Chapter 38: One For All (All Might is so dead-)

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Aizawa stepped out into the cool breeze of the night. Vlad King had gone to sleep a while ago, after being beaten at chess for the tenth time. He had promised revenge, and Aizawa had humored him with an amused glint in his eyes before he reached the current place. A lot of things had happened in the last few months.

It had been mere months that UA had been invaded, an attack on USJ had rendered Bakugo Quirkless and Aizawa with another student to train personally, Stain had almost killed Tensei Iida and Tenya Iida, Shinso had been entered into the Hero Course, and now he was here, standing in the night with an odd sense of foreboding.

In the still air, he heard soft whispers.

Whispers so soft that he wouldn't have heard them if not for the complete solitude which the area offered him.

"What? I definitely cannot fucking go into the open and be like, "Hello bitches, guess who got a Quirk?" On top of that, Aizawa-sensei is definitely going to catch me, and your big secret is going to be revealed, All Might. Just because you are the fucking Symbol of Peace—"

"He already has caught you," Aizawa spoke dryly coming behind him.

Bakugo shrugged and put the phone back in his pocket. He looked ready to commit mass homicide and Aizawa couldn't really blame him.

"Not surprised."

The boy had changed quite a lot, he was putting saving people along with winning now, a feat that had been accomplished by an unfortunate accident that would haunt Aizawa's conscience forever. On the outside, the cursing and the name-calling remained but he had stopped being the overtly rude boy he had been when he first entered the UA course.

He looked haunted too, in fact, when he turned around to completely look at Aizawa.

"So, what's the huge secret that caused you to wake up at ten? You usually go to sleep sometime after eight."

"About that," Bakugo sighed. Again, Aizawa was reminded of how he had been when he had come to UA.

"To begin with, I suppose I was fucking desperate. And did anything about this entire training session strike as odd to you? Or All Might's sudden interest?"

Aizawa's eyes narrowed. He had questioned the possibilities numerous times, but he hadn't asked. Besides All Might would never trust him. For no apparent reason, he had declared the man as untrustworthy and Aizawa gave zero fucks about that fact.

Except in this case.

"It seemed like a man... specifically grooming someone."

"Guess he was fucking desperate too," Bakugo's laugh was hollow, "To decide to pass on his Quirk to me."

"Wait for a damned second—"

"YuP. Well, I guess I have become too used with a Quirk or something. Anyways, so long story short, his Quirk, One For All can be passed down from one person to another with a huge melodramatic story behind it, and basically it enhances one's strength if said one is Quirkless."

Aizawa snapped his mouth shut. Bakugo looked like he was silently plotting All Might's murder. Without the political scenario, Aizawa might have helped him with the execution, if he was being honest. Yamada would pitch in too.

", basically, you mean to say that All damned Might has apparently given one of my students, especially one that I am personally training, a Quirk, on which there isn't much information?"

"Yeah, that about sums it up."

Aizawa mentally entertained the image of stabbing All Might before getting back to business.

"You are going to sleep, first. Tomorrow, I am hearing the entire story from you. I can't pretty well teach without being informed properly."

"Alright, Good Night sensei," he spoke, turning around to leave.

Aizawa hadn't forgotten the look in his eyes. His voice gentler, he added,

"If you wish to talk, I am always there, okay?"

"I know. Thanks."

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