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Here's the next chapter.....
Warning triggers of abuse ahead!

How you pronounce Princess Meorang's name is Mio-rang and how you pronounce Emperor Lo Dang's name is Low-Dang.
Bochan's name is pronounced Bow-chawn.
All pictures used are only examples and do not belong to me, they are only examples for the characters.

Meorang threw her tea cup, breaking it onto the floor, her shouting.
"That bitch!
I don't know what she is scheming, but she will never get his majesty's heart, and I'll make sure of it!"
She turned towards her maid.
"Have the other servants starve the golden haired dimwit servant!"
The terrified maid nods, leaving out of the room, and went to tell the other servants to not give food to the golden haired servant known as Ohana.


I noticed as days go by that I wasn't given meals like usual, by the other servants, that cook, and I eventually got weaker to where it was hard to focus on my job tending to the Crown Prince, and as I was scrubbing his body in his warm bath, me running the sponge along his shoulders as his long wild hair was tied up so I could scrub his back well, and as I was scrubbing his back, I felt extremely dizzy, me catching myself on the side of the bathing area's marble edge.
He turned his red gaze towards me over his shoulder, him asking.
"Woman, are you alright?"
Concern laced his stern expression.

I couldn't tell him I haven't eaten in days, because none of the servant cooks or other servants would give me my meals, for fear of him flogging me for not eating, since he once mentioned he liked my chubby body, so no doubt he will be enraged I'm not eating my fill when meals are given to me.
"I....I'm fine your majesty."

He turned towards me, him giving me a sour expression.
"No, you are quite paler than normal."

Bochan wasn't here; he was busy doing paperwork, so he wouldn't know that I'm tending to the Crown Prince, bathing him.
He reached out, and puts his hand to my forehead, and then touched his own forehead, and narrowed his red eyes at me.
"You have a fever."
He says to me, his voice hinting he is not happy I'm sick.
He stood out of the bathing area, and stepped out of it, and dressed himself.
"I will call the royal physician for you."
As he said that my mind went dark.


I slowly open my eyes, finding I'm in the Crown Prince's bed, and a man with a long gray beard was holding my wrist, and checking my pulse, and the Crown Prince was standing beside the man with a gray beard.
The man with the gray beard says to the Crown Prince.
"She is ill from lack of food; and I suggest you slowly give her food to help her recover, and medicine I prescribe."

The Crown Prince looked utterly pissed.
"Who is allowing her to starve?!"
The Crown Prince shouts at Bochan in the room.

"Your majesty I do not know truly!"
Bochan bowed lowly.

"Find out and lop off their head!"
The Crown Prince snarled out as an order.

"Yes your majesty."
Bochan and the doctor left the room, them petrified that the Crown Prince was so angry, and the Crown Prince sat by my feet on the bed, and I watch him take a bowl from the table next to the bed that had grapes, and other fruit, and he picked off a grape from the vines, and holds it out towards my mouth.

He demands of me, and I take in the grape from his fingers, chewing it up, and swallow it down, which made my stomach gurgle more in hunger loudly, and he fed me more grapes, until the vines were only left, then he held a strawberry, and puts it to my lips, which I took a bite of, chewing it up, and swallow it down.

I grew full after eating the next strawberry, and he stopped feeding me the fruit, him noticing I got full, then he sets the bowl of fruit aside, and then took another bowl full of brown liquid, and motions me to sit up, which I do, and he feeds me the brown liquid, which tasted bitter as hell, but I drank it down, and once that was gone from the bowl; I laid back down, me feeling sleepy from whatever he gave me, my eyes slowly closing, and I fell asleep.

The Crown Prince lays next to the woman with golden hair called Ohana, his arm pulling her to rest against his muscular chest, that showed in his robes, that were slightly open, and showing his chest, and he looked down at her, and then up towards the door, and Bochan entered the room.
"Well; did you find the culprit behind starving her?"
The Crown Prince asked Bochan.

"Indeed I did.
It was a lone servant ordering to do so by Princess Meorang."
Bochan says to the Crown Prince.

"Have the Princess suffer the same.
Starve her for a week."
The Crown Prince ordered Bochan.

"Yes; your majesty."
Bochan says to the Crown Prince.

"Also if anyone feeds her within that week they will be executed immediately by hanging."
The Crown Prince says to Bochan.

"Yes your majesty."
Bochan then left the room.

