Chapter 26: Mirio Togata's refusal's consequences

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Aizawa hobbled into the classroom when the classes started again. Bandages covered him from head to toe, and he really didn't look in the state to be walking about, however when asked, he simply said, "I am fine enough."

He was too much of a professional.

Bakugo had been uncharacteristically quiet, always staring blankly out of windows and only snapping when someone tried too hard to talk to him. As a result, he was left alone, to stew in his mind. Quirklessness hadn't made his classmates cold to him, like he had assumed which annoyed him further for some reason.

However this Quirklessness was the reason he would end up in a special training course after the Sports Festival.

Aizawa explained about the Sports Festival before Mic jogged in. Their first subject was English.

During recess, there was a huge crowd at the door of Class 1-A.

"Stop crowding around, the students are trying to get to the cafeteria," Iida, their Class Representative shouted. No one budged, instead a smile formed on some of their faces.

"Move out of my way, extras," Bakugo grumbled, trying to push past.

"JUST BECAUSE YOU DON'T KNOW THEM DOESN'T MAKE THEM EXTRAS," Iida shouted at him. He rolled his eyes, irritated with everything.

"If it isn't the Quirkless Pity-party from the Hero Course," Someone sneered, "If you had any sense of dignity, you would have vacated the seat and let someone else there."

The entire class went silent. Bakugo glared at the person who said it.

"If it isn't the utterly useless party who decided to make themselves feel better by mocking someone better than them."

Ready to actually murder someone, he barraged past them, ignoring the cries of "Useless" and "Quirkless." He wiped off a tear when no one was looking.

/How does it feel to be Quirkless, Kacchan?/

/Incredibly awful, thanks/

A shock of purple hair made its way to the front of the class.

"The UA Sports Festival is one of the most important times. Not only because it is as popular as the Olympics, but also because it is a chance for people in other courses to try and get a spot in the Hero Course. Everyone would be trying their best."

Class 1-A didn't speak, figuring that silence would be the best to get them to clear off.

They were right as due to the lack of retorts, the way was slowly cleared.

When they reached the cafeteria, Bakugo was no where to be seen. Kirishima frowned and looked around, but he couldn't spot his friend anywhere.

"I would like to impress the fact that this is only due to the sudden change in circumstances that this training sessions have been started. It would be for the best if you were to keep this confidential from everyone unless you are asked otherwise. All clear, Katsuki Bakugo?"

"It isn't only for the lack of my Quirk, is it?" Bakugo narrowed his eyes at All Might who was standing there.

Principal Nezu looked amused and impressed at the same time.

"Perhaps yes, perhaps not. Whenever Aizawa would recover enough to start teaching, you shall start your training as well."

"I see. Hope I wouldn't have to leap around with bandages," Bakugo grumbled, not really looking forward to using a capture weapon such as that.

"We'll see," Nezu spoke, still looking amused, "You are dismissed."

Bakugo went out of the room.

All Might coughed up blood and sat down, deflating into his true form.

"If only Mirio Togata hadn't declined the chance," he mumbled.

"We took into consideration as to who was fit for passing it on, but we failed to remember that not everyone thinks the same," Nezu spoke, sipping his tea.

"Even so..........atleast Sir Nighteye isn't that angry," All Might took a cookie.

"Well of course, even if the only reason he even took Mirio Togata under him was because of the fact that he would be a suitable heir. After being incredibly shocked, I think he understands why he did what he did. If I am not wrong, then he says that he is proud of Mirio."

"Well of course.........he did say something along the lines of, "It's a noble offer, Sir, but I am afraid I shall have to decline. If I am to become a good hero, I shall become it through my own abilities. This, this One For All feels like cheating, I am sorry if I come off as rude, but I can't do this. It would be betraying my friends as well, especially Amajiki if I suddenly became much more powerful. What would he think? Have you seen how easily he gets upset if he fails or comes up short? I am sorry, but I just cannot do this." He is probably one of the only people who have actually declined the power of One For All, considering the circumstances."

"Truly," Nezu finished his tea, "But Katsuki Bakugo is like an arrow thrown in the dark."


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