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Here's the next chapter.....
Warning abuse as I mentioned is in this story, and some mature content too.


Bochan sighs, looking at the Crown Prince, as the Crown Prince was eye oggling the golden haired female servant, him practically drooling over the chubby golden haired woman.
Princess Meorang had already arrived a week ago, and the Crown Prince ignored her completely, and rumors have been going around that a servant has caught the eye of the Crown Prince, but the servant wasn't named, but Princess Meorang has caught the rumor by ear, and is no doubt severely pissed about it.
Her wrath may come to fruition soon enough; Bochan knows all too well it will, him fearing for the safety of the golden chubby haired servant girl that the Crown Prince has grown unusually attached to.

Bochan watched the golden haired servant serve the Crown Prince his tea, pouring the tea elegantly, never spilling a drop of tea, and she looked to the Crown Prince with her golden hazel eyes, and says.
"Your tea; your majesty."

The Crown Prince nods to her, and took the cup of tea, him sipping it as he stared at her, the lust showing in his red orbs onto her.
Bochan knew this was taboo, but he kept their relationship secret, especially for her safety as he mentioned to himself, him knowing Princess Meorang would indeed retaliate with her unfathomable wrath as he told himself, and he has no doubts she will.

"Brush my hair."
The Crown Prince hands her a comb,  demanding himself to be served by her, and she sits behind him upon a stool, and starts combing his long waist length dark midnight hair, her getting the rats out of it.
"You have a gentle touch."
The Crown Prince tells her.

"I'm used to brushing hair of people with your status your majesty."
I tell him nervously.

"I see.
Were there other men you brushed the hair of?"
He asked me, and I swear I could hear immense jealousy in his voice.

"No, only my sibling who's female."
I tell him honestly.

"You have a knack for brushing my hair.
My hair is never unkempt."
The Crown Prince compliments me for the first time since I began serving him, which made me stop brushing his hair, and I felt my heart pitter patter at such compliment from him.

He looked at me over his shoulder.
"Keep grooming me."
He says in a gentle yet demanding voice.
I merely nod as a reply, and continued to brush the rats out of his hair, and then I style it up into a high ponytail with a red ribbon.
I hand him a handle mirror.
He looked himself over and smirked.
"You did well.
Bochan give her extra rations."

"Yes; your majesty."
Bochan nods to the Crown Prince and looked to me.
"Your majesty I think you need to be careful with showing favor to this servant, lest it put her in danger."

"Does my actions bother you Bochan?"
The Crown Prince growled out.

Bochan kneels down, bowing to the Crown Prince.
"No your majesty.
It's just I worry for her safety with you spoiling her."

The Crown Prince looked at me with his red eyes.
"Spoiling her?"
He then looked to Bochan.
"Bochan this servant belongs to me, and I can do whatever I like with her, know that, and know your place!"

"Yes, your majesty."
Bochan looked to me, a look he don't hate me, but a look of concern.

The Crown Prince grabbed my arm, and dragged me onto his lap, and I felt his hard on through his robes.
"Leave us Bochan."

"Yes your majesty."
Bochan then left the room.

The Crown Prince looked up at me, then took hold of my chin in his hand, his nails tickling my jaw.
Then he kissed me in a way he was starved of affection, his lips moving along with my own, his tongue caressing my own, and licking, and teasing my mouth.
He then trailed his mouth to my neck, and sucked on my neck, and teased my neck with his teeth.
Then he pulled away.
"Not today."
He places a finger on my lips.
"I will not be filling you today."
I blink in shock he decided not to do so.

I ask him, stuttering as so.

"Because, you have not recovered from last time."
He says to me.
"Last time we did it for three days.
Be happy that I am letting your body rest."
I swallow hard as he then ran his fingers through my long golden hair, and it felt good he was doing so.
He then pecked my lips.
"You did a good job serving me as always."
I blink at him rapidly as he pulled away, then he pulled me to my feet whilst he sat in his chair.
"Go eat."
He waved me off.
"I want your figure the way it is now."
I blink in shock he said this, that he liked my chubby disgusting figure.

I nod saying.
"Yes your majesty."
I then turn to leave his room, but he slapped my round ass with his hand, making me jerk, and look at him over my shoulder, seeing him smirking mischievously at me.
I then look forward, and headed towards the door, and open it, leaving out of his room, and I continued to do my duties after I had my breakfast.

I was working late into the noon hour on watering the Palace's garden, when I heard Meorang's voice.
"You dirty bitch!
Why are you here?!"
I stand up, turning to face her, and she looked pissed off I was here, her wrath showing upon her facial features.

I didn't answer her, only tremble at her presence, and look down at my silver slip on shoes.
"You think you can live here scott free?!
Eat the food here and remain fat as can be?!
You'll starve!"
She slapped me upon my right cheek, making me fall on my side onto the ground, and a red mark was upon my cheek, and I slowly sit upon my knees, my head lowered in submission.
"I should have you flogged!"
She hissed out, making me tremble in fear more, me terrified she would have me flogged multiple times, and she slapped my other cheek.

"Princess Meorang enough!"
General Yami shouts, him walking up, and grabbing her hand before she could hit me once again, and he was holding a wrapped silver blue cloth.

Meorang pulled away from General Yami, and walked away, more like stomping away in her anger, her glaring at me in much fathom as she goes.
I slowly stand up, saying to General Yami.
"You didn't have to save me you know."

General Yami holds out a silked blue wrapped cloth.
"The snacks the Crown Prince wanted me to deliver for you."

I take it into my arms.
"Thank you."
I slightly smile at him, but flinch cause my cheeks hurt.

"Are you alright?"
General Yami asked me.

"I'll be okay.
Tell the Crown Prince thank you for me."
I tell General Yami.

General Yami nods to me.
"I will.
Can I ask your name?"

I smile a little more at General Yami.
"It's Ohana."

He asked and I nod.

"It means family in another language where my mother is from."
I tell him.

"It does?"
He asked, him looking interested in the meaning of my name.

"Yes it does.
My mother is from a place called Hawaii."
I tell him.

General Yami asked and I nod.

It's an island."
I tell him.

"You should eat that before the princess decides to take it away.
I saw how she treats you."
General Yami says to me, him looking upset how my half-sister treats me.

"I'm used to the abuse."
I tell him honestly as we both sat on a stone bench by the garden, and I unwrap the blue silked cloth, seeing five cookies with red fruit hardened jam on top.
I pick one up, and I bite into it, and I chew it up, blinking in shock at the sweet and fruity taste.

"Are they good?"
General Yami asked me.

I nod furiously, and swallow my bite, licking my lips.
I like it.
Back at the Yuun household I never got to eat stuff like this."
I say honestly to him.

He gave me a sympathetic look.
"I'll let his majesty know you like them."
He stands up and then waved at me.
"I gotta go."
I wave to him as he walked away, leaving me to eat these delicious cookies.


To be continued....

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