Chapter 39: Rain and Cloud

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"Midoriya Izuku and Shigaraki Tomura are worried."

Todoroki liked Kurogiri. The man, Nomu, had a comforting presence, like that of a doting parent. He would get them out of all the trouble they used to get themselves into. He would be the only one willing to listen to Izuku's ramblings when Todoroki and Tomura had fallen asleep on top of each other. He specifically prepared cold soba for Todoroki everyday without fail, and had somewhat helped him to get over his fear of boiling water and kettles.

Still, cold soba tasted nice.

"Not surprised."

He surprised himself with the apathetic tone. The steam was rising off his left side, and some of the water had frozen to his right. He had stood there for ages, contemplating his life, and what had happened. It wasn't that he regretted Tomura and Izuku's company, but a part of him which he had buried long ago whispered traitorously, "If things had been different you could have become a hero and wouldn't have to hide for reacting to society's abuse."

"And so could have Midoriya and Tomura," he said to no one in particular.

The self-proclaimed braincell of the League didn't comment on it, used to this.

Todoroki felt an almost solid hand rest on his shoulder.

"You will catch a fever at this rate, with even your Quirk."

He would have laughed if he could. Kurogiri's words were endearing, like an incredibly worried mom's. If people spent sometime with him without knowing of his affiliation to the League, they would be surprised to learn that he was a villain. He was just so....likeable.

"I suppose. But it's a good excuse for staying in bed."

Kurogiri snorted.

"Staying in bed isn't an excuse to forego your Chemistry homework, Shoto Todoroki."

"Ah. Medicines and homework are a strange combo."

"You will seriously catch a fever if you refuse to leave."

"I killed him."

"Everyone knows that, it is all over the news."

Todoroki looked at his right hand, the rain having washed most of the blood away. Even so he could feel it, the warm liquid dripping crimson everywhere, staining his pale fingers as he plunged the dagger of ice and watched the light go out of the eyes of the hero who had started in his nightmares for years. He had gone to melt the ice, and the body had fallen forward, blood mixing with the rainwater, forming a diluted pool of red. He had burnt it, whispering to no one in particular, "How does it feel to have the flames turned against you?" Kicking the dead body that would never answer or scream, he encased it in ice and left, taking twisting routes filled with water to avoid leaving footsteps. A strange numbness had come over him, dragging him under its unfeeling surface.

He would have been terrified had he retained the ability to feel.

He was bone tired.

Too tired to feel or think coherently, sounds around him reducing to a static, his mind blank.

He no longer felt that burning hatred.

Kurogiri seeing that he wasn't going to answer, steered him into the bar, where he stood for a while, gazing blankly ahead before snapping back before two pairs of arms tackled him.



Tomura and Izuku had been worried sick when Todoroki hadn't returned after three hours. Izuku had weakly suggested hacking into the CCTV cameras before Dabi had come charging in, a strange expression on his face, waving his phone in front of their faces. Stain had come in soon after, and they heard in his words, the exact description of the body.

"Endeavor meets his end at the hands of his son, Shoto Todoroki, a wanted villain."

The news Headlines were all over the place. No one was sad to see him go, but they all had been worried when another hour had passed and Todoroki still hadn't returned. He hadn't gotten caught, they would have known. The newer members of the League had shuffled off into another big room while Tomura paced on the bar floor. Izuku tracked him down with the tracker he had planted, allowing Kurogiri to warp towards him.

Todoroki stood there awkwardly listening to Tomura shrieking something about "He had worried him" and Izuku checking him for any visible injuries.

Kurogiri went back into his suit to prepare hot chocolate for them.

It had been a rough day after all.

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