19.Healing through Love

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Annika remained silent but tears didn't stop flowing from her eyes. Shivaay was shocked at what had happened a few minutes ago. The rescue team picked up the boy's body and took him away.Annika was lying there on the ground.

Doctor: You are very lucky girl...I don't know how it happened...but you are not poisoned as much as the others are...It maybe because they made you wear that poisoning watch over the band of cloth that you have flaunted as a bracelet...

When the doctor saw no response from Annika, he left from that place.

Annika: Samz...

Shivaay: Annika?

Annika: Samz...made me wear that watch over a piece of cloth...It was her band...I could have saved the boy...I could have made him wear that band...

Shivaay: No Annika...

Annika: It's all my fault...I should have been careful...I feel guilty

Shivaay sat near Annika and caressed her hair.

Annika: I am bad...I shouldn't live...I should die...Samz gave up her life for me...

Annika had tears in her eyes and was looking at the sky.

Shivaay: Who is Samz Annika?

Annika: My supporter,my friend,my companion...my guardian angel,my Aunty, my savior...and

Shivaay: And?

Annika: And the Defence Minister of India...the national hero...who saved us...I am a coward who couldn't even save anyone...Three people sacrificed their life for me...Samz,the boy and his dad

Suddenly,Annika started breathing heavily.

Shivaay: Annika calm down...listen to me...look at me

Annika looked at Shivaay.

Shivaay: Annika you are a hero...You survived in this incident...And about that boy, you have help his mother...if you break down like this then how are you going to...and moreover...

Annika: I am a murderer...I killed two terrorists...I should be hanged...

Shivaay: Fhut the wuck! 

Annika: I should be in jail...

Shivaay: Out of 3 you killed 2? Who told you show your "Jhansi ki rani" version there? You know how worried I was seeing you in this condition? (he said angrily)

Annika: I am doomed Shivaay...

Shivaay: No Annika you are not...you are the most precious thing that has happened to me


Shivaay: I thought I lost you...Now I will never leave you alone...you will always stay with me

Annika: No Shivaay...Pinky Aunty was right...I am a bad-omen...so many people died because of me...Samz...the boy and his father... I want to see Samz Shivaay

Shivaay: Your Samz is a national personality...she has been taken away to our country...the leaders of the country would pay her a tribute...I never knew your Samz is the Defence Minister of India

Annika:Hmm...she deserves better than this...she shouldn't have left me alone...I am lonely once again...Again,I proved to be a bad-omen for people

Shivaay: Wait a second...why did you say that...mom...told you are a bad-omen...please forget all her words...I know you won't be able to forgive her...but don't take it to your heart...stop bothering yourself

Annika: Shivaay please go away from me...

Shivaay: No...you are coming with me in my private jet...

Annika: Private jet? NO...You won't go Shivaay...please don't go (she panicked)

Shivaay tried to soothe her and calm her down.

Shivaay: Annika don't you want to return to India? Don't you want to meet Sahil...meet the brave boy's family,his mother...Omru...our family...Samar...Ragini...Tia?

Annika: No...I don't want to have another flight...what if this time...they attack you...it all started because of me...No I can't risk your life...You will stay here...No You won't go...

Annika was breathing heaving.Her health conditions were worsening.

Seeing her in such a miserable state,Shivaay hugged her.

Shivaay: Okay Annika...I won't go anywhere...

Annika: Ouch!

She held her injured shoulder with her uninjured shoulder.

Shivaay: Sorry...Annika...trust me...I won't let anything happen to you...My private jet is safe

Annika:Shivaay I don't trust you...because you would risk your life for me anytime...and I can't let that happen...I can't lose you once again...for me...I would not be able to handle it...I can't lose one more person who is very close to my heart

Shivaay: Annika...before its too late...I want to confess something to you...I love you and dare you take those words " leave" or "lose" once again...I will not leave you then

Annika: Shivaay...you are late...you confessed your feelings after so many days and then also you didn't say it the way I wanted you to say...it was such a Hollywood proposal

Shivaay: Annika you will never change...Here I am concentrating how to convince my love and take her back home...and you are thinking about your dream proposal...Are you planning to stay as a refugee in Oman? And how is that I am late? You are late...you didn't reply

Annika: Late because I proposed you first...

Shivaay: How?

Annika: You remember the day...when we followed Om and in that stormy day...when you had lost your consciousness I had done that at that time...

Shivaay: What? And what had you done at that time? Have you already kissed me?

Annika: CC version here also...I had said three four words only...nothing else...

Shivaay: Which three words? " I lost you"? (Shivaay asked innocently)

Annika: No no ... I love you

She stopped realising what she had said.

Shivaay smirked.

Shivaay: At least you admitted...though I missed it the first time when you said those words...never mind you missed the first time too...I said them when you were unconscious.

Annika: Hmm...but the situation is almost same 

Shivaay: Except the role reversal part...

Annika: I needed to experience that...

Shivaay:  Sorry for not proposing the way you had said or dreamt

Annika: You know this would have been the most adventurous confession...I am lying down here in some foreign country...you have come here in your private jet...I have been shot...and you are there with me...I am resting here in this land whereas you are just taking care of me...lovingly

Shivaay: I am sorry Annika...I was not there with you when...you needed me

Annika: Shivaay...I didn't need you at that time as there were few people who take care of me at that time ,all those who sacrificed their life only for me

Shivaay: Ya...why would you need me?

Annika: Nothing like that Shiv...it's just that someone needed to be here to console me in this situation and bring me out of the trauma that I was undergoing a few minutes back...and no one better than you...your love healed me...

Shivaay: So my hero...are you coming with me now?

Annika: Please Shivaay no flight...

Shivaay: I am not taking you in my private jet...we will be going by our private ship...I hope you don't have any problem with that...And it has a license...

Annika: How can I have problem with the water medium...That's what saves me every time...today when the plane landed and also when you get highly annoyed

Shivaay smiled.

Shivaay: Annika I am thinking...we can...anyways I will tell you later.


Thanks :)

To be continued 

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