if you've ever seen that show. There's like 9 seasons of it and it was fun but I think I only watched a season or two...and it's been a minute.

Anyways....thanks to FandomMilkshake.

For today's tag!! I don't know if I did in the time limit and I don't really want to save that photo because for me, it's faster to type out the rules. So, that's what I'm going to do.

Here are the rules....

1. You have to post the rules.


2. You must say 13 things about yourself and you cannot refuse...

Unless you're doing it on this page because I say you don't have to. You never have to do a tag if you don't want to.

I'm not going to refuse to do it but that's just me.

A.) I'm a fan of Newsies. Okay, that's putting it mildly....I'm a fanatic of Newsies.

B.) I'm an introvert (in case you couldn't tell from my personality on here).

C.) My Ennegram type (because I don't think I've ever shared this on here and it gives you more of a feel for my personality....sort of. I have a disclaimer about ennetypes.) is....9w1. Can you guys see that? A friend of mine can totally see it in me.

Here's the disclaimer/why I don't fully believe in full on naming personality types.....

Yes, they give you some more insight as to the person you POTENTIALLY could be and not the person you are necessarily. Don't let them define you as a person. They are fun to research about but, seriously don't take it to heart. I also personally think that I'm more of a combination of different things that are in the ennegram type and maybe even some of my characteristics don't fit in with the ennegram types. Why? Because I'm a unique person and so is everyone else. It's IMPOSSIBLE to fit every human being into a box or a label because EVERYONE is different. Everyone has a different personality or different interests or things that are unique to only them. So, it's hard to accurately put every single human being on the face of the Earth into these boxes.

Also, I hate the multiple choice ones where they give you a bunch of choices and NONE of them are something I would do or say. Am I the only ones who doesn't like those???

D.) I'm really into Star Wars currently if you haven't noticed...;) And all of my other fandoms.

E.)  I'm not really that great at math.

F.) I want a Masters in Library and Information Science (which is a dual masters degree) with a major in Informatics. Beyond college, I have no idea what kind of a job I'll wind up doing. Librarians do all sorts of things and I'm kind of up for some kind of an adventure.

G.) I really love music...a lot. I played clarinet in my city's youth orchestra for three years.

H.) I like riding bikes.

I.) I have a really odd and random assortment of socks that I wear.

J.) I have two bookshelves full of books, so many that I have a dresser that I recieved recently and some of them are in one of those drawers.

K.) I like to think for myself and do my own thing.

L.)  I can be really naive and really really stubborn. I'm not one to give up easily....most of the time.

M.) I like being cold over being hot anyday of the week. I'm the kind of person who likes to go outside in a T-shirt when it's in the 30s.

3. If you don't do this in a week, the person who tagged you has to think of a punishment.

I won't do that to you. :) Time doesn't matter to me at least in terms of tags.

I also believe I did this within the span of a week but I can't remember for sure....

4. It has to be a chapter, not a comment.

I'm doing a chapter but if you don't want to do that, don't feel bad. You can comment if you want. I enjoy reading comments.

5. You have to nominate or tag 15 people.

Ugghhhhhhh, but I'm feeling laaaaaazzzzzzyyyyyyyy.

Oh whatever, I'll do it anyways.





DaydreamShimmer (I know you're probably not going to do it, but whatever. I'm saying hi.)











6. The chapter has to have a creative name.

Consider it done. Look up. Is that chapter title creative enough for you?

Anyways, hoping to put some new Newsies stuff soon. I've been looking at my different Newsies books (published and drafts...there's at least two more Newsies drafts in my draft library) and seeing what I want to put out and what I want to update. Hoping to get some new Newsies content out because I know it's been a minute. I also really want to update the Psych book but you can blame Shules because that ship is making it real hard to write for Shawn X OC but I'll get there....eventually. Stars and Sabers is TOTALLY still happening.

Yeah. :) I'll try to publish something maybe on Monday?? I don't know. I'll try.

You all are so great for putting up with my sporadic updating times. I'm so sorry you have to deal with it. I'll be sure to update stuff soon.

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