Bochan got severe cold chills at the orders he was given, and he held a meeting for servants, and they were instructed to not feed Princess Meorang for a week, and if they do, they will be executed immediately, and the servants, terrified they were, obeyed the orders by the Crown Prince.

Bochan continued his other duties as the Crown Prince remained in his room with the servant Ohana, him giving her much needed attention from her being sickly, caring for her needs.

"Did you hear?
His majesty favors a servant?"
One servant says to another.

The other servant says to the other talking about the rumor.

It is said the servant is bedridden in his majesty's own bedroom.
How lucky that servant must be to catch his majesty's eye and to be coddled by him."
The other servant says to the one he was talking to.

"If Princess Meorang finds out, no doubt she will thrust her wrath onto that servant."
One servant says to the one telling the rumor.

"I doubt it, since she is being starved.
She is probably only thinking about filling her gullet to worry about such things."
The servants says that told the other the rumor.

"Yeah you're right.
But it's strange his majesty is interested in a servant, going so far to treat the sick servant."
The servant says that was talking to the one talking about the rumors they heard.

Bochan overheard the two servants talking, and walked up to them.
"You two, get back to preparing the banquet for his majesty!"

"Yes master Bochan!"
Both servants bow to Bochan.

Bochan walked away.
"Isn't the banquet for the engagement between Princess Meorang and his majesty?"
Both servants say to each other.

Bochan made his way to the Crown Prince's room, and knocked on the sliding door.
"Your majesty, the banquet is being prepared for your engagement to Princess Meorang."

"Come in and talk."
The Crown Prince says to Bochan, and Bochan walked into his bedroom, seeing the Crown Prince wiping down the servant Ohana's sweaty fevered body with a wet rag, her naked in the bed.

"Your majesty, the banquet is tomorrow in celebration to your engagement to Princess Meorang."
Bochan says to the Crown Prince.

The Crown Prince looked his red eyes up at Bochan.
"Cancel the engagement for now and the banquet."
The Crown Prince tells Bochan.

"B...but your majesty this engagement shall be beneficial to you, especially since the Yuun household has valuable goods we can trade with other kingdoms!"
Bochan exclaims to the Crown Prince.

"I am not interested in the goods they trade."
The Crown Prince says to Bochan, him looking bored by the looks of it, bored of the engagement that Lord Yuun set Princess Meorang and the Crown Prince up for.

"If you are not interested; then why did you propose the engagement in the first place?"
Bochan asked him.

"I was bored, and now the prospect of marrying that uncouth woman eludes me to no end."
The Crown Prince says to Bochan, him giving Bochan a lethal glare from hell itself.
"Cancel the engagement."

"Will she be a concubine instead?"
Bochan asked the Crown Prince.

"I am not interested in taking concubines."
The Crown Prince gave Bochan a serious look.

"Your majesty, do you plan on taking this servant as your wife?
If you plan to; the Emperor Lo Dang will get enraged if you do so?"
Bochan says to the Crown Prince.

"I am not afraid of my father."
The Crown Prince gives Bochan an annoyed, yet serious expression.

"I know it isn't my business what you do to the poor servant girl, but I am afraid of your father's wrath, if he finds out your heart is swaying towards a servant girl, that has a lower birth rank than you."
Bochan says to the Crown Prince.

"Do not worry Bochan, because father will be surprised that I will not tolerate interference in who I bed nor care for."
The Crown Prince says mockingly back to Bochan.

"Your majesty; I have been your retainer since you were a small boy, and I know how your father can be, how his wrath can effect others like this servant girl, and no doubt he will in fact harm her, harm her in ways you cannot comprehend if you keep being entangled with her."
Bochan says to the Crown Prince.
"And if you care for her, then marry her, and if not, then toss her aside as soon as possible."

"I will not toss away what belongs to me Bochan!"
The Crown Prince snarled out to Bochan.
"She stays in my household!
She will continue living to tend to my very whims, and nothing you can do can deter my mind from my decisions!"

Bochan bowed to the ground, kowtowing to the Crown Prince in utter fear at his anger.
"Forgive me your majesty for I have sinned!"

"Do not bring this matter up once more or I shall have your tongue cut out from your very head Bochan!"
The Crown Prince snarled out once more.

"Yes your majesty!"
Bochan trembled in fear once again at how he pissed off the Crown Prince.

"For back talking me; receive twenty lashings!"
The Crown Prince ordered Bochan.

Bochan stands up, and nods, leaving the room to receive his punishment of twenty lashings.


To be continued....

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