One Monday Mood of A Tag

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Hi, friends!!! Welcome to another tag that's going to be the mood to end all moods. Okay probably not, but it sounded cool to tag to say and my dear friend Crystal thinks my tags are always a mood sooooo...yeah. Oddly enough, I've been kind of wanting to do a tag....I don't really know why but we'll take it. Needless to say Newsie_trash...

I'm glad you tagged me and I had to hit enter otherwise all of this would be orange. Why? I don't know because Firefox hates me?? Maybe?? I don't even know. Thank you for the tag, newsie_trash.

I appreciate it. :)  Now, onto the tag for real where we get to the real moods.

1. My nickname?

Like on here? Most of you guys just call me Aisling but....I go by Ais or AK(DaydreamShimmer's name for me. And yes, I know it didn't turn orange...I'm just lazy and didn't want to hit enter again and awkwardly make another paragraph. I'm mentioning you, Jules but according to the website I'm not. :). I've also been called Aisl before. Idk. If you have any random nicknames you want to call me, you're more than welcome to. Just keep em PG. ;)

2. My eye color?

It's green.....I'm not 100% sure how to describe it in a way that I haven't already. It's kind of like a lighter green. It's a little more muted but still vibrant in a way. It's not dark like a forest but also not super light like a really light leaf. It's green.

3. My hair color?

Hahaha. Oh gosh. In the past, I've just pointed to celebrities who have a similar hair color to me. It's like blondie brown. It's not true brown but I certainly wouldn't call it blonde either. It's kind of like the color of a well done chocolate chip cookie?? There's definitely blonde in it because my hair looks super lit up and pretty during golden hour.

If you look at Julie Andrews, that's a little too light.

If you look at Luke Skywalker (the young version), I think that's a little too light still too. And them sometimes too dark but I feel like maybe he's closer than Julie Andrews??

I don't know who a good comparison would be. We'll just say somewhere close to those two or Marty McFly. He's more of a brunette though.

I don't know. It's some kind of blondie brown.

4. One fact about me....

I've never been in a musical (on the stage anyways for one) but I have played in the pit. I'm not really that much of a singer or a dancer.

5. Favorite Color

Purples, blues...more relaxed and chill colors. Kind of like me. I wear a lot of purples and blues. I also like maroons and reds.

6. Favorite place?

Either the beach, the mountains, the library, a bookstore, or my room. I don't know. I also like exploring new places.

7. Favorite celebrity?

Hmmmmm, it depends on my mood and the day. I really like Shirley Temple. She was such a cool person. I also like a lot of the people in the Newsies casts (and yes I mean casts). I like people from Psych. I like the casts of Star Wars. Some of those people are pretty cool. I like Saoirse Ronan (I think that's how you spell her name). She's just super cool. I really like her.

8. Favorite Song? 

Right now, it's probably Nine by Sleeping At Last. For those of you who don't know, he did a group of songs about the Ennegram types and I like Nine. Nine is my dominant ennegram type most of the time (if any of you can see that or not) and so I relate to the lyrics and like to think on them.

9. Favorite animal?

I like red pandas, cats, dogs, narwhals, sloths....I don't know that I have a favorite. I do really like animals but I don't notice that I have a favorite in particular. I have a cat so maybe cats??

10. Favorite book?

Well......I don't know. I love the Peter and the Starcatchers series. I'm also reading through Peter Pan for a school project which is why I've been TRYING and yes key word is trying...not to read lots and lots of fanfics until that is done.

I'm supposed to tag 20 people?? 20??'s a Monday....and and....

Alright, I'll do it.





















Aannnnnddddd, there's 20. That took awhile. Wow. I'm hoping to keep working on something to actually publish. I'm working on oneshots that people have requested and I'm also going to try to work on requested imagines too. Key word here is try. I'm going to try to keep up with my Star Wars book too because there's a lot there too as well as my other books. Just note that if you don't WANT to do this don't HAVE to. :) If I didn't tag someone who wanted to it, feel free to do it as well.

I might have to use a random book generator to decide what I am going to work on next. I don't know, guys....there's a lot I want to work on. If you have any opinions, you can comment. If not, that's okay too. :)

See you around,


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