Poisonous Snake

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Here's the next chapter.....


The Crown Prince never felt for anyone before, felt his heart pitter patter for any woman before, but in the past he had orgies to satiate his empty hole in his heart, which never satiated him, something missing in his life that could never be filled, and when he saw Ohana, desire riddled his entire being, though he technically raped her the first time he held her, he felt regret for doing so, but she never feared him.
He has killed many a men, killed and slaughtered men and women, who defied him, making them quake with much fear for him, him enjoying their fear of him, and due to it, he was nicknamed The Demon Prince, and since then, he loved how people would look at him with fear, but Ohana never looked at him like that, only looked at him in admiration, though he was a demon, who brings death to others, but this girl, who is of a low birth rank, makes his heart tremble.
She rested in his bed for awhile, him giving her medicine in a bowl, giving it to her through his own mouth, since she is quite ill.
For days she was sick, barely eating, but eventually she got enough energy to eat on her own, until she became full.

Today she was resting in his bed once again, him staring at her as he lay on his side, and upon his elbow.
His red eyes admiring her chubby body.
Her body was squishy and plump, as he trails his fingers along her slight plump potbelly, as she was nude in his bed.
He hungered to be inside her once again, but alas, she was very sick, and had not entirely recovered fully yet.
His face was hovering over hers, his dark wild long midnight hair touching her shoulders.
She breathed evenly and soundly in her slumber, and he heard a knock at the door of his room, and he covers her body with the blanket of the bedding, so no other would see her nakedness, because her body belongs to him, and him alone.

His voice demanded and Bochan limped into the room.
"What is it now?"

"The Princess is resting in her room after being starved so long.
Her doctors are tending to her."
Bochan says to the Crown Prince.

The Crown Prince was so busy tending to Ohana, that he had forgotten about the Princess, and to be honest he do not care if the Princess is suffering, hell she can kiss his ass for what her servants did to Ohana, and he is not surprised if she will try to harm Ohana again, through using her servants to do so, like the coward she was.
"Send a letter to her father that the marriage is called off, and have her escorted back to her household."
The Crown Prince Sook Eun says to Bochan.

Bochan nods, him unnerved by the order, but he is starting to recover from twenty lashings, so he will do as told out of fear of more flogging.
"Yes your majesty."
Bochan left the room, closing the sliding door behind him.

Rumors spread like wildfire and Princess Meorang was infuriated by her being starved for a week by The Crown Prince Sook Eun, and she does not know why he did it, but hell would be to pay for him doing so, since she heard about the servant who he favors, who he took to his bedroom, and she will find out who it is, and have them poisoned as retaliation for The Crown Prince starving her.

Though weak; Princess Meorang was, she orders her servant to do something dastardly at its best.
"Have the servant The Crown Prince favors poisoned in the food he gives the servant."

"Milady if I do so I'll be killed like your last servant like last time!"
The servant trembled in fear as she said that to Princess Meorang.

"I do not care!
Do it!"
She shouts at her servant, and the servant nods, gulping in complete and utter fear as Princess Meorang handed the servant a vial full of purple liquid.
"Now shoo."
Princess Meorang waves the servant away, and the servant left her room to do as asked.

The servant went to the kitchen, her figuring which food, and medicine was for the favored servant, her pouring the poison in the brown liquid medicine, and the rice porridge for the favored servant, making sure nobody in the kitchen paid attention to her doing so, but as she slipped the vile back in her robes, she heard a man shout.
"What are you doing?!"
She turned around, seeing Master Bochan giving her a suspicious look.
"You're not a kitchen servant, so what are you doing here, and near food, and medicine his highness needs for his servant?!"

The servant of Princess Meorang gulped nervously.
"I was checking on the food?"

He glared at her, grabbing her arm, and yanked her out of the kitchen, saying harshly to her.
"That is the kitchen servant's job, not yours, so get the hell outta here!"

She bows to Master Bochan.
"Forgive my wrongdoings Master Bochan."
She then scurries off back to Princess Meorang's room.

Bochan sighs, and scurries back into the kitchen, finding the brown liquid medicine and the rice porridge gone that was for the servant Ohana!
Bochan suspected the food and medicine was drugged by that lavender haired servant girl earlier, so he scurried to the Crown Prince's room, opening the door, seeing the Crown Prince pouring the medicine in his mouth, to probably give the medicine to the golden haired servant girl through his mouth, and the Crown Prince immediately started coughing, and spat out the brown liquid medicine, him falling on his side in the bed, him breathing rather labored.
An assassination attempt!"
Bochan shouts.

The guards soon ran immediately into the room, including General Yami, and General Yami inspected the food and medicine.
"It's been poisoned!
The food and drink have been!"
General Yami fumed.
"Bochan get an imperial doctor now!"
Bochan ran out of the room, grabbing an imperial doctor, who looked the Crown Prince over, finding the poison was from the kingdom of Azlan across from the kingdom his highness tends to.

"The poison can only be cured by the Azlan Flower, and getting it will be hard indeed."
The imperial doctor says to General Yami.
"But there is a merchant that sells it, who gets it from pirates."

"Who is the merchant?"
General Yami asked.

"His name is Ying.
He lives in a cottage by the sea in the vicinity of the Yuun household."
The imperial doctor says to General Yami.
"His highness only has three weeks to live, so you best hurry."

General Yami nods and turned to Bochan.
"Take care of them both Bochan."

Bochan nods.
"I will."
General Yami left the room, him heading towards the horse stables, and taking the reigns of his horse, him hopping on his steed, and heads to where he must retrieve the Azlan Flower for to cure the Crown Prince of his poison.

"Find who poisoned the Crown Prince and flog them!"
Bochan yelled at the guards.
"Look for the servant with lavender hair!"

"Yes Master Bochan!"
The guards salute Bochan.


To be continued....

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